Sunday, June 29, 2008

Signs & Wonders - Hurt & Anger (notes)

Signs & Wonders - Hurt & Anger

Jesus Desires to heal the inner hurts in our lives that cause all the anger.

Jesus came to suffer and die for the hurts of humanity.

Healing of the wounded soul is one of the main areas the Holy Spirit does His work.

Isaiah 53

  • Predicted the suffering savior for all the pain in humanity.
  • Is a picture of the love of God manifested in His Son as He took all our sin and all our pain upon Himself.


  • Was despised for us.
  • Was rejected so we could be accepted.
  • Took our sorrow.
  • Too our suffering.

Isaiah 53:3-5

Have You?

Ever been treated in such a manner that you felt despised & rejected?

Jesus knows how you feel!


  • Is one of the deepest hurts we could ever go through. Jesus was rejected by the very people He came to save.
  • Can lead us to Jesus and understand what the perfect Son of God went through.

Maybe we’ve done something so bad that people will reject us but Jesus did something so good that there is no reason why He would be rejected yet He was for us.

Rejection causes deep emotional hurt which leads to deep anger.

What Anger Does:

  • It hurts us inside our being.
  • It cause deep emotional wounds.
  • It causes various types of physical ailments.

What Jesus Did For Us:

  • He took all our infirmities.
  • He carried all our sorrows.
  • He was pierced for our transgressions.
  • He was crushed for our iniquities.
  • The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him.
  • By His wounds (stripes) we are healed.

Our Soul Needs:

  • Restoration. (Psalm 23:1-3) God has always watched over you and He always will.
  • Healing and Jesus suffered so we could walk in total wholeness.

Inner Hurts

  • Cause all kinds of disorders and dysfunctions in our lives.
  • Leave people empty and loss.
  • Can be healed by simply applying what Jesus went through for us.


  • Has already taken all our deep wounds and inner hurts that cause anger and destruction in our lives.
  • Wants His people well and sound in mind, body and spirit.
  • Can heal any hurt that leads to any type of dysfunction in our lives.

Signs & Wonders - Hurt & Anger

Signs & Wonders - Hurt & Anger this message was given on 6-29-08

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Signs & Wonders - Inner Healing 2 (notes)

Signs & Wonders - Inner Healing 2

Jesus Desires to heal the inner hurts in our lives and in the lives of those we minister to.

I Believe

  • God is pouring out His Spirit on people everywhere.
  • As a result people are being saved, delivered from oppression and healed of their hurts.

Healing of the wounded soul is one of the main areas the Holy Spirit does His work.


  • Is the reason why there are so many wounded people in the world. Jesus came to destroy the power of sin and the works of the Devil.

Matthew 8:23

  • Jesus rebuked the storm. Jesus can rebuke the storms in our lives.
    1. A storm of mental torment
    2. A storm of emotional turmoil
    3. A storm of spiritual oppression

Two Demon possessed men coming from the tombs met Him. They were so violent that no one could pass that way.

They Declared

  • That Jesus was the Son of God.
  • Did Jesus come to torture us before the appointed time. Demons know a time of God’s judgment is coming for them and they also know Jesus could do it then and there. (Matt. 8:29)

Demons Need

A body to inhabit so they asked Jesus, “If you drive us out, send us into the herd of pigs.”

Jesus told them to go and they went into the pigs and the pigs went crazy and all jumped into the lake and drowned.

The Pig Herders

  • Went and reported all this, including what happened to the demon possessed men.
  • The town’s pork industry was ruined by Jesus so they pleaded with Jesus to leave their region.

Our Number 1 Mental Health Problem

  • In America is depression.
  • Millions of Americans suffer from mental disorders.
  • Jesus can heal any inner hurt that causes mental and emotional disorders.

Christians & Mental Problems

  • Some Christians suffer from depression and/or psychosis.
  • Jesus desires to heal any infirmity in our lives.
  • If you are under a doctors care and you sense that Jesus has healed you, go to your doctor and allow them to examine you and they will declare you whole.

Our Soul Needs

  • Restoration. (Psalm 23:1-3)
  • God has always watched over you and He always will.
  • Our soul is our mind, emotions and will.
  • The Holy Spirit comes along side and makes us completely whole--body, mind and spirit.

Some Physical Ailments

  • Are the result of fractured soul. Ulcers, migraine headaches, forms of arthritis and even cancer can be the result of a fractured soul.

The Holy Spirit

  • Can come upon us and make us whole and complete. Peter is a great example of this; after the Day of Pentecost Peter was transformed into a new man.
  • Can transform us into new people.

Signs & Wonders - Inner Healing 2

Signs & Wonders - Inner Healing 2 this message was given on 6-22-08

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Fatherhood - The Father’s Heart (notes)

Fatherhood - The Father’s Heart

Fathers have one of the most important roles in society.

One of my greatest experiences in life has been to be a dad.

Dad what is your greatest joy?

Fathers impact future generations by their example, prayers, and love.

Fathers fill a great gap in our hearts but the greatest need a father fills is a spiritual one.

If you did have the honor of knowing your father you are blessed.

There are people here today who did not have the blessing of knowing their biological father.

Stats by Dr. Ken Canfield Ph.D National Center For Fathering. ((presented in sermon)).

Psalm 27

Though my father & mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me. Teach me your way, O Lord.

Jesus Knows The importance of having a Father but He also knows the pain and void in our lives if we did not know our father.

The Benefits of Knowing Our Heavenly Father:

  1. God receives us – Acceptance.
  2. God teaches us – Instruction.
  3. He will lead us – Guidance.
  4. He will not turn us over to our foes – Protection.
  5. He will show us His goodness – Provision.
  6. Wait on the Lord – Security.

Whatever Your Lot

  • You have a heavenly Father who loves you more than any biological father could ever love you.
  • God has always watched over you and He always will.
  • Put your complete trust in Him and you will see what I mean.

Fatherhood - The Father’s Heart

Fatherhood - The Father’s Heart this message was given on 6-15-08

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Signs & Wonders - Preach & Do (notes)

Signs & Wonders - Preach & Do

When we look at Jesus Christ we see the will of God in action.

We don’t want to go into another study on healing, signs & wonders and miracles. We want to experience the supernatural power of God in this time.

Jesus Commissioned

His disciples to go and do two things:

  • Proclaim the Good News.
  • Confirm the Good News.

Mark 16:13-20

15. He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.

16. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

Mark 16:17

17. And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18. they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."

Mark 16:19-20

19. After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was taken up into heaven and He sat at the right hand of God.

20. Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed His Word by the signs that accompanied It.

Jesus Himself

  • Said, whatever you ask the Father in my name He will do it.

My First experience with a healing service was in 1956 when I saw Oral Roberts.

It Made An

Impact on my mind and heart.

The needs of the people.

The power of God.


  • Past healing revivals.
  • Past individuals who moved in the power of God’s healing power.
  • What the Word of God says about signs and wonders, healing and miracles.
  • Apply the principles you learn to your life and start praying for sick, hurting people and see what happens.

If We Keep

1. Pressing into God’s presence.

2. Pressing into His Word and keep laying our hands on the sick.

3. Believing God to confirm His Word and don’t give up God will begin to honor our faith and our obedience and will heal the sick and do miracles all around us.

My Prayer

  • Is that God visits us and starts to do the miracles He promised He would do when we preach and take God’s Word and apply it to sick, hurting people.

A City Can

  • Experience a move of God’s healing power but only those churches who are open to God’s power will benefit from it.

God Has Always

  • Desired to heal the sick in every generation of the church but during those outpourings of His power only a hand full of people have run with that vision. Lets not miss this today. Lets believe God desires to do miracles today!

What I Value

  • Prayer
  • The Word
  • Character

Jesus Said

  • That He would baptize people with the Holy Spirit and fire. The fire is the glory of the Lord that Moses saw, that Isaiah talked about that Ezekiel saw & Haggai predicted would fill the temple in the last days.

The Early Believers

  • Were filled with the Holy Spirit and were scattered everywhere so they could preach Jesus and confirm the Gospel with signs following. This is the history of the book of Acts.

Lets Learn From

  • The success and the failures of past generations and apply those examples to our situation today.
  • From the Lord Jesus that we can proclaim His Word and confirm it with signs following.

The Wind of The Spirit

  • Is blowing throughout the earth in this hour and God is looking for people who have a heart for Him and for revival.
  • Lets pray that we will not miss what God is doing right now.
  • The glory of the Lord is being manifested and don’t want to miss it.

Signs & Wonders - Preach & Do

Signs & Wonders - Preach & Do this message was given on 6-8-08

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Colossians - A New Wardrobe (notes)

Colossians - A New Wardrobe

The Lord

  • Is down to earth and the Christian Life is practical.

Paul Talks About putting on a new wardrobe once we are new creations in Christ.

Chapter 3 Talks about where we are to put our affection where Jesus is seated at the right hand of God.

The Message:

We are dead in Christ and our life is now hidden with Christ.

  • 3-4 Your old life is dead. Your new life, which is your real life, even though invisible to spectators is with Christ in God.

God is not saying that we should neglect our earthly life but be good stewards of our life.

Paul Says:

That if our affection is in heaven we will put to death:

  1. Promiscuity
  2. Impurity
  3. Lust
  4. Evil desires
  5. Greed

Paul Mentions Internal Issues:

1. Bad temper

2. Irritability

3. Meanness

Sins that affect our relationship with each other:

1. Slander

2. Profanity

3. Lying to each other

The New Life Is Like A Wardrobe That We Put On

Look at the wardrobe of the Christian:

  • Compassion
  • Kindness
  • Humility
  • Gentleness
  • Patience
  • Forgiveness

Another Part of Our Wardrobe

Is understanding God’s order for the family.

  • The role of a wife.
  • The role of a husband.
  • The role of children.
  • The role of parents.


  • Was part of the Roman Empire.
  • Many slaves were becoming believers.
  • Paul tells them how to behave:
    • Obey your masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord.
  • Today this applies to employee-employer relationships.

This Applies To:

  • Every situation in life-whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. Since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for his wrong, and there is no favoritism.

Colossians - A New Wardrobe

Colossians - A New Wardrobe this message was given on 6-1-08