Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Acts 9 - The Purpose of Miracles (notes)

Acts 9 - The Purpose of Miracles


  • Had one of the most amazing healing ministries in the history of the church.
  • Continued to grow in grace and in the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
  • Not only had a great teaching ministry but moved in mighty signs and wonders and miracles.

What happened in this portion of scripture:

Acts 9:32-41

  • First Peter traveled from place to place. He wasn't a tourist, he was ministering to people in all the places he visited. The people in the places that Peter visited were touched by the Spirit of God. Miracles were normal.
  • Ends up in Lydda where some believers lived. A man named Aeneas, who was paralyzed and bed ridden for 8 years is healed.

What Peter Says

  • To Aeneas: “Aeneas, Jesus Christ heals you! Get up, and roll up your sleeping mat!” And he was healed instantly. Then the whole population of Lydda and Sharon saw Aeneas walking around, and they turned to the Lord.
  • The purpose of Miracles is that God might get the glory and people get the message of salvation and come to the Lord.

Then Peter Goes to Joppa and a believer named Tabitha who had a ministry of helping the poor get sick and dies. They cared for her body and laid in an upper room. When they heard that Peter was in a nearby town they sent two men to ask him if he could come to Joppa. Peter returns with them. The room is filled with widows weeping and showing Peter the coats and clothing Dorcas had made for them. Peter makes all of them leave the room, kneels and prays. He then speaks to her body, “Get up Tabitha,” and she opens her eyes. God raised her from the dead. Peter calls the widows & all the believers and presents her to them alive.

Acts 9:42

The word spread throughout the town and many believed in the Lord. Peter stays a long time in Joppa, lived with Simon, a tanner of hides.

The Role of The Miraculous

  • To bring glory to God.
  • To bring people to God.

The Role of the miracles in the church has been misunderstood for many generations. The main reason for this is that many who have moved in the miraculous have been either taught false doctrine, had character flaws, mishandled money, practiced all kinds of strange practices or where strange and untouchable.

Jesus never had any of those traits. He taught the most pure doctrine, had the highest integrity, was the most humble and approachable man of all time.

This Does Not

  • Stop me from teaching and believing in the ministry of healing and miracles. As a matter of fact we have a prophetic mandate, we must contend for healing and miracles. Whatever happens, God has called the church in various parts of the Word in this hour to contend for miracles.
  • The model, the final authority for this is the book of Acts and what Peter experienced.

If It Was Not In the Word of God I would not even mention it. But because the Old & New Testament are filled with examples of miracles and healing and signs and wonders then I will contend for them. I will believe in them and that God desires to move in this realm today.

We Have A Choice Today

  • Believe in and contend for miracles.
  • Don’t contend for miracles and suffer the consequences for staying in unbelief and apathy.
  • I want to contend for & believe in miracles with you and see what God will do!

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