Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Helper - Vision vs. Dream (notes)

The Helper - Vision vs. Dream

Joel 2:28

And afterward, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. 29 Even on My servants, both men and women, I will pour out My Spirit in those days.

Son Life’s Vision is to reach the lost hurting people in this area with the Good News of Jesus and to see them grow into strong followers of the Lord and His Word.

As We Prepare to enter a new season as a church let’s prepare ourselves for a great outpouring of the Spirit followed by supernatural visions and dreams. Prophecy will be very accurate and very powerful in our lives as God begins to reveal what He will do in our future and the future of the planet.

James Ryle

  • Told us when he spoke here that the difference between a vision and a dream is that when we dream we are asleep.
  • I recommend His Book “A Dream Come True.”
  • God is speaking through pictures in our minds-either when we are sleeping or awake.

I Believe there is a difference between visions and dreams.

With vision I can see where I am going while with a dream I know where I am going.


There is a difference between visions and dreams

  1. With vision I see the path in front of me. Vision gives guidance. Vision gives one a sense of direction.
  2. With a dream I see the end of the journey. A dream gives assurance. A dream gives one a sense of purpose.


  • With Vision see things that people without vision cannot see.
  • With a dream lead others to embrace their dream to the point that it becomes their dream also. This is what leadership does.

Everyone needs visions and dreams they can believe in for when life is hard. Vision gives us the stamina to overcome hard times.

Young People see visions because it is a characteristic of youth. Young people are visionary and when they come to Jesus the Holy Spirit gives them the ability to dream for their future.

As A 20 Year Old I was given a dream to establish a church that would reach the un-churched. Then God brought a young woman into my life, who joined her dream with me and now for over 30 years we have seen many un-churched people come to know Jesus as their Savior.

The Helper - Vision vs. Dream

The Helper - Vision vs. Dream this message was given on 12-26-10

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Helper - The Messiah (notes)

The Helper - The Messiah

John 16:8-15

The Spirit will come and show the people of this world the truth about sin and God’s justice and the judgment. The Spirit will show them that they are wrong about sin, because they didn’t have faith in Me. They are wrong about God’s justice, because I am going to the Father, and you won’t see Me again. And they are wrong about the judgment, because God has already judged the ruler of this world.

The Holy Spirit shows what is true and will come and guide you into the full truth. The Spirit doesn’t speak on His own. He will tell you only what He has heard from Me, and He will let you know what is going to happen. The Spirit will bring glory to Me by taking My message and telling it to you.

Why Did Jesus Come?

  • To destroy the works of the devil. Sin is behind all the evil in the world and it was the devil who introduced sin to man.
  • Part of works of the devil is sickness. Part of the works of the devil is sin and sin is the result of believing the lies of the devil.

People Who do not believe in sin don’t believe in sin because they do not have faith in who Jesus is. Jesus is God, the Savior of the world and the coming King. Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, was executed without sin, rose from the dead, ascended to heaven and sent the Holy Spirit.

The Works

  • Of the devil is sin and what sin does. Because of sin there is sickness, death, immorality, poverty, sorrow, pain, strife and misery.
  • The root of all suffering in the world is sin. When we sin or when someone sins against us. Anyone who does right is good, just like Christ. Anyone who keeps on sinning belongs to the devil, he has sinned from the beginning but the Son of God came to destroy all that he has done.


  1. A life of habitual sin demonstrates who people belong to--the devil.
  2. Whoever does right does it because he is good.
  3. Jesus came to destroy sin. Sin produces separation from God, sickness, and misery.
  4. God’s children cannot keep on being sinful. It is no longer our nature to sin because we are new creations.
  5. You can tell God’s children from the Devil’s because those who belong to the devil refuse to do right.

At Christmas Time

  • We remember that Jesus was born but in our culture we don’t know why He was born. The birth of Jesus is the greatest demonstration of God’s love for humanity.
  • “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.”

John 3:16

The Reason

  • For Christmas is to look at Jesus and why He was born.
  • He was born so people could be born again. He came to die that we might live forever.
  • Jesus came as a child, grew up and astonished the world by the miracles and the His teaching.

Jesus established the church to continue the work of destroying the works of the devil. Setting the captives free, healing the sick, and preaching the Good News of the Kingdom of God.

During This Christmas Season

  • It is our job to do the works of Jesus.
  • Destroy the works of the devil.
  • Help the needy to see Jesus in us.
  • Love each other.
  • Proclaim the Gospel to this generation.

The Helper - The Messiah

The Helper - The Messiah this message was given on 12-19-10

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Helper - The Spirit of Intercession (notes)

The Helper - The Spirit of Intercession

Romans 8:26-27

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And He who searches out hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

The Holy Spirit

  • Helps us in our time of need. The role of the Holy Spirit is to come along our side and help us in every situation. He helps us in our weakness. As humans we are weak but He is strong and able to help us in every situation.
  • Says to be strong in the Lord. So our power to overcome anything evil is in the Lord and the power of His might.

We Do Not Know What We Ought To Pray For

  • We don’t know the way to pray for situations because we are limited in understanding but God knows all things. So when we pray in the Spirit He comes along our side to help us pray in line with the will of God.
  • We lack understanding, wisdom and power to pray so the Spirit helps us to know.

When I Don’t Know

  • How to pray I pray in the Spirit and the Holy Spirit takes my prayer and through intercession presents it the way it needs to be presented.
  • What words to use I use spiritual language (tongues) that the Holy Spirit understands.

Romans 8:26 (The Message)

Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition , and keeps us present before God. That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.


  • Means to intervene on behalf of another. This is what the Holy Spirit does for believers. He comes along our side and helps us to pray in a way that takes our experience and presents it before God in a way that is right.
  • Sometimes the Holy Spirit intercedes for us in a situation. We might be going through a hard time and as we pray in the Spirit we find ourselves rising above the situation and we see things from heaven’s perspective.

The Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groanings to deep for utterance. Groaning is what the Holy Spirit does in the human spirit when someone is in a difficult time. It could be someone we know or don’t know or you. Groaning is travail in the Spirit, when we feel the heart of God for a situation, person or place.

When The Spirit prays through us we are praying in line with the heart of God. Intercession is what Paul is talking about. The Holy Spirit intercedes through the person praying in the Spirit. I could be praying for someone or myself.

No One Can Put Into Words

  • All the pain in the world at any given moment, so in intercession, the Spirit gives us a language to help us offer prayers in a way that is God like.
  • The great privilege it is to be able to talk with the Almighty Supreme Ruler of the universe.

It Is A Great Honor to be able to communicate with the one who created the galaxies with His Word. The Holy Spirit monitors every baby who cries on the planet, every woman who cries for a lost child, every man who can not make enough money to provide for his family.

The Helper - The Spirit of Intercession

The Helper - The Spirit of Intercession this message was given on 12-12-10

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Helper - The Spirit of Truth (notes)

The Helper - The Spirit of Truth

1 Corinthians 2:9-16

  • No eye has seen, no ear has heard no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him but God has revealed it to us by His Spirit.
  • The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. God has deep things, mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven that the Holy Spirit can reveal to us.

1 Corinthians 2

  • For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man’s spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.
  • The Holy Spirit knows our thoughts, communicated to our spirit man.
  • The Holy Spirit knows the thoughts of God and can reveal them to the church.

We Have Not…

  • Received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us. (1 Cor. 2:12)
  • Remember that the spirit of the world is an anti-Christ spirit so we have not received that spirit but the Holy Spirit.

This Is What We Speak:

Not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words. (1 Cor. 2:13)

When we speak, we speak words taught to us by the Holy Spirit, communicating spiritual truths with spiritual words. Not religious words but spiritual words.

The Man Without The Spirit

  • Does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Cor. 2:14)
  • Does not accept the things that come from the Holy Spirit. The man without the Spirit does not get revelation--it is foolishness to him.

The Spiritual Man

  • Makes judgment about all things, but he himself is not subject to any man’s judgment’.
  • The Holy Spirit can be known only by spirit. When a man is spiritual he can judge all matters but he is not subject to man’s judgment.

For Who Has Known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. What is the mind of Christ?

  1. It is the ability to think like Jesus.
  2. It is not thinking according to what we experience in this world.
  3. It is not being controlled by our emotions or carnal thoughts but by the Holy Spirit.

What Is Truth?

  • The quality or state of being true, that which is true in accordance with fact or reality.
  • God is truth, His Word is truth.
  • Jesus said, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

The Kingdom of Heaven is our reality not this world. Everything else must come under His authority and that authority is based on the veracity of the Word of God.

There are various levels of authority:

  1. Imperial or supreme.
  2. Veracious or truth.
  3. Conscience or human conscience.


  • Is the conformity of facts; accuracy.
  • Habitual truthfulness.
  • There is no greater accuracy than what God says in His Word.

The Secrets of The Kingdom of Heaven

God is.

When Moses saw the burning bush and God spoke to Him.

Moses asked, when they ask me what is His name God tells Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.”

The Spirit of truth is the Spirit of Jesus.

The Helper - The Spirit of Truth

The Helper - The Spirit of Truth this message was given on 12-5-10

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Helper - Outpouring of Truth (notes)

The Helper - Outpouring of Truth

Acts 1:6-8

  • The disciples of Jesus asked;
  • Lord, are You at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?
  • Jesus answers, it is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by His own authority.
  • But you will receiver power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be My witnesses…

In Acts 2 Jesus fulfills this prophecy by pouring out His Spirit upon the 120 believers who were in one accord in the upper room.

When God Restores The Kingdom To Israel it is His Business Not Ours

  • For almost 2,000 years the church has been arguing about this and it has not done any good but divided the church.
  • Jesus will return at the perfect time but all I know is that right before He does, the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit will take place.

Acts talks about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon humanity. Some scholars say that the last days include the church age, which is about 2,000 years.

  • So revival has been happening over and over since the day of Pentecost.
  • Acts is the model for the move of God.

Right Before The restoration of the Kingdom of God the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit will take place. Right before major events happen in Israel, an outpouring of the Holy Spirit will take place.

Every Outpouring

  • Gives the church power to reproduce.
  • In Acts 6 we find this principle. The disciples made a commitment to the Word of God and to payer and this caused the disciples to multiply greatly, even a great number of priests were converted.

Acts 6:1-7

What Causes Multiplication of Disciples?

  • Those who become committed followers of the Word.
  • When the leadership dedicates themselves to prayer and to the teaching of the Word of God.
  • This brings revelation (which is truth) to the church and truth brings liberty.

Liberating Truth

  • Comes by the Holy Spirit; the spirit of wisdom and revelation.
  • God’s wisdom is needed today.

Proverbs 1:1-7

The Starting Point In obtaining wisdom and understanding is the fear of the Lord.

  • A reverential attitude towards the Lord is the foundation to a life of wisdom.
  • Wisdom is having quality experience, quality knowledge, and good judgment. It is the soundness of an action or decision with regard to the application of such experience, knowledge and good judgment.

How Do We Get Wisdom To The Secrets of The Kingdom of Heaven?

  • Through discipline.
  • It is like mining for gold or precious stones.
  • The more we get into the Word of God the greater insights into the Kingdom of Heaven we will be given.

The Secrets of…

  • The Kingdom of Heaven are for this life.
  • God will help us to walk in wisdom when we are challenged to believe what God has promised to us.
  • God are poured out in every outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

The Helper - Outpouring of Truth

The Helper - Outpouring of Truth this message was given on 11-28-10

The Helper - Fire Baptism (notes)

The Helper - Fire Baptism

Acts 2:1-4

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house.

A Breakthrough is a sudden, dramatic and important discovery or development. A significant and dramatic overcoming of a perceived obstacle, allowing the completion of a process.

In Acts we find the birth of the church. 50 days after Jesus died He sent the Holy Spirit.

  1. A sound from heaven.
  2. Heaven filled the whole house.
  3. They saw tongues like fire.
  4. All them are filled with the Spirit.
  5. Began to speak with tongues.

There Are obstacles in the spiritual realm over geographical areas that need a breakthrough so God can come and move with great power and see heaven invade earth.

When God Shows Up:

  • Nothing can stop Him.
  • Everything changes.
  • People are transformed.
  • Heaven invades earth.
  • The battle is over.
  • Miracles become common for the people of God.

On The Day of Pentecost Jesus Birthed His Church

  1. The gates of hell can not stop it.
  2. The church is sent into the whole world to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom.
  3. The church is empowered with the Holy fire so it can burn until the return of Jesus Christ for His church.

In The Book of Acts

  • We find a sudden, dramatic and important discovery of God’s power.
  • We find God invading the planet with His presence to change the world.


  • Gave a prophecy about Jesus Christ. He said, I baptize you water, but one is coming after me, Whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
  • Was the spokesman chosen by heaven who would prepare the way of the Lord Jesus Christ.

John Said:

  • Jesus is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
  • A man who comes after me has surpassed me because He was before me.
  • I came baptizing with water that He might be revealed to Israel.
  • He saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on Him.
  • The Man on whom you see the Spirit come down & remain is the One who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.

The Birth of the Church is the model for every move of God in history. In every revival we see manifestations of the Holy Spirit. The greatest manifestation of God is the baptism in the Holy Spirit accompanied by speaking in tongues. In the last revival tongues is going to take on a whole new role in the church.

Joel Talked

  • About a great world wide outpouring in which visions, dreams, prophecy and manifestations in nature would be the norm.
  • I believe we have entered that time. The greatest outpouring of the Spirit is happening right now, let’s not miss it, let’s embrace it.
  • We are blessed to be alive during this time, let’s move with God.

In Every Revival

  • Manifestations have caused controversy.
  • In Toronto, people came from all over the world and much was said about the manifestations.
  • The Quakers got their name because they would quake under the power of God.
  • Jonathan Edwards preached and people would scream.

The Helper - Fire Baptism

The Helper - Fire Baptism this message was given on 11-21-10

The Helper - Levels of Breakthrough (notes)

The Helper - Levels of Breakthrough

Acts 15:3

After they were sent off and on their way, they told everyone they met as they traveled through Phoenicia and Samaria about the breakthrough to the non-Jewish outsiders. Everyone who heard the news cheered it was terrific news.

A Breakthrough is a sudden, dramatic and important discovery or development. A significant and dramatic overcoming of a perceived obstacle, allowing the completion of a process.

In Acts we find a sudden, dramatic and important discovery of God’s power, love and presence. What is the process that breakthrough talks about? The church being the Body (extension) of Jesus Christ, becoming the extension of the kingdom of God on earth. When heaven invades earth.

There Are obstacles in the spiritual realm over geographical areas that need a breakthrough so God can come and move with great power and see heaven invade earth.

Dreams Are The Language of The Holy Spirit

Some of you (us) have had dreams over the years that have a prophetic significance. I do not take dreams lightly. Write them down and bring them to me and lets see what the Holy Spirit is saying to us.

I Believe There Are Three Levels of Breakthrough That Speak To Us:

  1. Signs and wonders and miracles.
  2. Intercession and spiritual warfare.
  3. Economic or financial.

There Are Some Places on earth where the church has broken through and the heavens are open and God’s presence is very tangible.

Signs & Wonders

In order to see signs and wonders we must talk about the fact that it is God’s will to heal and perform miracles today. Every believer has the right to see miracles today. A period of great need is coming to the world and it will take people full of God to see miracles touch the needs of people.

Intercession & Warfare

To see a breakthrough in the area of demonic strongholds here, we must engage in intense prayer. We can all get involved in strategic level spiritual warfare. A period of great oppression will happen before Jesus returns so we must take our authority and drive out evil in this place.


  • To preach the Gospel to the poor we must overcome the spirit of poverty.
  • God is the source of all provision and has the power to give us ability to create wealth to minister to the hurting.
  • What God says about economic breakthrough. Mal. 3:10-12
  • The storehouse of heaven will open for anyone who puts God first in their finances. Deut. 28:1-14

A Breakthrough

  • Is a significant and dramatic overcoming of a perceived obstacle, allowing the completion of a process.
  • There are obstacles in this area that we must overcome in order to see revival.
  • Heaven is invading the planet through the church in places all over the earth right now.

What Can We Apply From What God is Saying To The Church?

  1. We can be assured that God is on His throne and has everything under control.
  2. We can partner with Him by breaking through in the spirit realm to see His dominion invade the planet.
  • Jesus spoke, something happened, because the Word of God constantly flowed from Him. This is evident in the temptation.
  • Jesus responds to satan He said. It is written. Matthew 4:4-10

The Helper - Levels of Breakthrough

The Helper - Levels of Breakthrough this message was given on 11-14-10

***Guest Speaker***

***Guest Speaker, Pastor Dan Gil Spoke Today 11-7-10***

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Helper - Spiritual Breakthrough (notes)

The Helper - Spiritual Breakthrough

In Every Move of God people try to force themselves into God’s Kingdom. To come into a Kingdom relationship with Jesus one must be invited.

Matthew 11:11-14

Where there is no breakthrough in the Heavens it is more difficult for people to get saved!

God Wants His Church to breakthrough in the Heavens so He can pour out His blessings in that area so people can come into the Kingdom.

How We Can Breakthrough in the heavens here so we can see a great harvest?

  1. Intense intercession (Acts 4:31)
  2. The Ministry of the Word (Acts 6:7)

Strongholds need to be removed so we can see spiritual breakthroughs in our community.

II Cor. 10 for though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.

What God Restored To The Church In Past Revivals:

  1. Justification by faith.
  2. Holiness.
  3. Missions.
  4. Pentecost (baptism in the Spirit).
  5. Healing & signs and wonders.
  6. The prophetic.
  7. Worship.


Every revival started because of God and every revival ended because of man.

There Are Some Places on earth where the church has broken through and the heavens are open and God’s presence is very tangible. Example of what Dr. Cho says about South Korea.

The church in S. Korea has broken through the heavens and it is so easy for people to get saved.

Matthew 7:7-11 Explains the nature of God.

  • If we ask Him, He will give to us.
  • If we seek Him, we will find Him.
  • If we knock at His door, He will answer.
  • If we want more of God we will get more of Him.


  • What intense prayer does. It connects us with The One who can give us a breakthrough. The Word tells us to set our affections on things above.
  • Our affections are what drives us, our passions, what we keep focused on and what we constantly think about.
  • If God, revival, or His presence is a priority to me my affections are on things above.

In Heaven

  • There is no sickness, no sin, no sorrow, no depression, no lack, or strife.
  • In heaven there is purity, kindness, love, joy, health, and eternal life.

What The Ministry of The Word Does:

  1. It defines for us the breakthrough, how to move in and get all that God has for us in that breakthrough.
  2. It not only gives revelation on what God is doing but it brings release to the captives. Luke 4:18
  3. Gives Good News to the poor.
  4. Gives freedom for prisoners.
  5. Give recovery of sight to the blind.
  6. Gives release for the oppressed.
  7. Gives the message of jubilee.

Every Time

  • Jesus spoke, something happened because the Word of God constantly flowed from Him. This is evident in the temptation.
  • Jesus responds to satan He said: “It is written.”

Matthew 4:4-10

The Life of Jesus

Is characterized by two major factors:

  1. His intense prayer life
  2. His ministry in the Word of God

This is how we will see the greatest breakthrough in our church, our city and our nation.

The Helper - Spiritual Breakthrough

The Helper - Spiritual Breakthrough this message was given on 10-31-10

The Helper - Spirit of Truth (notes)

The Helper - Spirit of Truth


  1. Jesus said that if He went away He would send the Holy Spirit.
  2. John 16:7 But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.

Jesus Said

  • He would ask the Father.
  • He would give the church another helper.
  • He would be with them forever.
  • The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of truth.
  • The world cannot accept Him because it can’t see Him or don’t know Him.
  • But you know Him, He lives with you and will be in you. (Jn. 14:15-17)
  • When He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking what is mine and making it known to you.
  • The Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you. (Jn. 16:13-14)

The Spirit of Truth

Is the Spirit of wisdom and revelation that shows us our relationship with Jesus and the hope to which He has called us and our inheritance and what we are in Christ according to Ephesians 1:17.

In Matthew 13

  • Jesus said that we could know things by the Spirit of wisdom and revelation.
  • Whoever has revelation will more be given and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.


  • Operated in all the gifts of the Spirit but tongues because the Holy Spirit was upon Him and as a result He was anointed to do the works of God.
  • The Holy Spirit guided Jesus into all truth by the revelation gifts.
  • Picked Nathanael by a word of knowledge. John 1:45-51

When Jesus Talks About The Spirit of truth He was talking about the revelation of the Spirit that comes along side and guides us into the realms of God that man could not know by mere human understanding or worldly wisdom.

It Takes Diligence

  • On our part to be given revelation knowledge by the Spirit of truth.
  • The more I study the Word of God the more revelation I will be given about Jesus and His Word and this life and the life to come.

The Holy Spirit

  • Is the one who gives us the power to represent Jesus on the planet.
  • Was sent on the Day of Pentecost to empower the church for its ministry to the world.
  • Is sent to the church when the church looses its power to restore the power back to the church to touch the world with God’s love.

The Helper - Spirit of Truth

The Helper - Spirit of Truth this message was given on 10-24-10

The Holy Spirit - The Helper (notes)

The Holy Spirit - The Helper

The Holy Spirit

  • Is a person.
  • Is God.
  • Has been on the planet since creation.
  • Is needed for anyone to be saved.
  • Convicts of sin.
  • Empowers the believer for ministry.
  • Monitors all events on the planet.
  • Is omniscient (all knowing).
  • Is omnipresent (everywhere).
  • Is omnipotent (all powerful).
  • Is love.


  1. Jesus said that if He went away He would send the Holy Spirit.
  2. John 16:7 But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.

Jesus Said

  • He would ask the Father.
  • He would give the church another helper.
  • He would be with them forever.
  • The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of truth.
  • The world cannot accept Him because it can’t see Him or know Him.
  • But you know Him; He lives with you and will be in you. (Jn. 14:15-17)
  • He would not leave us as orphans.
  • That He would come to us by the person of the Holy Spirit.

Gen. 1:2

  • Says after creation the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
  • The Holy spirit of God has been on the earth since creation.
  • The Holy Spirit anointed people in the O.T. to do their job.
  • Came upon Mary to conceive Jesus.

The Holy Spirit

  • Anointed Jesus for His ministry.
  • Gave Jesus the ability to teach, preach, drive out demons, heal sickness, to know the thoughts of people.
  • Came upon the 120 in the upper room.
  • Helped the early Christians as they planted churches, wrote the N.T. heal the sick, raised the dead, preached the Gospel in the midst of persecution and demonic opposition.
  • Has been helping believers since the early church until now to shine the light of Jesus by empowering us to be witnesses for Jesus Christ through transformation and signs and wonders.
  • Gives the people of God gifts to minister to hurting people and to build up the church.

The Book of Acts

  • Talks about how Jesus instructed His disciples through the Holy Spirit.
  • Talks about how after Jesus rose from the dead He still spoke by the power of the Holy Spirit. If the risen Lord still relied on the Holy Spirit as He spoke, we must rely on the Holy Spirit to speak and to act today.

The Holy Spirit

  • Will help us to see miracles every day.
  • Will help us to live life in power over evil.
  • Will transform us as He takes the Word of God and renews our minds.
  • Is the one who gives us the power to represent Jesus on the planet.
  • Was sent on the Day of Pentecost to empower the church for its ministry to the world.
  • Is sent to the church when the church looses its power to restore the power back to the church to touch the world with God’s love.

The Holy Spirit - The Helper

The Holy Spirit - The Helper this message was given on 10-17-10

Signs of Revival - Fresh Fire (notes)

Signs of Revival - Fresh Fire


  • Fire is a sign of the glory of God.
  • Moses saw the burning bush and it was the presence of God.
  • The pillar of fire at night was a manifestation of the glory of God.
  • When fire consumed the sacrifice of Elijah this was a sign of God’s approval of Elijah.


  • Have many manifestations but one of the significant ones is fire.
  • Such as the day of Pentecost was manifested by tongues of fire that was seen on the disciples.


  • Was a man of God. Fire accompanied his life. The fire of God is a consuming fire and if we do not allow it to burn off the impurities of our life, it will consume us.
  • Is a model for revival. We want the fire of God to fall here but when it does, it is nothing to play around with.

In Revival God Expects:

  1. Humility.
  2. Generosity.
  3. Servant attitude in the leaders of that move of God.

What God Expects of His People in Revival:

  1. More of our time.
  2. More of our heart.
  3. More of our talents.
  4. More creativity.


  • Should be the highest in the Body of Christ. God is the creator and man is made in His image thus high creativity should be the norm in the church.
  • Is a characteristic of every revival in the church. The world should not have the most creative people?
  • Is being seen in the church right now.

What To Expect in The Current Revival:

  1. Creative miracles
  2. Creative ideas in reaching lost people
  3. Creative forms of worship (Jesus said the traditions of men make God’s ineffective.)

Three Raptures

  • Enoch Gen. 5:22-24
  • Elijah 2 Kings 2:11-12
  • The church before the second coming of Jesus Christ.
  • Characteristics of those who cheated death. Enoch walked in fellowship with God. I believe Elijah did also.


  • In history have been known by the fire of God.
  • Also are known by manifestations such as fire on top of a building, on top of a person or in a place.

Why Did Elijah Visit The Places He Did Before He Is Taken To Heaven?

  • All the locations mentioned were the school of the prophets that Samuel had started.
  • Elijah could have given some final prophetic words to all prophet trainees.

What A Sight This Must Have Been!

  • 50 sons of the prophets stood and watched by the Jordan River.
  • Elijah takes his mantel and wrapped it together and smote the waters of the Jordan River and the river split in the middle and they walked across on dry ground.
  • Elijah asked Elisha what he wanted before his departure. Elisha asked for a double portion of the anointing of Elijah.

This Was No Easy Thing

  • But if Elisha sees Elijah depart it would be done.
  • As the two were walking a chariot of fire appeared with horses of fire and Elijah is taken to heaven by a whirlwind.

Elisha cries out, “My father! My father! The chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof!”

  • He ripped his robe.
  • Took Elijah’s mantle that fell on him and he smote the water of the Jordan and the river opened up and Elisha walked across.
  • Elisha performed twice as many miracles as Elijah in his ministry.

Signs of Revival - Fresh Fire

Signs of Revival - Fresh Fire this message was given on 10-10-10

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Signs of Revival - The Fire of God (notes)

Signs of Revival - The Fire of God


  • Fire is a sign of the glory of God.
  • Moses saw the burning bush and it was the presence of God.
  • The pillar of fire at night was a manifestation of the glory of God.
  • When fire consumed the sacrifice of Elijah this was a sign of God’s approval of Elijah.


  • Have many manifestations but one of the significant ones is fire.
  • Such as the day of Pentecost was manifested by tongues of fire that was seen on the disciples.


  • Became king after Ahab’s death.
  • Did evil in the eyes of the Lord.
  • Served and worshiped Baal and provoked the Lord to anger just as his father had done.
  • Fell through the lattice of his upper room and injured himself.
  • Sends messengers to consult Baal-Zebub, the god Ekron, to see if he would recover from his injury.
  • But the angel of the Lord tells Elijah to go and intercept the king’s messengers and ask them, Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are going off to consult Baal-Zebub.
  • This is what the Lord says. You will not leave the bed you are lying on. You will certainly die!
  • They go back to the king and tell him what Elijah said.
  • Sends a captain and 50 men with a message for Elijah. Come down.
  • Elijah was on top of a hill. Elijah responds. If I am a man of God, may fire come down from heaven and consume you and your men.
  • Fire falls and wipes the men out.
  • Send 51 more men and they experience the same fate as the first group.

A Third Group

  • Of 51 men go but this time the captain falls on his knees before Elijah and says, Man of God, please have respect for my life and the lives of these fifty men your servants. He recalls what happened to the first two groups.
  • The angel of the Lord tells Elijah, Go down with him, do not be afraid of him. So Elijah went with him.

When There Is

  • A void of the presence of God in the leadership of a nation they will go to the wrong source to get advice.
  • If the nation has a history with God this will always cause God to judge that leader or nation.

Let’s Look At Fire

  • Fire is a sign of the presence of God.
  • Elijah experienced the fire of God on several occasions.
  • Fire is also a sign of God’s approval on a person or nation. In this case God was saying, Elijah is my man and I approve of his ministry.


  • In history have been known by the fire of God.
  • Also are known by manifestations such as fire on top of a building, on top of a person or in a place.
  • Are threatening because people are not accustomed to change. We like things to be predictable. We get into ruts and we need God to get us out.
  • Show us how big God is; so God will take us through the Word and reveal Himself to us in many wonderful ways.
  • Are demonstrations of God’s love and so we get a whole new picture of God. We see how much He loves people and how miracles are demonstrations of His love.

What The Fire of God Does:

  • It purifies the people of God.
  • It is a manifestation of the love (passion) of God for people.
  • It shows the World the wonder and might of God.
  • It talks about the holiness of God.

When Ezekiel Saw

  • The vision of God, God looked like He was on fire.
  • When John saw Jesus on the Island of Patmos His eyes looked like pools of fire.
  • Moses saw the finger of God writing on the tablets of stone the law and it looked like fire writing on stone.

I Want To See

  • The fire of God on us as a people.
  • The fire of God on my children and their children.
  • The fire of God on our nation once again.
  • The fire of God in the market place.

Signs of Revival - The Fire of God

Signs of Revival - The Fire of God this message was given on 10-3-10

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Signs of Revival - Am I Hungry For God? (notes)

Signs of Revival - Am I Hungry For God?

Elijah Is God’s prototype of a seer, a man of faith and power and miracles. A man of integrity and strength.

Elijah Predicted the dead of Ahab and Jezebel.

  • I Kings 21:17-23
  • And It was fulfilled in I Kings 22:29-38 and II Kings 9:31-36
  • Ahab and Jezebel are both killed as predicted by Elijah.


  • Is calling His people to turn to Him and turn away from the evil in the world.
  • Will raise up prophets to speak into the culture.

2 Chronicles 7:12-18


  • Tells us how God calls man, man turns to God, God blesses man, man turns away from God, God takes away His hand of blessing and man sees the results-destruction, man turns back to God and God forgives and blesses man.
  • Is all about the Goodness of God and the sinfulness and propensity of man to sin.

What Is God Saying

  • To us today about revival and the prophetic?
  • Not all prophecies are negative, not all are positive.
  • It all depends on where the people of God are at the time in that place. If people are pressing into God & desiring to do what God says God might give a word of encouragement. Or God’s people are lukewarm, indifferent or complacent, and then God could admonish us to repent, turn from waywardness & turn back to God.

Example of Revelation

  • The Lord tells the church to turn back to your First love. No time to waste, for I’m well on my way to removing your light from the golden circle.
  • Are your ears awake? Listen, listen to the wind words, the Spirit blowing through the churches.
  • This is talking about revival. The Wind of the Spirit is always blowing. He is just looking for a people who are hungry for Him & will welcome Him.

Some Bible Teachers

  • Say that the seven churches in Revelation are pictures of the church in every age of history.
  • Others say that each church is a period of time in church history.
  • Whatever we believe, when we get off track God sends someone to admonish us to get with it. When we are on track God will speak to us to continue on the path, seek Him & we will prosper.

Matthew 7:7-11

  • Explains the nature of God.
  • If we ask Him, He will give to us.
  • If we seek Him, we will find Him.
  • If we knock at His door, He will answer.
  • If we want more of God we will get more of Him.


  • If we ask God for more of Him, His Spirit or His power He will not give us something evil, hurtful or demonic.
  • If I want more of God I will get more, if I am apathetic, I will loose out or miss revival.

Am I Hungry For God?

It will be seen in my attitude, my passion, my desire to really know Him intimately.

Signs of Revival - Am I Hungry For God?

Signs of Revival - Am I Hungry For God? this message was given on 9-26-10

Signs of Revival - God Has The Final Word (notes)

Signs of Revival - God Has The Final Word

Elijah Is God’s prototype of a seer, a man of faith and power and miracles; a man of integrity and strength.

God Desires Us To experience everything He has in store for us today.

I don’t want to get to heaven and discover that God had so much more for me than experienced in this life.

We Need To Be Like Elijah and not back down from any opportunity to display to the world the power of God.

Romans 1:16

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation of everyone who believe.

Elijah Finds Elisha a farmer plowing a field with twelve yoke of oxen. Elisha slaughters oxen and used the plowing equipment to make a fire and cooked the meat and gave it to the people and they ate. He became the prophet’s attendant.

There Was Never A Man Like Ahab

  • Who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord, urged on by Jezebel his wife. He behaved in the vilest manner by going after idols, like the Amorites the Lord drove out before Israel.
  • A man who owned a vineyard named Naboth and Ahab wanted his vineyard. Ahab had the man killed and took his vineyard.


  • Predicts the death of Ahab and Jezebel. The prophecies come to pass because God can not be mocked. Whatever man plants he will reap and when a man like Ahab has Naboth killed that is the last straw and God says enough.
  • Obeyed God and pronounced the verdict God has pronounced.


  • Is the most merciful being in the universe.
  • Is the most loving being there is.
  • Comes to a point when people cross the line and He pronounces His decision.
  • Will put up with many things from people but when He says enough, we better yield to Him, turn away from sin, submit under His discipline and ask for mercy.

Loving The World

  • Is something God commands us not to do.
  • I John 2:15 No not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father in not in him. For everything in the world--the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and boasting of what he has and does comes not from the Father but from the world.

What Is The World?

Kosmos; the system of the world that is anti God. The system that satan promotes and exists independent of God. This includes not only the immoral and sinful pleasures of the world but the spirit of rebellion against or indifference to God and His revelation that exists within all human enterprises not under Christ’s Lordship.

In This Age Satan uses the world’s ideas, morality, philosophies, psychology, desires, governments, culture, education, science, art, medicine, economic systems, entertainment, media, religion, sports, agriculture, etc. to oppose God, His people and His Word.

For Example

Satan uses the medical profession to promote the killing of unborn children. Agriculture to produce life-destroying drugs such as alcohol, and narcotics, educational system to promote ungodly and humanistic philosophy, and the entertainment industry to destroy Godly standards in society.

Three Areas That We Must Overcome:

  1. The cravings of sinful man.
  2. The lust of his eyes.
  3. The boasting of what he has and does.

Signs of Revival - God Has The Final Word

Signs of Revival - God Has The Final Word this message was given on 9-19-10

Signs of Revival - Faith vs. Fear (notes)

Signs of Revival - Faith vs. Fear

Elijah is God’s prototype of a seer, a man of faith and power and miracles; a man of integrity and strength, yet fears for his life and runs away from Jezebel.

God Desires Us to experience everything He has in store for us today. I don’t want to get to heaven and discover that God had so much more for me than I experienced in this life.

Events in I Kings 19

  1. Jezebel sent a message to Elijah that he was as good as dead.
  2. Elijah (the man of faith & power) was afraid and ran for his life.
  3. He arrives at Beersheba in Judah and leaves his servant there.
  4. Elijah goes into the desert about a day’s journey.
  5. Finds a broom tree and sat down under it and prayed that he might die. I have had enough, Lord, Take my life.
  6. Elijah falls asleep.
  7. God sends an angel to help the prophet.
  8. The angel prepares a meal for Elijah.
  9. The angel gives him a jar of water (I believe it was living water).
  10. Elijah eats and drinks and lies down again.
  11. The angel comes back again and touched Elijah and told him to get up for the long journey.
  12. Elijah goes without food for 40 days.
  13. Reached the mountain of God.
  14. Elijah spends the night in a cave.
  15. God asked Elijah what he was doing there.
  16. He replied, "I have been very zealous for the LORD God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, broken down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too."
  17. God responds, Go stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord was about to pass by.
  18. Three signs; a great wind that tore the mountains apart, an earthquake, a great fire. God wasn’t in any of those events.
  19. A gentle whisper.
  20. Elijah puts his cloak over his face as he stood in the entrance of the cave. God speaks again. Why are you here?

Elijah Ends Up in Beersheba in Judah. He goes to the desert and sits under a broom tree and talks with God.

What is God saying to us today?

  1. Fear is one of our greatest enemies.
  2. Faith is demolishes fear.

What Fear Does

  • It is a weapon that our adversary uses to stop us from our purpose.
  • Is a tool the enemy uses to keep us from our destiny.
  • It is designed to get us to look.


  • Is what God used to create the universe.
  • Is what opened the door for people to be healed in the ministry of Jesus Christ.
  • Is what caused Elijah to see the miracles in his life.
  • Is what Jesus saw when the woman with the issue of blood is healed.
  • Is what Jesus saw in the centurion whose servant is healed.


  • Walked with God and talked with God, and when there was an impossible situation Elijah believed God and God came through each time.
  • Was a man of faith who also had to overcome fear in his life.
  • Is an example for us today.


  • Will help us overcome our great enemy, fear so we can see great victories in our lives like Elijah saw in His.
  • Is calling people of faith all over the world in this hour to conquer every fear, every dart of the devil.
  • Is here right now to help us to be overcomers in Jesus’ name!

Signs of Revival - Faith vs. Fear

Signs of Revival - Faith vs. Fear this message was given on 9-12-10

Sunday, September 5, 2010

***Guest Speaker***

***Guest Speaker, Pastor Dan Gil Spoke Today 9-5-10***

Monday, August 30, 2010

Signs of Revival - Latter Rain Outpouring (notes)

Signs of Revival - Latter Rain Outpouring

Elijah Tells King Ahab “Go eat and drink, for there is the sound of a heavy rain.” Rain is symbolic of an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The former and latter rains are types of God’s outpouring.

Joel 2 talks about an outpouring of the Spirit upon all mankind.

God Desires Us To experience everything He has in store for us today. I don’t want to get to heaven and discover that God had so much more for me than experienced in this life.

We Need To Be Like Elijah and not back down from any opportunity to display to the world the power of God.

Romans 1:16

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation of everyone who believe:

What Gospel Do You Believe?

  • Galatians 1:6-12
  • A Gospel of only salvation for the soul or a Gospel of salvation for the soul and healing for the total man. Spirit, soul and body.
  • Even if an angel from heaven preaches any other gospel than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

What Was the Gospel That Paul preached and practiced?

  • Everywhere Paul went people were saved, healed and set free from the power of the devil.
  • He said the Gospel is the power of God. A powerless Gospel is a false Gospel. A gospel that denies the power of God over the works of darkness was not what Jesus preached!

The Thorn In The Flesh that Paul talked about was not sickness.

  • It was a demon who would bring torment and persecution to the ministry of Paul.
  • We must reject any message that says sickness is God’s will for his children. If we would do that to our children we would be arrested by a fallen system for child abuse.


  • Does not need to revert to a result of the fall to teach the redeemed a lesson.
  • Does not need to make us sick to teach us how much he loves us.
  • Loves to heal and restore his children and make us whole.
  • Loves to heal cancer, heart disease, diabetes, back injuries, allergies, depression and any addiction.


  • Walked with God and talked with God, and when there was an impossible situation Elijah believed God and God came through each time.
  • Was a man of prayer and a man of faith.
  • Saw God answer with fire.

God Is

  • Love
  • Holy
  • Compassionate
  • A miracle worker
  • Kind
  • Generous

The Scribes And Pharisees missed the greatest revelation of God’s love in Jesus Christ because they were satisfied with their training, their position, and their place in Jewish society.

  • God has truth that the church has lost that revival reveals. God is good, God loves to heal and set captives free.

Go And Check Seven times if you see anything.

  • What is the prophetic significance here?
  • Revival might tarry but when time and destiny meet (Kiros) things happen. Some are saying that we need a new reformation.
  • When it comes to praying for revival we must be diligent and not give up until we see the rain.
  • I smell the fragrance of rain. Revival is occurring in different parts of the world.

Verses On Rain

  • Deuteronomy 11:14 There is a season for revival.
  • Proverbs 16:15 Revival leads to intimate worship
  • Jeremiah 5:24 The last revival will combine all the blessings of previous revivals.
  • Hosea 6:3 God comes like the rain and as refreshing as spring rain which refreshes the ground.

Signs of Revival - Latter Rain Outpouring

Signs of Revival - Latter Rain Outpouring this message was given on 8-29-10

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Signs of Revival - A Power Encounter (notes)

Signs of Revival - A Power Encounter

Let’s Go From believing in the miracle of fire coming down from Heaven on mount Carmel to believing that God can do the impossible today in our lives.

God Desires Us to experience everything He has in store for us today. I don’t want to get to Heaven and discover that God had so much more for me than experienced in this life.

We Need To Be Like Elijah and not back down from any opportunity to display to the world the power of God.

Romans 1:16

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation of everyone who believe.

Salvation Means:

  1. Deliverance from sin and entrance into relationship with God through Jesus Christ, which results in eternal life.
  2. Healing for our body if we get sick or have pain or something is wrong with our body.
  3. Peace in the midst of world wide turmoil.

When The Economy of a nation gets bad it is the direct result of that nation turning away from God and going after other gods.

  • A nation who turns away from God calamities wait for that nation.
  • The answer is if that nation turns away from evil and turns to God healing of that economy.

We Are Living at a strategic time in history.

Let’s learn from a man did not back down from any showdown between good and evil.

Elijah is a type of the anointing that can rest on anyone who is committed to God.


  • Took twelve stones, one for each of the tribes of Israel.
  • Made a trench around the altar.
  • Put wood and the bull on the wood.
  • Had water poured on the sacrifice three times.
  • Stepped forward and prayed… answer me, O Lord, so these people will know that You, O Lord, are God, and that You are turning their hearts back again.


  • Walked with God and talked with God, and when there was an impossible situation Elijah believed God and God came through each time.
  • Was a man of prayer and a man of faith.
  • Saw God answer with fire.

Can miracles still happen?

  1. It all depends on our level of relationship with the Lord and if we believe His Word.
  2. Are we going to step out and believe what God has told us about miracles?

What Is God Saying?

  • God is greater than our enemies.
  • God is waiting to demonstrate His power to this generation.
  • God is looking for people with the faith like Elijah to demonstrate this power.
  • We will make up our minds to press into God and see what He can do.

John 15

  • Jesus is the vine, we are the branches, if we remain in Jesus and He in us we will bear much fruit.
  • Apart from Jesus we can do nothing.
  • If we do not stay connected to Jesus we will be cut off.
  • If we remain in Jesus & His Words remain in us, whatever we ask will be given to us.
  • This brings glory to the Father, that we bear much fruit showing we are followers of Jesus.

What Elijah Teaches Today:

  • We can walk in the realm of God (miraculous) by staying connected to Jesus.
  • We can see the greater works Jesus said we would see.
  • We can be modern day Elijahs.