Sunday, February 12, 2012

Revelation 13 - The Beasts (notes)

Revelation 13 - The Beasts

There Are

  • World views that go back to Winston Churchill who said, “The purpose of the New World Order is to bring the world into a world government.”
  • World leaders have now created the World Bank, the World Health Organization, the World Trade Org., two world courts, (The International Criminal Court & The International Court of Justice), and more.
  • The United Nations wants a world constitution, a world currency, a world income tax, and a world military more powerful than any current military.

Global Trends

The United Nations also wants a global I.D. number and a global ethic (which is another way of saying a world wide religion). Some world leaders aren’t honest about this so they use terms such as “global management, the rule of world law, collective sovereignty, global sovereign security”. These buzz words mean one world government.

Deception Is Common

People are often told that globalism means nothing more than global corporations, global standards and global trade. It means global cooperation to deal with hunger & poverty, to protect the environment, natural resources & to settle disputes. This growing monster is clearly transforming itself into a one world government.

The beast from the sea

  • The dragon, satan will stand on the sea shore of the masses of humanity in the last days. The Beast, the Antichrist will rise up out of the sea of wickedness that will reign when the church is gone.
  • The ten horns are ten rulers who will reign with the antichrist during the tribulation period.
  1. They are seven world governments.
  2. They are seven hills where the world religion will be located for a short time during the tribulation.

The Ten Crowns are the ten divisions of the last world governments or empires

  • It will be divided into ten divisions, with each division having its own ruler and set of false religions.
  • Mankind will go through seven heads, the heads of the seven world kingdoms or seven world governments. Each of the seven heads will have a blasphemous name, because all seven governments and their corresponding religions will be noted for their wickedness.

Daniel Says:

The Antichrist will come up among the ten horns and uproots three of them.

(Daniel 7:7-8, 23-25)

The Seven World Governments Seven Hills

  1. Assyrian
  2. Egyptian
  3. Babylonian
  4. Medo-Persian
  5. Greek
  6. Roman
  7. United Nations ruled by the Antichrist

Three crowns, seven surrender

satan comes

  • Into the antichrist (the beast) when he opens his mouth, he speaks blasphemies for 42 months. The beast blasphemes God, His name, His tabernacle and all who live in Heaven..
  • satan makes war with the saints, he becomes a world wide ruler.
  • Another beast comes out of the earth, he is a humanistic religious personality he is false-christ like Jesus said would appear in the end time.

The false prophet

  • Causes the earth to worship the antichrist who had some type of resurrection from the dead.
  • He performs great signs and can even make fire come down from heaven.
  • There is some type of image that seems to come to life and if anyone does not worship the beast he puts them to death.
  • Causes people to receive the make of the beast 666 on their foreheads or right hand. And no one could buy or sell without this mark.

How we conquer satan:

  1. By the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.
  2. By our witness, presentation of the Gospel.
  3. By our sacrificial way of presenting the Gospel.
  4. By rejoicing in the fact that satan is already defeated when Jesus died and went into hell and rose from the dead.

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