Acts 14 - Bring In
The Harvest
Paul’s Missionary
- Are some of the most amazing accounts of the expansion of the Word of God in the Roman Empire.
- Are divided into three. The first is found in Acts 13:1 to 15:35. The second is found in Acts 15:36 to 18:22 The third is found in Acts 18:23.
America is Like
the Roman Empire was at the time of the early church. Rome was the world’s
Super Power just as America is the world’s Super Power. Rome was a pagan nation
just like America is becoming a pagan nation. We started as a Christian nation
but have become a secular society as we have turned away from God.
What Many in
the world do not know is that the church is the salt of the earth and the light
of the world. The church is the only pure system in this dark world. Every
other system in the world cannot solve the problems in the world only the
church has the answer to the problems in the world. As a believer we are
connected to the One who knows what caused the problem and how the problem can
be solved. God is all knowing and if I am connected to Him I can tap into that
The Church Knows
- The answer to the most important questions.
- “Where did I come from?, Why am I here?, And where am I going?”
- We came from God, made in His image and likeness, we are here to know God and If I know God I will fulfill my purpose. I then can lead many to their eternal destiny-Heaven. These are the most important questions.
As We Look At
- The historical record we can apply what God is saying to us today.
- The missionary journeys of Paul & his team were amazing displays of Apostolic authority and ministry. What is the Holy Spirit saying to us through these events?
- The turmoil in the world, the displays of hatred towards America in the Middle East we need to see the spiritual war that we are in. We are not fighting against flesh & blood but with the forces of darkness that are everywhere. The most evil and violent forces in the planet are the religious ones. Look at Ireland, at the middle east, in South America in the 1700s. Many thousands of people have been killed in the name of the different religions over history.
Paul’s Strategy
was to always go to the local synagogue first.
- They go to Iconium and go straight to the synagogue & spoke with such anointing that a large number of Jews & Gentiles believed.
- The unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles against the apostles.
- The apostles spoke the Word with boldness and Jesus confirmed it with signs and wonders.
Acts 14:1-7
The People of the
- Were divided, some sided with the Jews and some with the apostles.
- Attempted to stone them but the apostles became aware of the plan and fled to Lycaonia, Lystra and Derbe and the surrounding region and continued to preach Jesus.
In Lystra
- A crippled man is healed as Paul said in a loud voice, “Stand upright on your feet” and he leaped up and began to walk.
- The people of the city looked at the apostles as gods. They called Paul Hermes (the spokesman) and Barnabas Zeus. The priest of Zeus wanted to offer sacrifices to the apostles but Paul rebuked the crowd by explaining that they were just men and to turn from paganism and turn to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Jews Came
from Antioch and Iconium and won over the crowd and stoned Paul, dragged him
out of the city and left him for dead. The disciples prayed for him and he got
up & entered the city. The next day they went to Derbe where they made many
disciples after preaching the Gospel there.
The Apostles
- Returned to Lystra & Iconium and Antioch strengthening the disciples. They appointed elders in every church, prayed and fasted with the believers.
- Passed through Pisidia and Pamphylia then taught the Word in Perga and they went to Attalia. Then they sailed to Antioch (the headquarters church) where they reported what God had done on their journey.
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