Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Dedicated Life - A Father’s Love (notes)

A Dedicated Life - A Father’s Love

Dream Big Dreams

  • For the glory of God just like Joseph did.

Psalm 37

  • Has some powerful revelations for us today.

Truths That Last/Truths That Joseph Lived By

  1. Don’t be upset because of evil people.
  2. Don’t be jealous of those who do wrong.
  3. Trust the Lord and do good.
  4. Live in the land and feed on truth.
  5. Enjoy serving the Lord and He will give you what you want.
  6. Depend on the Lord; trust Him, and He will take care of you.
  7. Wait and trust the Lord. Don’t be upset when others get rich or when someone else’s plans succeed.
  8. Don’t get angry, don’t be upset; it only leads to trouble.
  9. Evil people will be sent away, but those who trust the Lord will inherit the land.
  10. People who are not proud will inherit the land.
  11. The wicked make evil plans against good people. They grind their teeth at them in anger. But the Lord laughs at the wicked.
  12. The weapons of the wicked will be turned against them.
  13. It is better to have little and be right than to have much and be wrong.
  14. The power of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord supports those who right.
  15. The Lord watches over the lives of the innocent, and their reward will last forever.
  16. They will not be ashamed when trouble comes. They will be full in times of hunger.
  17. The wicked borrow and don’t pay back, but those who do right give freely to others.
  18. Those whom the Lord blesses will inherit the land, but those He curses will be sent away.

Follow These principles in your daily life as Joseph did and you will see the blessing of the Lord upon you. They will work in bad times or good, in hard times or when everything is great, in any part of the world or city.

Genesis 46

Here is where we see a fathers love. Look at what God says to Him:

  1. I am God, the God of your father.
  2. Don’t be afraid to go to Egypt.
  3. I will make your descendants a great nation there.
  4. I will to Egypt with you and bring you out again.
  5. Joseph will close your eyes when you die.

The Promise of a Son:

  1. Come down to Me quickly.
  2. Live in the Land of Goshen where you will be near Me.
  3. Your family, flocks and herds will also be near Me.
  4. For the next five years of hunger you and your family will not go hungry.

The Promise Of a son is fulfilled. Pharaoh and his officials heard about Joseph’s brothers and was happy and tells Joseph to have his family come to Egypt and he would give them property and they will eat the best food we have. They will be given the best of Egypt.

Jacob’s Love for Joseph never died and he was able to see the blessing of the Lord upon his family as a result.

Where Are You Today?

Follow the dream God has given you, walk in faith and live a life of love for God and for your family and you will see great blessings from the Lord upon your loved ones and they will impact the world because of you.

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