Monday, May 30, 2011

Daniel - Prayer That Shakes A Nation (notes)

Daniel - Prayer That Shakes A Nation

The Life of Daniel Is one of the greatest examples of a man who shook nations by his prayer!

Daniel Impacted His generation by living a dedicated life to God and to the purpose God had for him.

A Few Years Ago

I had a vision of the throne of God and water gushing out from the throne and going down some steps that went up to the throne. It flowed into a river in heaven that I sensed was the river of life. It hit the edge of heaven then fell like a giant water fall to the earth. It was hitting the west side of Tucson (Son Life was right under it). Everywhere it touched produced fruitfulness, vegetation and life. Revival resulted.

Daniel 1:1-5

Life and Visions of Daniel

1 During the third year that Jehoiakim was king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and surrounded it with his army. 2 The Lord allowed Nebuchadnezzar to capture Jehoiakim king of Judah. Nebuchadnezzar also took some of the things from the Temple of God, which he carried to Babylonia and put in the temple of his gods. 3 Then King Nebuchadnezzar ordered Ashpenaz, his chief officer, to bring some of the men of Judah into his palace. He wanted them to be from important families, including the family of the king of Judah. 4 King Nebuchadnezzar wanted only young Israelite men who had nothing wrong with them. They were to be handsome and well educated, capable of learning and understanding, and able to serve in his palace. Ashpenaz was to teach them the language and writings of the Babylonians. 5 The king gave the young men a certain amount of food and wine every day, just like the food he ate. The young men were to be trained for three years, and then they would become servants of the king of Babylon.

Prayer Is One Of

  • The most influential ministries of the church.
  • We can learn from Daniel a man of prayer how we can impact nations (starting with the U.S.).

Jesus Said

  • I will build My church and the gates of hell will not be able to stop it. I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • To open gates one needs a key. We have the keys to open up totally new opportunities for the Kingdom of God.

With The Keys Of the Kingdom of Heaven we can:

  • Stop anything that is not God’s will or we can start anything that is God’s will.
  • How do we know what is lawful and what is unlawful? By knowing the Word of God.
  • After God gives us revelation about our nation we can start to decree what is lawful and what is unlawful.

How Daniel Impacted the nations he was a part of:

  1. He never compromised with evil.
  2. He was a man who believed God.
  3. He was not afraid to stand up for what he believed in.
  4. He was a man of intense prayer.

God Can

  • Give us the information on how to do our job. This is where we find the spirit of wisdom and revelation in operation.
  • Revelation is the divine information and wisdom is the ability to apply the knowledge God gives us.
  • The anointing is God’s ability given to people but revelation is God’s insight needed to do our job.

The Purpose of Revelation

  • Revelation is not to make us smarter. Insight is a wonderful benefit of this encounter, but our intelligence is not God’s primary goal. His purpose in revelation is our personal transformation. Revelation comes to enlarge the playing field of faith. Insight without faith being released to have truth realized through experience keeps truth unproven--only theory.
  • Anointing must be pursued, not assumed.

I Cor. 14:1

  • Daniel was given revelation because he prayed

How Do I Know Daniel was a man of prayer?

  • Because of the acts of Daniel.
  • By the revelations God gave Daniel.
  • By the ability Daniel had to interpret dreams.
  • By the life Daniel lived.
  • By the way Daniel is still impacting lives today.

In Daniel 2

  • We find the king had a dream and could not find anyone who could tell him the dream or the interpretation of it.
  • Daniel & his friends were students of Babylonian culture but they never lost their love for God and their culture.
  • In Daniel 2:18 Daniel & his friends go to God in prayer for understanding and God answers.
  • James 1:2-8 Exposition of the Sermon on the mount in Matthew 5-7 Jesus taught on prayer here.

Prayer Is Meant

  • To be private not public.
  • Public prayer is important but the majority of our prayer life is done in private.
  • If I pray in private God will reward me in public.
  • Jesus is the best example of this principle.
  • He had an intimate relationship with the Father.


  • Can change circumstances, whether it is a doctor’s report, crime rate, the weather, economy, the heart of a ruler of the nation, laws, culture, society, etc.
  • We have much more than ancient intercessors; we have the name of Jesus, the baptism in the Spirit, the revelation of the Word of God, the gifts of the Spirit.
  • Example of the Korean church.

Example of Daniel

  • Daniel 6:10Even though Daniel knew that the new law had been written, he went to pray in an upstairs room in his house, which had windows that opened toward Jerusalem. Three times each day Daniel would kneel down to pray and thank God, just as he always had done.
  • How long did he pray? We don’t know but His life shows that it was a regular part of his busy life and look at the results. James 5:16

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