Acts 2 - A Healthy Church
The Holy Spirit
- Is the foundation of the church and was the reason it grew into a healthy church with a worldwide vision.
- Was the reason that the early church grew so rapidly and why it expanded into the whole Roman Empire in just a couple of hundred years.
- In the life of our church will make us a healthy church with a worldwide vision and a community impacting church.
Peter explains
- To all those who were present the Gospel of Jesus Christ. How Jesus was attested by God to them by miracles, wonders and signs which God did through Him in their midst.
- How God determined and foreknew how Jesus would be crucified and put to death.
- How God would raise Him up, death not being able to keep Him down.
Peter Mentions
- The prophecy of King David. David spoke by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. “you will not leave my soul in Hades, nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption. The Body of Jesus did not decompose one bit.
- How David saw Jesus rise from the dead and saw Jesus seated on the throne at the right hand of the Father and How Jesus would pour out the Holy Spirit in the last days.
Peter Talks About
- How Jesus made His enemies His footstool.
- How God made Jesus both Lord and Christ.
- Under such a strong anointing that the people are cut to the heart and ask Peter and the other Apostles…”Men and brethren, what shall we do?”
- About the power of repentances and the value of baptism in the church and the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Revival or refreshing. Acts 2:38
Principles of Renewal
- Repentance.
- Water baptism.
- Remission of sins.
- The baptism in the Holy Spirit.
A Healthy Church Is
- Dedicated to the leadership’s teaching.
- Committed to fellowship.
- One that values communion (The Lord’s table).
- One that understands and practices the power of prayer.
- Knows the fear of the Lord.
- Sees signs and wonders regularly.
- A generous church.
A Healthy Church
- Knows the power of united fellowship.
- Has communion regularly.
- Values praise.
- Will be given favor in the community.
- Sees people saved daily.
- Knows the power of united fellowship.
- Has communion regularly.
- Values praise.
- Will be given favor in the community.
- Sees people saved daily.
- Is a growing church. A sick church is a declining church. We all need to ask the Lord, “Are we a healthy church or are we in need of healing by Jesus Christ.”
What Makes A Church Sick?
- When programs, extracurricular activities and our internal ministries are more important than the lost and dying of our city.
- No passion to see lost people come to Jesus.
- When we are more concerned about our needs than those in our community.
- Doesn't have a vision of making disciples.
What Makes A Church Healthy:
- Reaching lost people is more important than our personal needs, pleasures, preference of worship style or traditions.
- A burning desire to see people saved.
- Revival is our great desire.
- Can speak into the culture with relevance, clarity and authority.
- Loves each other as Jesus commanded us to.
- Making disciples is a priority and healing hurts.
Health signs - A healthy church is…
- A loving church.
- A joyful church.
- A peaceful church.
- Forbears.
- Is kind.
There are sick churches and healthy churches
- What determines if we will be a healthy church?
- Our desire to be the church Jesus wants us to be. His church and the gates of hell will not be able stop us.
- If we are sick, let’s repent, ask God to forgive us for our apathy and ask Him to put the fire back into our hearts.
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