Thursday, September 30, 2010

Signs of Revival - Am I Hungry For God? (notes)

Signs of Revival - Am I Hungry For God?

Elijah Is God’s prototype of a seer, a man of faith and power and miracles. A man of integrity and strength.

Elijah Predicted the dead of Ahab and Jezebel.

  • I Kings 21:17-23
  • And It was fulfilled in I Kings 22:29-38 and II Kings 9:31-36
  • Ahab and Jezebel are both killed as predicted by Elijah.


  • Is calling His people to turn to Him and turn away from the evil in the world.
  • Will raise up prophets to speak into the culture.

2 Chronicles 7:12-18


  • Tells us how God calls man, man turns to God, God blesses man, man turns away from God, God takes away His hand of blessing and man sees the results-destruction, man turns back to God and God forgives and blesses man.
  • Is all about the Goodness of God and the sinfulness and propensity of man to sin.

What Is God Saying

  • To us today about revival and the prophetic?
  • Not all prophecies are negative, not all are positive.
  • It all depends on where the people of God are at the time in that place. If people are pressing into God & desiring to do what God says God might give a word of encouragement. Or God’s people are lukewarm, indifferent or complacent, and then God could admonish us to repent, turn from waywardness & turn back to God.

Example of Revelation

  • The Lord tells the church to turn back to your First love. No time to waste, for I’m well on my way to removing your light from the golden circle.
  • Are your ears awake? Listen, listen to the wind words, the Spirit blowing through the churches.
  • This is talking about revival. The Wind of the Spirit is always blowing. He is just looking for a people who are hungry for Him & will welcome Him.

Some Bible Teachers

  • Say that the seven churches in Revelation are pictures of the church in every age of history.
  • Others say that each church is a period of time in church history.
  • Whatever we believe, when we get off track God sends someone to admonish us to get with it. When we are on track God will speak to us to continue on the path, seek Him & we will prosper.

Matthew 7:7-11

  • Explains the nature of God.
  • If we ask Him, He will give to us.
  • If we seek Him, we will find Him.
  • If we knock at His door, He will answer.
  • If we want more of God we will get more of Him.


  • If we ask God for more of Him, His Spirit or His power He will not give us something evil, hurtful or demonic.
  • If I want more of God I will get more, if I am apathetic, I will loose out or miss revival.

Am I Hungry For God?

It will be seen in my attitude, my passion, my desire to really know Him intimately.

Signs of Revival - Am I Hungry For God?

Signs of Revival - Am I Hungry For God? this message was given on 9-26-10

Signs of Revival - God Has The Final Word (notes)

Signs of Revival - God Has The Final Word

Elijah Is God’s prototype of a seer, a man of faith and power and miracles; a man of integrity and strength.

God Desires Us To experience everything He has in store for us today.

I don’t want to get to heaven and discover that God had so much more for me than experienced in this life.

We Need To Be Like Elijah and not back down from any opportunity to display to the world the power of God.

Romans 1:16

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation of everyone who believe.

Elijah Finds Elisha a farmer plowing a field with twelve yoke of oxen. Elisha slaughters oxen and used the plowing equipment to make a fire and cooked the meat and gave it to the people and they ate. He became the prophet’s attendant.

There Was Never A Man Like Ahab

  • Who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord, urged on by Jezebel his wife. He behaved in the vilest manner by going after idols, like the Amorites the Lord drove out before Israel.
  • A man who owned a vineyard named Naboth and Ahab wanted his vineyard. Ahab had the man killed and took his vineyard.


  • Predicts the death of Ahab and Jezebel. The prophecies come to pass because God can not be mocked. Whatever man plants he will reap and when a man like Ahab has Naboth killed that is the last straw and God says enough.
  • Obeyed God and pronounced the verdict God has pronounced.


  • Is the most merciful being in the universe.
  • Is the most loving being there is.
  • Comes to a point when people cross the line and He pronounces His decision.
  • Will put up with many things from people but when He says enough, we better yield to Him, turn away from sin, submit under His discipline and ask for mercy.

Loving The World

  • Is something God commands us not to do.
  • I John 2:15 No not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father in not in him. For everything in the world--the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and boasting of what he has and does comes not from the Father but from the world.

What Is The World?

Kosmos; the system of the world that is anti God. The system that satan promotes and exists independent of God. This includes not only the immoral and sinful pleasures of the world but the spirit of rebellion against or indifference to God and His revelation that exists within all human enterprises not under Christ’s Lordship.

In This Age Satan uses the world’s ideas, morality, philosophies, psychology, desires, governments, culture, education, science, art, medicine, economic systems, entertainment, media, religion, sports, agriculture, etc. to oppose God, His people and His Word.

For Example

Satan uses the medical profession to promote the killing of unborn children. Agriculture to produce life-destroying drugs such as alcohol, and narcotics, educational system to promote ungodly and humanistic philosophy, and the entertainment industry to destroy Godly standards in society.

Three Areas That We Must Overcome:

  1. The cravings of sinful man.
  2. The lust of his eyes.
  3. The boasting of what he has and does.

Signs of Revival - God Has The Final Word

Signs of Revival - God Has The Final Word this message was given on 9-19-10

Signs of Revival - Faith vs. Fear (notes)

Signs of Revival - Faith vs. Fear

Elijah is God’s prototype of a seer, a man of faith and power and miracles; a man of integrity and strength, yet fears for his life and runs away from Jezebel.

God Desires Us to experience everything He has in store for us today. I don’t want to get to heaven and discover that God had so much more for me than I experienced in this life.

Events in I Kings 19

  1. Jezebel sent a message to Elijah that he was as good as dead.
  2. Elijah (the man of faith & power) was afraid and ran for his life.
  3. He arrives at Beersheba in Judah and leaves his servant there.
  4. Elijah goes into the desert about a day’s journey.
  5. Finds a broom tree and sat down under it and prayed that he might die. I have had enough, Lord, Take my life.
  6. Elijah falls asleep.
  7. God sends an angel to help the prophet.
  8. The angel prepares a meal for Elijah.
  9. The angel gives him a jar of water (I believe it was living water).
  10. Elijah eats and drinks and lies down again.
  11. The angel comes back again and touched Elijah and told him to get up for the long journey.
  12. Elijah goes without food for 40 days.
  13. Reached the mountain of God.
  14. Elijah spends the night in a cave.
  15. God asked Elijah what he was doing there.
  16. He replied, "I have been very zealous for the LORD God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, broken down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too."
  17. God responds, Go stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord was about to pass by.
  18. Three signs; a great wind that tore the mountains apart, an earthquake, a great fire. God wasn’t in any of those events.
  19. A gentle whisper.
  20. Elijah puts his cloak over his face as he stood in the entrance of the cave. God speaks again. Why are you here?

Elijah Ends Up in Beersheba in Judah. He goes to the desert and sits under a broom tree and talks with God.

What is God saying to us today?

  1. Fear is one of our greatest enemies.
  2. Faith is demolishes fear.

What Fear Does

  • It is a weapon that our adversary uses to stop us from our purpose.
  • Is a tool the enemy uses to keep us from our destiny.
  • It is designed to get us to look.


  • Is what God used to create the universe.
  • Is what opened the door for people to be healed in the ministry of Jesus Christ.
  • Is what caused Elijah to see the miracles in his life.
  • Is what Jesus saw when the woman with the issue of blood is healed.
  • Is what Jesus saw in the centurion whose servant is healed.


  • Walked with God and talked with God, and when there was an impossible situation Elijah believed God and God came through each time.
  • Was a man of faith who also had to overcome fear in his life.
  • Is an example for us today.


  • Will help us overcome our great enemy, fear so we can see great victories in our lives like Elijah saw in His.
  • Is calling people of faith all over the world in this hour to conquer every fear, every dart of the devil.
  • Is here right now to help us to be overcomers in Jesus’ name!

Signs of Revival - Faith vs. Fear

Signs of Revival - Faith vs. Fear this message was given on 9-12-10

Sunday, September 5, 2010

***Guest Speaker***

***Guest Speaker, Pastor Dan Gil Spoke Today 9-5-10***