Sunday, November 2, 2008

Last Days Believers - Who’s Really In Charge? (notes)

Last Days Believers - Who’s Really In Charge?

Jesus Is

  • The Commander of the rulers of the earth.

Revelation 1:4 New Believers Bible

Jesus Is The One

  • In charge of every government, every nation, every kingdom-both spiritual and natural.
  • In charge of the armies of heaven-who control the armies of the earth.

Great Revelation

Was given to a pagan king in a pagan kingdom thousands of years ago.

Truths To Look At Today

The Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone He wishes and sets over them the lowliest of men.

Daniel 4:17

Kingdom Truths

  • He arranges Kingdom affairs however He wishes, and makes leaders out of losers.
  • His dominion is an eternal dominion, His Kingdom endures from generation to generation.

Kingdom Truths

  • All peoples of the earth are regarded as nothing. He does as He pleases with the powers of heaven and the peoples of the earth.
  • No one can call His rule into question!


  • The angels announce what the King of kings decrees. The court of heaven makes the decision and the angels of God enforce the law of God on the earth.

The Church

Is the enforcer of the Kingdom of Heaven on the earth and the Holy Spirit has anointed us to take dominion in the affairs of men.

Ephesians 6:12

We do not fight against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

There Are Four Levels of fallen angels that the church must defeat in prayer:

  1. Principalities.
  2. Authorities of the unseen world.
  3. Mighty powers of this dark world.
  4. Evil spirits in the heavenly places.

The Promise

  1. Jesus will build His Church.
  2. The powers of the infernal region shall not overpower it.
  3. We have complete and free access to God’s Kingdom.
  4. We have keys to open any and every door: no more barriers between heaven and earth.

Who Is Really In-charge of the world?

  • God is and His church is seated with Christ in heavenly places above all power and authority.

Eph. 1:19-23

There Are Four Levels in the spirit realm that we are to engage.

  1. Strategic level spiritual warfare. Dan. 10:12-21
  2. The thinking-world view of the culture. II Cor. 10:3-5
  3. The religious spirits that hinder the Gospel from spreading.
  4. The demons people face in every day situations.

Points To Ponder

  • Revival always comes from the Lord when there is a season of repentance. When we see our condition and the attitude of the church we can come to no other conclusion. America needs revival!

We Defeat The Enemy through prayer, fasting, repentance, humility, evangelism and ministry to the hurting.

God Is Calling

  • Christians to prayer, fasting, repentance, sorrow over our sin as a nation.
  • If we heed the call God will hear, God will forgive, God will heal our nation.

This Is God’s Time

  • So lets press into God like never before and expect the greatest move of God in history.

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