Sunday, March 28, 2010

A New Reality - Seeing As God Sees (notes)

A New Reality - Seeing As God Sees

Jesus Said The Kingdom of God is here now!

We must change our way of thinking if we are going to embrace the Kingdom, if we are going to see as God sees.

Palm Sunday

  • Was not just any other day. It had great significance for Israel, for the world and for us today.
  • The King of Glory was revealed by the Holy Spirit to the people living at the time in that place.
  • Jesus was called the prophet. This is still one of His titles today.

There Were Many

  • Prophecies fulfilled in the life of Jesus Christ.
  • This one is very powerful. “Behold your King is coming to you, Gentle, and mounted on a donkey, even on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.
  • After He sat on the donkey, the people spread garments on the road and some cut palm branches and spread them on the road. This was a sign of great honor given to a king.
  • They cried out, “Hosanna to the son of David; (heir to the throne in Israel) Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.”

Many could not see who this was. Their King, our King, the King of Glory was there that day and many could not see who He was for they did not see as God sees.

To see the Kingdom of God we must have the spirit of wisdom and revelation. (Eph. 1:17)

Jesus Enters

· The city then enters the temple, (the center of worship to the Jews) and cast out those who were buying and selling in the temple. He overturned the tables of the moneychangers and the seats of those who were selling doves.

· He declares, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer’; but you are making it a robbers den.

When Jesus Came

  • The King came and His Dominion came with Him. The Kingdom of God.
  • Whenever a king would come enter a community, the dominion (kingdom) came with him.
  • The blind and lame came to Him in the temple He healed them because the Kingdom of God had entered the temple.

The Temple

· Was the center of life to the nation and when Jesus performed these miracles there He was making a prophetic declaration to everyone that when the Kingdom comes miracles will be common.

· The Kingdom has been here since Jesus came the first time and will continue to be here until He returns.

When Jesus Was Born

· The wise men came and asked, ‘where is the king for we saw his star in the east.’

· John’s message was “repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”

Matthew 3:2

· The Kingdom of Heaven invaded earth.

In Ancient Times

· When the king was going to visit a place, they would send a messenger who would announce the coming of the king.

· This was the role of John the baptizer.

· Jesus is here; let's announce it to the world.

· His Kingdom has been here since He came.

Repent Means

· To change our mind, to have a new outlook, a new mind set.
When the Kingdom comes, God will give His people a new way at looking at things.

· This is happening right now in the world. Jesus is getting ready to return to earth and need to change our way of thinking.

· We must have a new reality.


In Matthew 13 Jesus talked about the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven.

In every generation, people loose the insights of the Kingdom and God has to restore them.

The New Reality:

· The Kingdom is here and we must change our minds to embrace it. Things are not as we see them. The invisible Kingdom is here and we must embrace it. Let’s see things as God does. The Kingdom or new reality is here now. Sickness and disease will no longer be able to stand in our way because of this new reality. The enemy must move out.

· Nothing can stop this Kingdom from advancing in the earth today. There is also supernatural provision for us. There is healing for any and all types of diseases. There is deliverance for those oppressed by the Devil and those possessed by demons.

This revelation is being unveiled to us and we are taking the Kingdom by force.

Repentance Means: to change our way of thinking. The word says; repent from dead works… faith towards God. Faith is both the crown and enabler of repentance.

To Fear God Means:

· I believe what He says.

· I trust Him.

· Faith is the mirror of the heart that reflects the realities of the unseen world-the actual substance of His Kingdom.

It Is a Violent Theme

To bring the Kingdom of heaven into this realm. There will be opposition to this Message even from some in the church but we must press on, it is worth it.

The physical world is under the dominion of this new Kingdom reality. The physical world is under the authority of this new Reality.

For too long the church has had it backwards. We believe that this is all there is when there is so much more.

There Is Another Reality

The spiritual world (God’s Kingdom) controls the physical world.

The Kingdom of God is here, God is here and we need to bring that Reality into our existence. When we do, the blind will see, the lame will walk, the demons will be driven out of people and the dead raised.

All This Started when Jesus came and will not stop because some will not believe it. We must believe it, we must embrace this new Reality and see what God wants us to see and do what He says we can do in the name of the King.

Matthew 21:15-22

This account finishes with Jesus talking about the power of faith when we pray. Prayer is not wishful thinking or empty hope, it is faith in the new Reality that the Kingdom of Heaven is here and we can tap into it, see miracles in Jesus’ name and the greatest harvest we have ever seen in the history of the church.

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