Acts 20 - A Long
Trip Toward The Jerusalem Jail
In The Last
Luke gives very little information about missiology, church
planting or power ministries. He deals with the arrest and trails of Paul. In
this respect Luke concludes Acts much like he concludes the Gospel of Luke.
Paul Spends
Much of his time in custody but that is where he writes.
Lets look at what Paul accomplished in the City of Ephesus.
- Paul wrote the first letter to the Corinthians.
- Timothy succeeded Paul in Ephesus. Paul wrote 1st & 2nd Tim. to Timothy while in Ephesus. (I Tim. 1:3)
- John the Apostle later took up residence in Ephesus & wrote 1st, 2nd and 3rd John from Ephesus as well as the Gospel of John. It is possible that Paul had Timothy & John as professors in the Seminary of Tyrannus at Ephesus.
- Paul planned his future there.
Visited the established churches in Achaia (which included
the capital of Corinth) & Macedonia (which included Philippi, Thessalonica
& Berea) which was important for Paul. Paul wanted to go to Rome because of
the churches that were planted there by other leaders. It was only a stopping
point because he really wanted to go to Spain.
Some Believe
That Paul stayed in Philippi for a year and a half. He didn't have to work but stayed with Luke and Lydia. He did not have to work his
normal job of tent making. He also wrote 2 Corinthians while there.
The Difference
Romans 15:22-24
And that is why it has taken me so long to finally get
around to coming to you. But now that there is no more pioneering work to be
done in these parts, and since I have looked forward to seeing you for many
years, I’m planning my visit. I’m headed for Spain, and expect to stop off on
the way to enjoy a good visit with you, and eventually have you send me off
with God’s blessing.
(The Message)
When Paul
- Left Philippi, it is likely that Timothy and Erastus accompanied him to Corinth. Whether he had also visited churches in Thessalonica and Berea while in Macedonia we don’t know. Paul then goes to Troas to preach and found an open door to the Gospel there.
- Paul then sets out to Macedonia to the city of Philippi where he had sent Timothy and Erastus.
We Learn From
The second letter to the Corinthians that Paul was on way to
Corinth to raise funds for the church in Jerusalem.
Principles About
Fund Raising
- Let Christians know what other followers are doing. 2 Cor. 8:3
- Giving is like sowing seed. 2 Cor. 9:6-8
- Giving causes joy. 2 Cor. 9:7
- Then goes to Macedonia, to Philippi and holds a regional leadership meeting. Seven people from a variety of churches gathered to take the offering to Jerusalem. The seven continued on to Troas while Paul and Luke stayed in Philippimn,
- On his way to Jerusalem Paul wanted to conduct a leadership training seminar for the pastors of the churches in Ephesus.
In Corinth
- Society itself promoted sexual immorality. At the time of Paul to Corinthianize meant to fornicate.
- Paul wrote 1st & 2nd Thessalonians in Corinth.
- Paul wrote the letter to the Romans six years later from Corinth.
- God gave the Apostle Paul some of the most powerful revelations to the church.
- God added to the ministry team of Paul and they worked together spreading the Gospel to the Roman Empire & beyond.
Greek words Paul
used in his leadership seminar:
- Elders, presbyteros - The Presbyterian church.
- Overseers, episkopos, bishops - Those who supervise a number of pastors, the Episcopal church.
- Shepherds, poimen - Those who care for the sheep, Pastor.
- Deacons, decones - Helpers under the pastors.
House Churches
- Were the norm for almost 400 years until Constantine began erecting the first Christian Basilicas.
- Peter Wagner says that there could have been over 200 house churches in Ephesus at the time Paul gave this seminar.
- It was a one day six hour seminar.
What The Seminar
- Striving for a servant’s heart. 20:17-21
- Counting the cost of discipleship. 20:22-24
- Guarding against counterfeits. 20:25-31
- Turning the church over to nationals. 20:32-35
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