Sunday, November 23, 2008

Last Days Believers - The Day of The Lord (notes)

Last Days Believers - The Day of The Lord


  • Talked about signs that would tell that generation that His coming was soon in Matthew 24
  • Mentioned that Israel was the key to unlocking the revelation that we were in the last days.

The Coming Move of God is going to touch every person on the planet.

  • Joel 2:28 All people, mankind, every kind of people, everyone, all humanity, not just the nation of Israel.

The Church Must

  • Look to Israel as the time piece of God. When something significant happens in Israel, it is because something powerful has taken place in the spiritual realm.

Acts 2

  • Talks about the beginning of the end of the age.
  • Mentions the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the church

Truths to Look at Today

  • When the Holy Spirit is poured out, there will be a major change in the culture.
  • Society will be impacted by a world wide outpouring.

They Were All

  • Together in one place (in one accord)
  • Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house.
  • They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and come to rest on each of them.

They Were All Filled

With the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. No one taught them how to speak in tongues, the Holy Spirit just fell on them and they spoke in a heavenly language.

I Pray The Holy Spirit

  • Falls on us as it did on that great day.
  • We will be filled with all the goodness of God and shake our world as the early believers shook their world for Jesus Christ.

What Is The Day of the Lord?

    1. It is when God pours out His judgments on the world as mentioned in the writings of the prophets.
    2. When the sun will be turned into darkness and the moon to blood as signs that the day has come.
    3. A great harvest of souls will take place.

Jesus Is Coming

Back for His church (the rapture) right before the seven year period of God’s wrath is poured out on the world.


  • Global catastrophes will take place.
  • A world ruler will rise to power with all the answers to the global troubles.
  • God will pour out His Spirit upon 144,000 Jews that will lead Israel to Jesus Christ.

What We Must Look for:

    1. A great outpouring of the Spirit upon the Gentiles.
    2. A great harvest (Matthew 24:14) will take place as a result of the preaching of the Good News to the world.
    3. The Jews will return to Israel.
    4. The greatest miracles ever seen will take place in the church.


  • Will take on a new priority in the church.
  • Do you find yourself praying more than ever?
  • Is the most powerful weapon the church has to defeat evil. James 5:13-18

There Are Four Levels of Personal Powerful Prayer

1. When I pray with power I invade the powers of hell.

2. It helps us in times of trouble.

3. It heals the sick

4. It forgives our sins

Points To Ponder

  • When we experience personal powerful prayer.
  • The hot embers from my prayer life will throw sparks upon others in the church then the fire spreads throughout the land.

The Great Promise of revival is found here:

If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways: then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14

God Is Calling

  • Christians to prayer, fasting, repentance, sorrow over our sin as a nation.
  • If we heed the call God will hear, God will forgive, God will heal our nation.

This Is God’s Time for America

  • So let’s press into God like never before and expect the greatest move of God in history.
  • It starts personally in my prayer life.
  • This is time to pray like we have never prayed.

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