Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Signs of Revival - The Spirit of Elijah 2 (notes)

Signs of Revival - The Spirit of Elijah 2

Isaiah 60

  1. Arise shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord).
  2. Darkness will cover the earth & dense darkness the peoples but the Lord shall shine upon you.
  3. Nations will come to your light & kings to the brightness of your rising.
  4. Lift up your eyes and see, they gather, they come to you. Your sons will come from afar & your daughters will be carried.

This Is A Restoration

  • Prediction of Israel but it also is a prophecy where the Law of double reference applies. Example of Ezekiel 28 When God is talking about an earthly king but then God talks about Satan. Isaiah 60 is also talking about the church.
  • Prediction of the church at a time in world history. A period of gross darkness upon the world and the people. The church will shine bright in this period.

For 100 Years

The nation of Israel was ruled by three monarchs.

  1. Saul
  2. David
  3. Solomon

At the end of Solomon’s reign a civil war broke out in the kingdom that had been united under God’s anointed leadership.

The nation was divided into the Northern kingdom called Israel and the Southern kingdom called Judah.

When Ahab & Jezebel

  • Come on the scene with Baal worship and all the corruption of their reign God raises up a prophet named Elijah.
  • Elijah challenges Baal worship by saying that it will not rain for the next several years.
  • God then commands the prophet to leave the scene and go to a place called Kerith.

What It Means To Be A Part of The Elijah Generation:

  1. A people who will transform the culture.
  2. A people who will come against sickness with the power of the Kingdom.
  3. A people who will not limit God.
  4. A people who will touch nations.
  5. A people who will usher in the Kingdom.
  6. A people who will trust God to meet every need.
  7. A people who will walk in love with each other.

Elijah Is Taken Care of

  • By the Lord through ravens who bring him food every day. Twice a day meat & bread was brought.
  • By the brook by the ravine.
  • By the natural geography of place where he was protected by God.
  • Until the time for him to leave the ravine and go to Zarephath.

The Brook Dries Up

  • And Elijah has to leave the ravine of God’s protection.
  • As a result of the prophecy that Elijah gave when he said it would not rain for several years.
  • In our lives because God has a future Zarephath.


  1. Could it be that God still needed to work out some areas in Elijah’s life before he could complete his mission?
  2. Did God need to teach Elijah more humility, patience or faith by providing food by ravens.
  3. The drought that Elijah predicted caused the brook to dry up so he could go to Sidon, the center of Baal worship & take a stand for righteousness.
  4. God will provide for His people in days of great need to give.

What Is God Saying To Us Today?

  • A great move of the Spirit is sweeping through the earth right now.
  • We need to have the spirit of Elijah to get in on this move and experience the presence of the Lord.
  • The spirit of wisdom and revelation is increasing in the church.

Deuteronomy 29:29

  • Says… “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.”
  • Let’s get all the revelation Jesus is giving His church in the Kerith ravine.
  • Let’s stay connected to the vine. Jn. 15

John 15

  • Jesus is the vine, the Father is the gardener.
  • The Father cuts off (kerith) every branch in Jesus that bears no fruit.
  • Every branch that bears fruit He prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.
  • The Word cleanses us.
  • Remain in Jesus and He will remain in us.
  • We can not bear fruit by ourselves, we must remain in the vine, we must stay in Jesus.
  • Jesus is the vine, we are the branches, if we remain in Jesus and He in us we will bear much fruit.
  • Apart from Jesus we can do nothing.
  • If we do not stay connected to Jesus we will be cut off.
  • If we remain in Jesus & His Words remain in us, whatever we ask will be given to us.
  • This brings glory to the Father, that we bear much fruit showing we are followers of Jesus.

The Name

  • Elijah means: God is Jehovah.
  • We are called followers of Jehovah-Jesus.
  • As the Father loved Jesus, Jesus loves us. We are to remain in His love.
  • If we obey His commands (to love each other) we remain in His love just as Jesus obeyed the commands of His Father and remained in His love.
  • This causes the joy of the Lord to be in us.

What Elijah Teaches Today:

  • The command of the Lord is to love each other as Jesus loved us.
  • There is no greater love than this that we lay down our life for each other (the friends of Jesus).

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