Sunday, September 28, 2008

Last Days Believers - Hand Writing On The Wall (notes)

Last Days Believers - Hand Writing On The Wall

What It Means To be a believer in the last days

We Will See

  • The greatest move of the Holy Spirit on the earth and
  • We will see the rise of the anti-christ to some form of world scene.
  • We will also see an increase of evil.

We Will Also See the fulfillment of many of the prophecies of the prophets (including of Jesus Christ).

THE HAND OF GOD wrote His decision on the wall for everyone to see. Daniel 5

The Final Straw was the desecration of the gold & silver goblets brought from the temple in Jerusalem.

The King and his nobles, his wives and his concubines drank wine from them.

Suddenly the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall, near the lamp stand in the royal palace.


  • God gives rulers opportunities to do what is right and when a ruler continually dishonors the Lord, God will deal with that nation as a result.

God Honors

Daniel by the voice of the queen who tells the king about Daniel. V- 10-12

Are You Daniel?

I have heard about you! You are anointed and you have insight, intelligence and outstanding wisdom!

The Experts

  • In the kingdom could not answer the king’s request only Daniel had the answer and it was not what the king wanted to hear.


Did not want power, he also knew the days of power for the king of Babylon were numbered.

A Lesson

  • In humility. Daniel mentions Nebuchadnezzar as a case study in humility.

Daniel 5:18-21

A Rebuke

  • The king was mocking God by praising the gods of silver, gold, bronze, iron, wood and stone-which can not see, hear or understand.

Daniel 5:23

Daniel Is Exalted

  • But it was a hollow promotion for that night, Belshazzar is murdered and Darius the Mede takes over the kingdom at age 62.

God Is Giving

  • The people in our nation right now to turn to Him. The shake up in our financial markets is a sample of how fragile the world is and how God can stop any nation that does not honor Him.

The Mercy of God

2 Peter 3

  1. The world has always been on shaky ground.
  2. In the last days scoffers, walking after their lusts, saying where is the promise of His coming?
  3. Pattern of God’s judgment.
  4. God is not slack when He promises to be merciful.

God Desires To

  • Save everyone in the whole world!

2 Peter 3:9

  • The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt away with fervent heat, the earth will be burned up.
  • In the light of the coming judgment how are we to live? In holy conversation and godliness.

How Do I Know if I am living under the blessing of the Kingdom of God?

  1. God’s favor will be upon me.
  2. God’s power will operate in my life.
  3. I will be a powerful intercessor.
  4. I will proclaim the Word of God with power.

Last Days Believers - Hand Writing On The Wall

Last Days Believers - Hand Writing On The Wall this message was given on 9-28-08

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Last Days Believers - Prophetic Words (notes)

Last Days Believers - Prophetic Words

There Is A Spirit of fear in our nation at this time.

God has not given us a spirit of fear…

First Word

  • Deut. 8:6-20
  • A word for America

What God Does when a nation is founded on the Word of God and puts God in first place in all areas of that nation!

What Happens when a nation that has known God turns away from God?

America can be saved if we turn back to God and turn away from our wayward ways.


  • Will help us discover new sources of energy or how to tap into the ones we already have.
  • Will give us Godly leaders with wisdom to deal with all our problems.
    • Our enemies will fear us and not be able to destroy us.

The Blessings of the Lord will be on everything we do as a nation. The Word will know that God’s hand is upon us.

The Answer to all our problems is found in: 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Promise of restoration for that nation that turns back to God.

Isaiah 52:1-15

God’s Eyes will be open and His ears attentive to the prayers of America if we turn to Him!

A Personal Word From the Lord for you:

You might loose a job and think it is the end of the World for you but it could be the greatest blessing.
When things go bad, don’t look at the present circumstances but look at the opportunity the Lord might be giving you for a greater blessing.

What Prophecy Does:

  1. Encourages.
  2. Strengthens.
  3. Comforts.

Paul Talks

Language and how it is a form of communication. Prophecy is the language of the Holy Spirit.

We Are In The World But We Are Not Of The World

We are:

  • A chosen people
  • A royal priesthood
  • A holy nation
  • A people belonging to God

Don’t Underestimate the gift of prophecy in the church. God speaks to the church through the language of the Holy Spirit-prophecy and visions and dreams.

How to know when God has given you a Word:

  1. It will encourage you
  2. It will strengthen you
  3. It will comfort you

Exodus 19:9

  • Do not despise the language of the Holy Spirit.

Exodus 19:9 And the LORD said unto Moses, Lo, I come unto thee in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with thee, and believe thee for ever. And Moses told the words of the people unto the LORD.

Last Days Believers - Prophetic Words

Last Days Believers - Prophetic Words this message was given on 9-21-08

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Last Days Believers - Prophetic Ministry (notes)

Last Days Believers - Prophetic Ministry

Joel predicted a time in history when God would pour out His Spirit upon humanity.

This Was Fulfilled on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2 When Peter stood and explained that Joel had prophesied the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

The Kingdom of God works in line with the person and work of the Holy Spirit.

The New Testament demonstrates how the Holy Spirit worked first in the coming of Jesus Christ.

Matthew 1:18

Series of Events:

  1. Mary becomes pregnant by the Holy Spirit.
  2. Joseph is not going to expose her.
  3. An angel appears to Joseph in a dream and tells Joseph to marry her.
  4. Mary will give birth to a son who will save the world.

There Are Over Three hundred prophecies of Jesus in the Old Testament which proves the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of Jesus Christ.

Proof That We are living in the last days is the acceleration of the prophetic.

Joel 2:28

Signs of Prophecy:

  1. If I am under God’s anointing I will not curse Jesus.
  2. I can not declare the Lordship of Jesus without the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
  3. The Holy Spirit is in-charge of the operations of the church.

I Corinthians 12

Visions & Dreams

  • Are prophetic images the Holy Spirit puts in front of people to see what He will do in our lives.

God Speaks

  • Through prophecy to individuals, communities, churches, leaders of nations and to nations.

Difference Between The gift of Prophecy and the office of a prophet:

  1. Isaiah was a prophet.
  2. Jeremiah was a prophet.
  3. Ezekiel was a prophet.
  4. Daniel was a prophet.
  5. David was a prophet.
  6. Jesus was a prophet.

What Prophecy Does:

  1. Encourages.
  2. Strengthens.
  3. Comforts.

Everyone Can Prophecy

  • But not everyone is called to the office of prophet just like not everyone is called to the office of pastor.

The Best Prophetic Words

  • Are right from God’s Word, why?
  1. The Word of God will not return empty.
  2. The Word of God is alive and powerful.
  3. The Word of God is penetrating.

Joel 2:18-27

  • God will restore us to a place of influence.
  • God will take away our stigma of failure.
  • God will grant us greatness.

How To Be Used Of God In The Prophetic:

  1. Get the Word in you.
  2. Memorize the Word of God.
  3. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring the Word of God to your mind.
  4. Pray that God will put someone in your path to give the Word to.

Joel 2:12

  • Turn to Me with all your heart and with fasting and with weeping and with mourning and rend your heart, and not your garments and turn unto the Lord your God: for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness and repenteth Him of the evil.

Jesus Said

  • That He would baptize people with the Holy Spirit and Fire. The Fire is the glory of the Lord that Moses saw, that Isaiah talked about that Ezekiel saw & Haggai predicted would fill the temple in the last days. Visions & dreams will result from the baptism in Fire.

Last Days Believers - Prophetic Ministry

Last Days Believers - Prophetic Ministry this message was given on 9-14-08

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Last Days Believers - Violent Pursuit (notes)

Last Days Believers - Violent Pursuit

There are two systems in operation today:

  1. The Kingdom of God.
  2. The world.

We Are

  • Part of the Kingdom of God and in the world.
  • Not of this world.

We Can Love

  • The World or love God.
  • Make the choice today to love God with all our heart, mind and strength.

What Is The World?

  • The fallen system (kosmos) which means:
    1. The material world (Matt. 24:21)
    2. Humanity (Matt. 5:14)
    3. Human societies, cultures, the world system. (Matt. 16:26)
    4. The system of the world that is independent from God. (Gal. 6:14)

Obedience is better than sacrifice. (I Samuel 15:22)

There Is A Constant clash between the two systems in operation right now.

Matthew 11:12

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, the violent take it by force.

God Honors

Those who passionately seek Him and His will for their lives.

The Word Violent is Biazo in Greek

It means violent, to overpower or compel.


  • As a precious prize--a share in the heavenly Kingdom is sought with most ardent zeal and intense exertion.

Why Do Good

  • People stay silent when evil raises its ugly head?
  • We are not passionately going after righteousness.

Now Is The Time for the righteous to stand up and take a stand for Jesus, for life, for Godliness.

We Have

  • A real hope in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • A great opportunity to stand up and give this nation real hope--it is Jesus Christ.

How We Can Interpret

  • Matthew 11:12
  1. When John came on the scene the enemy knew the Kingdom was about to invade the world so he started to attack the Kingdom of Heaven--but didn’t prevail.
  2. Since John came the Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing and violent people are attacking it.
  3. Or violent people have been trying to take over the Kingdom of Heaven by force.

What Jesus Meant

  • About the Kingdom of Heaven:
  1. It involves violent intercession
  2. There is a spiritual war constantly raging.
  3. The Kingdom of Heaven has been forcefully advancing since the time of John and Jesus Christ.

Why John & Jesus Involved in the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven?

  1. John was the herald--the for-runner who would announce the coming of the King.
  2. Jesus was the King of the Kingdom of heaven.

How do I know if I am living under the blessing of the Kingdom of God?

  1. God’s favor will be upon me.
  2. God’s power will operate in my life.
  3. I will be a powerful intercessor.
  4. I will proclaim the Word of God with power.

Last Days Believers - Violent Pursuit

Last Days Believers - Violent Pursuit this message was given on 9-7-08