Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Proverbs 9 - Pillars of Wisdom (notes)

Proverbs 9 - Pillars of Wisdom


  1. Every building needs blue prints.
  2. Every building needs a design.
  3. Every building needs a foundation.
  4. Every building needs building materials.
  5. Every building needs workers.

Wisdom Is Like A House

  • A house has pillars: Pillars were part of the structural integrity of the structure.
  • A house has a design according to those who will live in it.
  • A house is decorated according to the taste of the homeowner.

Wisdom Keys

  • The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
  • If we lack judgment, go to wisdom for advice.
  • Wisdom starts with discipline.
  • Wisdom starts at home.
  • Do not correct a mocker.
  • Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still.
  • Wisdom gives rewards.

If We Fear God

  • We will hate evil, arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. There is a move of God where people are hungry for God. The people of God really want to know God. The fear of the Lord is the starting point.
  • We will worship God in spirit and truth. Worship starts with the fear (reverence) of the Lord.

Everyone Can Have Knowledge

  • But wisdom will only be given to the diligent.
  • God will fill us with wisdom if we hunger and thirst for it.
  • The spirit of wisdom and revelation is for those who have a heart for it.
  • If we seek we find, if we knock the door will open, if we ask it will be given to us.

Jesus (& Wisdom)

  • Works for those who work for it.
  • James tells us to considerate it pure joy when you face trials. The test of our faith develops endurance. As endurance does it job we mature and come into full stature.
  • If we lack wisdom, ask for it. God will give it to us. Just ask in faith!

Do You? Lack wisdom when you face difficulty in dealing with the issues of life, God has wisdom for you. God is a good God and does not rejoice when we struggle in life but wants us to rejoice because we see the end result. When our faith is attacked with fears God says rejoice. When a child of God asks God for something, it pleases Him but when we ask for wisdom like Solomon did, it grips God’s heart.

When God Gives Wisdom

  • We will know how to handle resources.
  • We will know how to administrate.
  • We will handle people with grace.
  • We will use our gifts & talents.


  • Rejoices in God’s creation-the world and mankind.
  • Says to listen to Him, to His instruction and be wise.
  • Says, “Blessed is the man who listens to me, who watch daily at the door of heaven, waiting at His door way.”

We Will Become aware that the wisdom is from the Lord not from our selves or human education or natural understanding--it is supernatural wisdom.

Proverbs 9:11

  • For through me your days will be many and years will be added to your life. If you are wise you are wise your wisdom will reward you. Whey do some people die before their time? Lack of wisdom.
  • If you are a mocker you alone will suffer. Folly is loud, undisciplined and without knowledge. Folly calls out from a foolish house.

Wisdom Is Like

  • A wise woman living in a beautiful house.
  • While foolishness is like a foolish woman living in the ghetto.

There Are Two Types Of Wisdom (Two Systems):

  1. The world’s: bitter envy, selfish ambition and unspiritual--motivated by Satan.
  2. The Kingdom of God’s: Leads to a good life, does good deeds in humility, pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

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