Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Kingdom: Mercy Over Judgment (notes)

The Kingdom: Mercy Over Judgment


o Is something we are good at. We judge people’s motives and actions.

o Is Something Jesus discouraged.

There Is Coming

A day when God will judge those who rejected Jesus Christ.

A day when Jesus will judge us at the judgment seat of Christ.

What A Critical Spirit does:

It contaminates others

It puts question marks in people’s minds

It allows the accuser of the saints to enter the church

Rev. 12

§ Talks about what the serpent does.

§ He accuses the saints.

§ Says we overcome by the blood of Jesus.

The Original Greek is “krino”

It means to discriminate between good and evil. To condemn. To criticize.

Matthew 7

Do not judge and criticize and condemn others, so that you may not be judged and criticized and condemn yourselves.

We Will

Be judged as we judge others. We will be treated like we treat those who fail.

There Is A Way To restore those who fall

Gal. 6:1 gives the plan:

You who are spiritual…

Restore those who fall…

In a gentle manner!

Believers Fall

All the time!

JESUS needs believers who will not judge the fallen but are willing to restore them back into fellowship.

If We Treat

Fallen believers in a gentle manner, we will be recipients of the same type of treatment if we ever need it.

We Are Not To

Look for the tooth pick in our brother’s eye because there is a two by four in our eye.

Look at other’s faults before we see our faults.

Judge and criticize others or else we will be judged and criticized also.

Principle #1

Don’t criticize and judge others.

Principle #2

Look inward before we look outward

Principle #3

We will be treated in the same manner that we treat others.

Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment

James 2:13 But even in judgment, God is merciful: Or “So be merciful, and you will be shown mercy on the day of judgment.”

2 Cor. 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good of bad.

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