Sunday, September 23, 2012

Acts 15 - Another Gospel (notes)

Acts 15 - Another Gospel
In Every Revival
Legalism raises its ugly head. When God does something great man messes with what God does and messes it up. In Acts 15 we see this. In Acts 2 God pours out His Spirit and the church explodes, goes everywhere preaching the Gospel, missionaries establish churches in the cities where they preached. But back in Jerusalem something happens.
Some Men From Judea
Came to Jerusalem and started to teach a Gospel of performance. “Unless you are circumcised you cannot be saved.” Paul & Barnabas and some other leaders go to Jerusalem and bring correction to the church. They tell the believers how Gentiles were saved.
To Be Saved
All we have to do is confess Jesus and believe that He rose from the dead. With the mouth confession is made for salvation and with the heart we believe and are justified.
Romans 10:9-10

The Early Church Grew Until the enemy started to plant false teaching in the church.
  1. You have to keep the Law to be saved.
  2. You have to be circumcised to be saved.
  3. You have to obey the Sabbath to be saved.
Is man’s attempt to be justified before God through good deeds, obeying their commandments or following certain rules.
Is God sending His only Son to die for our sins and there is nothing else we have to do to be justified, all we do is believe what the Gospel says and we are made right with God.
The Apostles
  • Had to make the needed corrections in the early church.
  • In any revival God always has to restore to the church what we lose when we get off track. We must keep following the Word of God and what God says so that we don’t get off track.

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