Thursday, December 31, 2009

A New Day (notes)

A New Day

What Ten Means

  • New Birth
  • Spiritual perfection
  • New opportunities

God & Numbers

In Judaism numbers have significance:

  • One means unity
  • Two division
  • Three perfection
  • Four creation
  • Five grace
  • Six man
  • Seven completion
  • Eight new beginning
  • Nine judgment

The Biblical Meaning of Ten Deals with completeness that happens in a Divine order or complete during the course of time. Nothing is left waiting.

The Ten of I Am’s of Jesus Christ in John:

  1. I am the Bread of Life (6:35)
  2. I am the Bread of Life which came down from heaven (6:41)
  3. I am the Living Bread (6:51)
  4. I am the Light of the world (8:12)
  5. I am One that bears witness of Myself (8:18)
  6. I am the Door of the sheep (10:7,9)
  7. I am the Good Shepherd (10:14)
  8. I am the Resurrection and the Life (14:6)
  9. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life (11:25) and
  10. I am the True Vine (15:1,5).

Ten has some strong connotations; so as we leave 09 and enter a new year let’s look at 2010 with faith and expectation.

Nine means judgment so we can look at this passing year as a period of trial.

Ten will be a year of new beginnings; God perfecting what He started in us.

God Will

Do a new thing in the coming year.

Bring us to a new place in Him.

Do something powerful.

What To Concentrate On in 2010

Having a job is important but doing what we were destined to do is what we need to focus on this coming year.

Let find our place in the Kingdom of God.

Our Prayer Should Be:

Lord, “I don’t want to waste another year missing the mark of Your call.”

Lord, “I want to move into my destiny this year.”

Lord, “I want to do what You created me to do and this could be the year.”

If You Have Been Going in your own direction or doing your thing, this is a time of repentance, turn away from our own ways and run after Jesus in the coming year.

Acts 3:17-23


Will be a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord, let’s turn away from anything that is hindering God from moving in our lives, our families, our church, our city and our nation.


Jesus will return until God restores His church!

What can we do?

  1. Repent
  2. Turn to God
  3. Unite

People of God

Could this be the year that we see the Holy Spirit fall on us, on our city, on our nation and on the world?

A New Day

A New Day this message was given on 12-27-09

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Jesus - The Anointed One (notes)

Jesus - The Anointed One

Who Is Jesus?

The Book of Revelation unveils Jesus Christ.
Revelation means uncovering or disclosure.
Jesus is the Anointed One, the Messiah.


  • Is the One who is among the lamp stands (churches). (Revelation 1:12)
  • Is the Head of the church, the Founder.
  • Is the Foundation of our faith.

Jesus Christ is dressed in a robe with a golden sash around His chest. He dresses us in robes of righteousness and the gold around His chest represents the purity of heart (motives). Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.

Characteristics of Jesus Christ:

  1. His head and hair were white like wool. This is the glory of God that is in Jesus.
  2. His eyes were like blazing fire--the penetrating eyes of the holiness of God.
  3. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace. This is represented of Jesus going to hell for us (His death) the bronze altar is where the body of the sacrificial animals were burned.


  • His voice was like the sound of rushing waters. His word is so powerful that it is like a water fall.
  • He holds the seven stars in His right hand. These are pastors of the churches.
  • Out of His mouth goes a sharp sword. His Word is alive. (Heb. 4:12)
  • His face shines like the sun. His glory is like a shield.

I Am Alive And hold the keys of death and hell.

Jesus Is The Only Way man can get to God, there is no other way. Some are trying to convince the world that there are other ways to God but Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father but by Me.” John 14:6

Jesus Asked His followers who He was.

  • They said, some say, John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.
  • But what about you?
  • Peter responds. You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.

Jesus Said:

  • I have all power; I am the Almighty God with all the power to change this world, to change you, to change your city, your church, your nation.
  • I can change any situation; I can heal any sickness or any family problem.


  • Talks about the birth of Jesus as the Savior of the world.
  • Is more than shepherds, the star in the east, the wise men, and the manger.
  • Is about the fulfillment of the prophecies in the Bible that talked about His coming to redeem us back to God.


  • Jesus said to Peter
  • This was not revealed to you by man but by My Father in heaven.
  • I will build My church
  • The powers of hell will not stop it.

Matthew 16

I will give you Kingdom keys.
What ever you bind on earth is bound in heaven
Whatever you loose on earth is loosed in Heaven.

I John 1:5-7

God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all.
If we claim to have fellowship with Him and walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth.

Jesus - The Anointed One

Jesus - The Anointed One this message was given on 12-20-09

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Truths of Revival - The Love of Jesus (notes)

Truths of Revival - The Love of Jesus

Who Is Jesus?

  • The Book of Revelation unveils Jesus Christ.
  • Revelation means uncovering or disclosure.
  • Jesus is the First and the Last, the Ever Living One.

God Sent His angel to reveal Jesus to John.

God sent angels to proclaim glory because Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

Jesus Christ

  • Is the greatest subject of Bible prophecy, not the last days, not the anti-Christ nor the false prophet, the four horsemen, the trumpet judgments, or the New Jerusalem, or the Great White Throne Judgment.
  • Is the main theme of the book of Revelation.
  • Is the reason the church exists.
  • Is the reason for the season of Christmas.

Whenever We Study Prophecy we need to look at Jesus Christ, not the end of the age or heaven or hell or angels but Jesus Christ.

During this season let’s look into Jesus.

The Last Book of the Bible Is a revelation of Jesus Christ, the Living Word of God, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

I Am The Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, Who is, and Who was and Who is to come, the Almighty.

Jesus made it very clear that He was (is) God in this last book of the Word of God.

Jesus Is The Only Way man can get to God, there is no other way. Some are trying to convince the world that there are other ways to God but Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father but by Me.” John 14:6

Jesus Said:

  • The time is near! What time?
  • The time for His return.
  • The time when all the predictions in the Word of God will be fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
  • The time for the judgments of God to display the power of God and the powerlessness of man.

Jesus Said:

  • I have all power; I am the Almighty God with all the power to change this world, to change you, to change your city, your church, your nation.
  • I can change any situation; I can heal any sickness or any family problem.


  • Talks about the birth of Jesus as the Savior of the world.
  • Is more than shepherds, the star in the east, the wise men, the manger.
  • Is about the fulfillment of the prophecies in the Bible that talked about His coming to redeem us back to God.


Jesus gave up heaven, His right as God to come to die for us. Phil. 2:5-8

This is what Jesus did for us.

Isaiah 53:3-11

  • Jesus suffered for mankind so we do not have to suffer the ravages of sin. He was made sin so we could be made the righteousness of God in Him.
  • He was made sick for us so we could walk in health and be healed.

Truths of Revival - The Love of Jesus

Truths of Revival - The Love of Jesus this message was given on 12-13-09

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Truths of Revival - Jesus Christ (notes)

Truths of Revival - Jesus Christ

Throughout Church History God reveals truth to the church in order to fulfill the purpose of God in that period of time.

The Church also looses truths and God has to remind us of what we have lost and has to restore revelation to the church.

The Church can not forget who Jesus Christ is.

  • A revelation of Jesus Christ was given to John on the Island of Patmos.
  • To Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by His blood and has made us a kingdom and priests to serve God and the Father.
  • To Him be glory and power for ever and ever!
  • He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him.
  • And all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of Him.

A Revelation of Jesus Was Given to John

  • Even those who pierced Him.
  • And all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of Him.
  • Jesus says I am the Alpha and the Omega, Who is, and Who was, and Who is to come, the Almighty.

The Greatest Miracle

  • In the history of the earth is the birth of Jesus Christ.
  • The second greatest miracle is the new birth, when a man or woman comes to Jesus Christ.

What We Will Look at in the Coming Weeks:

  1. Some prophecies about Jesus.
  2. The angels who praised God at His birth.
  3. The events around the birth of our Lord.

Jesus’ Coming Is the greatest demonstration of the Love of God.
John 3:16
“For God so loved the World that He gave His only Son…”

I John 2

The atonement of Jesus Christ is the only atonement that removes all our sins.
If we do sin, we have one who will speak to the Father in our defense -- Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.
He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins and the sins of the whole world.

What Is The Command of Jesus Christ?

To love God with all our being.
To love each other.

How Is Love Made Complete?

  1. We walk as Jesus did.
  2. We love Him.
  3. We love each other.


God is Love
The very nature of God is Love.
We Are Family.
It pleases our Father when we love each other.

Isaiah 7:14

A great sign.
A virgin will be with child.
A son will be born.
His name will be called God with us.

Truths of Revival - Jesus Christ

Truths of Revival - Jesus Christ this message was given on 12-6-09