Sunday, December 11, 2011

Revelation 6 The Seal Judgments (notes)

Revelation 6 - The Seal Judgments

John Sees The beginning of the tribulation period in Revelation 6. This a period of seven years of the worst calamities, war, famines, economic problems and death in the history of the planet.

We Are Living

  • In the church age, the Dispensation of Grace, the time of the Holy Spirit. It is called many things by Bible teachers and theologians. The rapture of the church brings this period to an end and then the antichrist will be revealed right after the church is taken out of the way.
  • This is the person on the white horse or the first seal of Revelation 6.

The Word of God Talks about three descriptions of the judgment of God during the tribulation.

  1. The Seal Judgments.
  2. The Trumpet Judgments.
  3. The Bowl Judgments.


  • Revelation is an unveiling of Jesus Christ. This book takes the veil off so we can see how God is just, righteous and all powerful.
  • God anointed Jesus to proclaim Good News to the poor, heal the broken, and die for our sins. That is what Jesus did in His first coming but in His second coming He will judge the forces of evil and put down every rebellion.

In Revelation

Jesus is revealed as a glorious, conquering King of kings and Lord of Lords. He will conquer with a sword and with great power and glory. He will send His angels to fulfill the predictions of His judgments like when He sent two angels to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah in Gen. 19:24.

Jesus is on a white horse and He will return with the armies of Heaven. The armies of Heaven will follow Him riding on white horses. Jesus is the King of kings and the Lord of Lords and He will destroy all the enemies of the cross in His just judgment. We will exercise the authority Jesus has given us. We don’t have to wait until Rev. 19 to use the power that Jesus has given us. Go and make disciples of all nations starts today.

Unsealing The Scroll

  • The title deed of the earth is the scroll John sees in Revelation 5.
  • I watched while the Lamb ripped off the first of seven seals.
  • John sees the appearance of the antichrist. A rider on a white horse with a bowl.
  • This means the antichrist will win nations over through diplomacy at the start of the tribulation.

The Four Horsemen

  1. The antichrist - a white horse.
  2. War - a red horse.
  3. Famine & economic problems - a black horse.
  4. Pestilences, earthquake & death - a grey (pale) horse.

The Seal Judgments

5. This is the persecution of the tribulation saints. Many believe that if a person gets saved in the tribulation they will suffer severe persecution and even death.

6. A great earthquake, the sun turns black and the moon bloody red. The stars fall out of the sky like figs shaken from a tree. The sky snapped shut like a book, islands and mountains sliding this way and that. Kings, princes, generals, rich and strong, along with every commoner, slave or free. They hid in the mountain from the One Seated on the Throne and the wrath of the Lamb. The great day of their wrath has come--who can stand it?

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