Sunday, July 22, 2012

Acts 7 - Full of The Spirit (notes)

Acts 7 - Full of The Spirit

In Chapter 7 We find the growth of individuals.

  1. The ministry of Stephen.
  2. The seeds planted in the life of Saul (Paul the apostle).

Being Full of The Spirit

  • Means being full of God. Dunamis or the power to reproduce.
  • Is to walk in the fullness of God.
  • Is to live under the anointing of the Spirit.
  • Is to walk with Jesus in intimate fellowship.

What can we learn from a person who is full of the Spirit?

  1. They have a deep knowledge of the Word.
  2. They have revelation from the Word.
  3. They know the heart of God.
  4. They have been set free from the fear of man.
  5. They are not intimidated by religious leaders.

What We Find Here:

  • The religious leaders ask Stephen what he had to say.
  • Saul (Paul the apostle) is there before being saved consenting or in agreement to the execution of Stephen.
  • Stephen mentions Abraham and the history of Israel.
  • Stephen says Abraham was a man of faith and obeyed God even though he didn’t know where he would end up.

The History of The Nation of Israel

  • God told Abraham about the future of his offspring. Even the 400 plus years of slavery that the Jews would suffer in Egypt and who would set them free to worship God in the promised land.
  • Stephen mentions the covenant God made with Abraham. (circumcision).
  • God then speaks bless Isaac, Jacob and his twelve sons and how they passed on the covenant to their children.

What Is Said of Stephen

8 Now Stephen, full of grace (divine blessing and favor) and power (strength and ability)

Amplified Bible

8-10 Stephen, brimming with God's grace and energy, was doing wonderful things among the people, unmistakable signs that God was among them.

Message Bible


  • Mentions Joseph, what he went through and how he is given favor with Pharaoh and is made the second in command in Egypt.
  • Mentions what Joseph did when his brothers came to get food from Egypt.
  • Mentions Moses being born and the murder of the infants, how Pharaoh’s daughter takes Moses to be her son. How Moses is raised in the best schools and that Moses was impressive as a thinker and an athlete.


  • Knew about his Hebrew roots and one day when he was 40 he saw an Egyptian beating one of the Hebrews Moses intervened and killed the Egyptian.
  • Sees two Jews fighting and tried to break it up but the one who started the fight tells Moses, “who put you in charge of us? Are you going to kill me like you killed the Egyptian yesterday?
  • Runs for His life and lived in exile where he had two sons. Forty years in the wilderness of Sinai an angel of the Lord appeared to him in the guise of flames in a burning bush.
  • Went up to take a closer look and God speaks to him. I have seen the suffering of my people.
  • Is sent back to Egypt as ruler and redeemer. He leads them out of slavery through signs and wonders. Moses said, God will raise up a prophet just like me from your descendants.
  • Stood between the angel speaking at Sinai and your fathers assembled in the wilderness and took the life giving words given to him and handed them over to us, words our fathers would have nothing to do with.

In The Wilderness

  • While Moses was on mount Sinai the people started to murmur to Aaron because Moses took so long that they made a golden calf and started to worship it.
  • God was not pleased and said ‘let them do it their way and suffer the consequences for their sin.’ Stephen mentions what Amos said. “Did you bring me offerings of animals and grains those forty years, O Israel? Hardly. You were too busy building shrines to war gods, to sex goddesses, worshiping them with all you might.” That’s why I put them in exile in Babylon.


  • Talks about the tabernacle the Jews build in the wilderness and how God cleared the land of pagans all the way until David came on the scene. David wanted to build a temple but Solomon built it.
  • Knew that God does not live in buildings made by men’s hands. He quotes Isaiah.
  • “Heaven is my throne room; I rest my feet on earth. So what kind of house will you build Me?” Says God. “ Where I can get away & relax? It’s already built, and I built it.”

Stephen Lays Into Them

You continue, so bullheaded, calluses on your hearts, flaps on you ears. Deliberately ignoring the Holy Spirit. You’re just like your ancestors. Was there ever a prophet who didn't get the same treatment? Your ancestors killed anyone who dared talk about the coming of the Just One. And you kept up the family tradition--traitors & murderers, all of you. You had God’s Law handed to you by angels--gift wrapped! --and you squandered it!

Stephen Stands Up To The Mob

  • Full of the Holy Spirit, hardly noticed - he only had eyes for God, who he saw in all His glory with Jesus standing at His side. He said, I see Heaven wide open and the Son of Man standing at God’s Side!
  • The mob dragged him out of town and stoned him.
  • Paul was there watching over their coats.
  • Prayed, Master Jesus, take my life, then he knelt down, praying that God would not hold this against those who killed him.

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