Monday, March 9, 2009

A Dedicated Life - Character Counts (notes)

A Dedicated Life - Character Counts

God Desires development of character in His people. It takes friction for character to grow into Christ likeness.

History teaches us principles about people who failed:

  1. They failed.
  2. They didn’t stay down.
  3. They got back up.
  4. They succeeded.

Joseph teaches us principles about character.

Joseph A Successful Slave

  1. The Lord was with him.
  2. He prospered.
  3. His boss saw the Lord in him.
  4. His boss saw his success.
  5. He found favor in Potiphar’s eyes.
  6. He was put in charge of the house.
  7. God blessed Potiphar and all he owned.


  • Teaches us what character does in a person’s life.
  • He was tempted with Potiphar’s wife.
  • He refused to fall for her seduction.
  • He is falsely accused.
  • He is wrongfully sentenced.
  • Ends up in the right prison.
  • The king’s prisoners were confined.
  • Where the butler and the baker would be put later.
  • Was put in the crucible of affliction & mistreatment where his character was forged.

Romans 5

  1. Because we know that suffering produces endurance.
  2. Endurance produces character.
  3. Character produces hope.
  4. Hope does not disappoint us.
  5. Through whom we have access by faith.

Have You Suffered Like Joseph?

God is preparing you for something greater than what you have ever experienced.


  • Rejoice in the midst of suffering.
  • Learn the process of suffering.
  • Endurance under pressure is where character is developed.
  • Once our character is where God desires it to be hope comes.

Hebrews 11:1

  • Talks about faith being the substance of things hoped for.
  • How faith works in our life.
  • Shows what God used to create everything.
  • Let God develop your character and you will see His mighty hand on your life.

When The Lord Is with someone…

  1. That person will prosper.
  2. Others will see God’s hand upon us.
  3. We sill succeed.
  4. We will have favor.
  5. We will be given authority.
  6. God will bless those we work for.
  7. We will be entrusted by others.

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