Proverbs 13 - A Fountain of Living Water
Jesus Said Whoever believes in Me, as the scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him. By this He meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were later to receive.
John 7:37-39
When A Person
· Is filled with the Holy Spirit their lives become like a fountain of living water.
· Is filled with the Holy Spirit miracles become the norm in that person’s life.
· Is filled with the Spirit, reproduction happens naturally.
Jesus Talked About
· The coming of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. John said one is coming after me who will baptize you in the Spirit and fire.
· Mark 1: 8 “I baptize you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit."
We Release what we are most aware of. It should be from glory to glory, from strength to strength. The glory of God came upon the early believers on Pentecost and they went out and told people who Jesus was. Signs and wonders accompanied their message and they will accompany our message also.
Proverbs 13
Our words are very important to God. When we speak positive, faith filled, encouraging, kind and loving words to others God will grant us favor even with our enemies. People will bless us when we speak with grace. Our mouths can literally be a fountain of life to others.
He Who Guards
· His lips guards his life but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin.
· How do we guard our lips? By being careful what we say, how we say it and who we say it to.
Laziness In Life
· Only leads to dead end dreams. You or I can dream all day but if we don’t get up and put action to our dreams we will never accomplish anything.
· Diligent people will see their dreams fulfilled.
· Will be given to the righteous. They will know what is false, what is a lie and what is fake.
· Will not be given to the wicked, only shame and disgrace will be their lot.
· In our spiritual war against evil Paul talked about the breastplate of righteousness. Integrity is part of the armor against evil.
· When a man walks in integrity it is like breastplate that protects his spirit from the attacks of the enemy. Guard you spirit for out of it flows the issues of life (fountain of life).
· Life flows from the Spirit filled believer.
It is Not How We appear that shows our true wealth but what is inside of us. A person can have financial wealth but be spiritually poor and on the other hand a man can appear to be poor but be extremely wealthy in knowledge, wisdom and insight that is worth more than financial wealth.
The light of the righteous shines brightly. Righteous brings glory and when we are in the glory, lives are changed, captives are freed, the poor are helped and miracles happen.
In Every Move of God Those in that move must walk in humility and guard themselves from spiritual pride and self righteousness.
Dishonest Money dwindles away. The way we grow rich in the
Hope deferred makes the heart sick. We must be sick for God’s presence, for His glory.
Repentance means to change our way of thinking. The word says; repent from dead works… faith towards God. Faith is both the crown and enabler of repentance.
The Teaching of The Wise is a fountain of life. There is death all around as a result of sin, but when the wise are given revelation and they give it to the people of God.
It becomes a fountain of life.
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