Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Move of God - Our Heritage, Our Inheritance (notes)

The Move of God - Our Heritage, Our Inheritance

A Worldwide Revival

  • Will sweep the land until the end of the age!


  • Is the status, conditions or character acquired by being born into a particular family or social class. It also means a country’s history, historical buildings, and sites that are considered to be of interest and value to present generations. It also means something such as a way of life or traditional culture that passes from generation to the next in a social group.


  • Is money, property, or title that has been inherited or is to be inherited. It means hereditary ownership of wealth or a title.

What Is Our Heritage?

  • When we are born of the Spirit we become a part of the family of God, a part of a social group unlike another in history or alive today.

What Is Our Inheritance?

  • Jesus is the King of Kings, the ruler of the universe and as His children we inherit everything He owns.

John 1

  • Tells us that Jesus is God.
  • Jesus was with God in eternity pass.
  • Through Jesus all things were made.
  • In Him is the life and the life is the light (revelation, our heritage & inheritance) of men.


  • Was in the world, and though the world was made through Him, the world did not recognize Him. He came to that which was His own (the Jews) but His own did not receive Him. Yet to all who received Him, those who believe in His name, He gave the power to become children of God.

The Holy Spirit

  • Was part of the creation process in the beginning.
  • Came upon Mary as she conceived and gave birth to the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Came upon Jesus at His baptism.
  • Came upon the early Christians at Pentecost.
  • Will be poured out on all mankind in the last days.

The Last Generation

  • Will know their heritage and their inheritance and will go throughout the world and proclaim the message of the return of Jesus and the coming judgment that will hit the whole world.

Let us

  • Look at our inheritance today and apply it to our situation right now and see the great future we have as the people of God.

The death and resurrection of Jesus has provided for the church all the blessings in heaven.

We can tap into our inheritance because of our heritage!

The Move of God - Our Heritage, Our Inheritance

The Move of God - Our Heritage, Our Inheritance this message was given on 8-30-09

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Move of God - America’s Heritage (notes)

The Move of God - America’s Heritage

What We Need As a nation is a new awakening!

Woodrow Wilson said in 1911 that America was born a Christian Nation. “America was born to exemplify that devotion to the elements of righteousness which are derived from the revelation of Holy Scripture.”

Ben Franklin Said...
The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of the truth--that God governs in the affairs of men and without His aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel.

Just Before
We became a nation God sent the First Great Awakening.

Before The Civil War
God sent the Second Great Awakening!

Abraham Lincoln Said...
We are highly resolved that these dead men shall not have died in vain; that this nation under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.”

Pres. Calvin Coolidge
The foundation of our society of our government rests so much on the teaching of the Bible that it would be difficult to support them if faith in these teachings cease to be practically universal in our country.

Josiah Was a king of Israel that led the people in a national revival.

Israel Had become so vile that no one could tell that it was a nation that believed in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Josiah Reformed the nation by the many radical changes he implemented.

America Has a Godly Heritage.
We can pray for her to return to God or that God bring us to our knees so we will return to Him!

The Move of God - America’s Heritage

The Move of God - America’s Heritage this message was given on 8-23-09

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Move of God - Love and Power (notes)

The Move of God - Love and Power

God’s Glory

  • Is going to cover the whole earth as the waters cover the sea.
  • Was seen on the Day of Pentecost.
  • Will be seen in His Church before Jesus Christ returns for His Church.

Acts 2:16-20

  • God will pour out His Spirit upon all mankind.
  • Your sons and daughters will prophecy.
  • Your young men will see visions.
  • Your old men will dream dreams.
  • Even on My servants--both men and women God will pour out His Spirit and they will prophecy.

All This Will Happen

Right before the great and glorious Day of the Lord comes.

Spiritual Manifestations

I Corinthians 12


I. Mind Gifts.

II. Speaking Gifts.

III. Power Gifts.

The Mind Gifts

  • Word of Knowledge.
  • Word of Wisdom.
  • Discernment of Spirits.

Speaking Gifts

  • Tongues.
  • Interpretation of tongues.
  • Prophecy.

Power Gifts

  • Faith.
  • Healing.
  • Miracles.

Every Believer Has the ability by the Baptism in the Holy Spirit to cast out demons, to heal the sick and to be protected from evil.

Mark 16:15-20

We Need Love

Three Categories of the fruit of love: Galatians 5:22

  1. Our relationship with God.
  2. Our relationship with others.
  3. Our relationship with Ministry.

Faith Works Through Love

I Corinthians 13:

  • Love is patient.
  • Love is kind.
  • Love does not envy.
  • Love does not boast, etc. etc. etc.

Everyone in the church is called to mature in love and to function in their spiritual gifts.

Move of God - Love and Power

Move of God - Love and Power this message was given on 8-16-09

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Move Of God - Exalted Church (notes)

Move Of God - Exalted Church

Luke 4:18

  • This is the mission statement of Jesus Christ
  • This is our mission statement as the Body of Christ

The Last Days Promises

  • The exaltation of the church to a point of prominence and influence over society, cultures and people groups
  • Micah 4:1-3
  • “In the last days the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established as chief among the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and peoples will stream to it.”

Nations Will Come

  • And say,
  • “Come; let us go to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us His ways, so that we may walk in His paths.”
  • The law will go out from Zion the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
  • A world wide harvest is promised by Micah the prophet of the Lord.


  • The last days = the church age right before the end to age.
  • The mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established as chief among the mountains. A mounting is symbolic of a kingdom. The church will be established higher than earthly kingdoms before Jesus returns.
  • It will be raised above the hills (cities, society, the culture of the last days)
  • People will stream to it. A mega harvest of souls.

John 15

  1. Jesus is the true vine.
  2. The Father is the gardener.
  3. He cuts off every branch in Jesus that bears no fruit.
  4. The Word of God cleanses or prunes us.
  5. Jesus says to remain in Him & allow Him to remain in us.
  6. No branch can bear fruit by itself.
  7. If I do not remain in Him, I will wither spiritually.
  8. Dead branches will be thrown into the fire.
  9. If I remain in Him and His Words remain in me I will have a power connection to the power source of all power and energy. I will ask whatever I wish, and it will be given to me.
  • This is the power that every believer has in Jesus Christ.

Jesus Will Exalt His church

In the last days, Lets stay connected to Him.

This brings glory to the Father and shows we are His disciples!

Move Of God - Exalted Church

Move Of God - Exalted Church this message was given on 8-9-09

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Move Of God - Explosive Growth of Revival (notes)

A Move Of God - Explosive Growth of Revival

The model for revival

  • Is the early church as recorded in the book of Acts

Acts 4

  • Revival always threatens the religious establishment verses 1-3
  • Revival causes explosive growth. verse 4
  • Revival gives God’s servants great boldness verses 8-12


  • Birthed the church on the Day of Pentecost
  • Was what caused Peter & John to bring healing to the lame man at the Gate Beautiful in Acts 3
  • 5,000 people were saved as a result of the miracle

The miracle Of the lame man is a great model for church growth

a) Peter & John saw the lame man

b) Peter tells him, “Silver & gold I have not, but what I do have, I give you.”

c) Peter takes the man by the hand and the man starts to walk, goes into the temple jumping and praising God.

Great Miracles

  • Are coming to our community
  • Will happen here
  • Will cause great growth in the church
  • Will cause people to give glory to Jesus Christ

Signs & Wonders

  • Result from the teaching of the Word of God
  • Will happen when God pours out His Spirit
  • Were common in the early church
  • Will increase as we closer to the end of this Age
  • Will give glory to the Lord Jesus Christ

Let’s Expect

God to pour out his spirit upon us

Miracles to happen as they did in the early church

God to bring people who need a miracle to us

Signs and wonders to happen in the street, in the market place, at work, etc. etc.

A Move Of God - Explosive Growth of Revival

A Move Of God - Explosive Growth of Revival this message was given on 8-2-09

A Move Of God - A Fresh Outpouring (notes)

A Move Of God - A Fresh Outpouring

What God Has Promised is a worldwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit right before the end of the church age.

Joel 2:28 Predicted a world wide outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Acts 2:17 Peter confirms what Joel had predicted.

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, God declares, that I will pour out My Spirit upon all mankind, and your sons and your daughters shall prophecy…”

Peter Said

“And your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams.”

Point 1

It shall come to pass in the last days.

The church age, the days before the end of this period in the history of planet earth according to God’s time plan.

I believe we have entered those days.

Point 2

God declares. God is the King of Glory and when the King declares something, it is a divine decree. It will come to pass.

Point 3

I will pour out My Spirit. A might demonstration of the glory of God will sweep the whole human race before the end of this age.

Point 4

All mankind. Everyone living at that particular time will be touched by God in a powerful way.

Point 5

Your sons and daughters will prophecy. This will impact nations. People will be transformed by the preaching of our sons and daughters. Demons will flee by the preaching of the word of the Lord.

Point 6

Your young men shall see visions. Supernatural visions of angels, of future events, of demons scattering, of principalities being dethroned, of world events will be given to young people.

Point 7

Your old men will dream dreams. People who have had a God dream all their lives will see them fulfilled.

The World Wide Outpouring Will Be:

  • A mighty display of God’s glory.
  • The greatest harvest in history.
  • Demonstrated by great miracles.
  • Accompanied with Angelic visitations.
  • Characterized by transformed nations.
  • Seen by great growth of churches.

It’s Time To Pray:

  • Let me see Your world wide outpouring Lord.
  • Let me be ready.
  • Let me be obedient to Your voice.

God Will Send the Holy Spirit soon, get ready!

Are You Ready for what God is going to do here and in this city and in our nation?

A Move Of God - A Fresh Outpouring

A Move Of God - A Fresh Outpouring this message was given on 7-26-09