Acts 10 - The Moving of The Spirit
In Chapter 10
We find the movement of the Holy Spirit…
- In the lives of two people and two cultures.
- Cornelius and Peter. One a Gentile and the other a Jew.
Being Full of The Spirit:
- Means being full of God. Dunamis or the power to reproduce.
- Is to walk in the fullness of God.
- Is to live under the anointing of the Spirit.
- Is to walk with Jesus in intimate fellowship.
- To be willing be guided and influenced by the Holy Spirit. To break new ground for the Kingdom of God.
What can we learn from a person who is full of the Spirit?
- They have a deep knowledge of the Word.
- They have revelation from the Word.
- They know the heart of God because they pray.
- They have been set free from the fear of man.
- They are not intimidated by cultural or ethnic differences.
What We Find Here
- The breakthrough of God in the realm of breaking down wall of differences between cultures, ethnic groups or people groups.
- The way the Holy Spirit works through people who pray and who are kind and compassionate.
- How visions are part of God’s unfolding plan of redemption for people who are hungry for God.
The History of the expansion of the early church is one of the most amazing stories in history because it is the most important part of man’s experience.
The Events
- That shaped the history of the church and of the world.
- In Caesarea a man named Cornelius lived there. He was a Roman Military officer in charge of a hundred Roman Soldiers. Part of the Italian Regiment.
- He and his family were devout and feared God. He was a giving man, helped the needy and was a man of prayer.
One Day
- At the time of prayer (3 in the afternoon) Cornelius has a vision of an angel.
- The angel tells him that his prayers and gifts to the poor did not go unnoticed.
- Go to Joppa and send for a man named Simon Peter. He is staying with Simon the tanner.
The Next Day
- As the men were on the way to look for Peter, Peter has an encounter with the Lord. Peter was in prayer when this happened. While in prayer, Peter gets hungry and as they were preparing the meal, he falls into a trance. He sees Heaven open and a sheet is let down to earth. It had all kinds of four footed animals, with reptiles and birds and hears a voice saying, kill and eat. Peter protests, I have never eating anything unclean.
- The message God was giving Peter was that he has being called to a new level of ministry, going to the Gentiles and presenting the Gospel to them.
- Has to tell Peter three times and then the sheet was taken back to Heaven. Heaven has visions for us. We just need to stay in touch with the Holy Spirit and God will reveal some amazing things to us.
- Tells Peter that three men were outside looking for him and to go with them. They tell Peter what Cornelius experienced. They spent the night with Peter. The next day they arrive at Caesarea. Cornelius called his family and close friends together. He falls at Peter’s feet but Peter tells him to get up, “I am only a man.”
- Gives a real encouraging opening statement. Its against the law for Jews to associate with Gentiles but God showed him not to call anyone impure.
- Asked Cornelius why he sent for him. Cornelius tells Peter what happened to him.
- Tells them that God is not show favoritism but accepts from every nation those who fear Him and do what is right.
- Then shares the Gospel with them.
Acts 10:38
How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how He went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with Him.
While Peter
Is sharing the Good News something amazing happens. The Holy Spirit falls on them and they spoke in tongues as a result. The Jewish believers who came with Peter were amazed that the Spirit had been poured out on Gentiles. Peter then baptized them in water. Peter stayed with them for a few days.
The Holy Spirit
- Moved in the early church in amazing ways and wants to move in amazing ways in our lives today. We need to be hungry for God to move like that today. If we are not hungry for a move of God it will not happen to us. It might happen here but those who aren’t hungry for God will miss out.
- Don’t miss out on what the Spirit has for you be hungry for it and amazing things will happen.
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