Friday, May 25, 2012

Acts 1 - Blazing Fires of Revival (notes)

Blazing Fires of Revival - A Study in the Book of Acts

History of Revival

  • Some use Old Testament examples of revival such as in the reign of Josiah.
  • The real history of Revival is on the Day of Pentecost in the book of Acts.
  • Throughout church history we have heard of Revivals in various parts of the World.


  • Is the best case study in revival.
  • Records how the Holy Spirit was poured out and how it changed the world.
  • Shows how the Spirit moved in the life of the early believers.

In Every Revival

  • There are different manifestations and characteristics that distinguish that move of God.
  • There are also similar characteristics in every move of God.

Characteristics of Revival

  1. Prayer.
  2. Repentance.
  3. Outpouring of the Spirit.
  4. God’s people get on fire.
  5. A great harvest comes into the Kingdom of God.
  6. Transformed lives & transformed communities.
  7. Signs & wonders & deliverance from demons.

Jesus Promised

  • That power would come from Heaven.
  • That it would give His followers a new ability to be witnesses all over the world.
  • To return like He left, taken up into Heaven on the mount of Olives.

The Disciples

  • Obey and go to Jerusalem to the upper room where they had been staying. Some believe that this is John Mark’s family home. It must have had a large upstairs room that could accommodate at least 120 people.
  • They devoted themselves to prayer. Here is the first principle to revival. Prayer is the foundation to revival. If we don’t pray for God to move in our church, our city and our nation we should not expect anything to happen. How hungry are we for a move of God?

What Jesus Said About The Holy Spirit:

  1. You will receive power when the Spirit comes to you. The power comes before we can be used of God.
  2. You will be witnesses to me, not only in Jerusalem, not only throughout Judea, not only in Samaria, but to the very ends of the earth.


  • Starts to be used as a spokesman and leader of the early church in Acts 1:15-17.
  • About 120 people were present. Peter mentions a prophecy by David about Judas. (Ps. 109:8)
  • The early church placed a high priority on prophecy and even in Judas’ replacement. (Num. 35:33, Deut. 21:23)

The Leaders of the church picked Matthias to take the place of Judas Iscariot who betrayed the Lord.

What Can We Learn From Acts 1:

  • First it starts with the words of Jesus Christ. He promised power from the Holy Spirit.
  • The angels promised Jesus would return just like He left on the mount of Olives.
  • Revival is for us today, let’s embrace it.

The Results of Revival:

  1. Passion for God and His presence in our lives.
  2. Holiness, a desire to be pure in all aspects of our lives.
  3. Compassion for the hurting and the lost.
  4. Mercy to those we love when they fall.
  5. Unity in the church.
  6. A deeper hunger for His Word.
  7. A greater intensity and desire for prayer.

Community Transformation

  1. Crime goes down.
  2. Economy gets better, the community prospers under revival.
  3. People are healthier.
  4. Government works better to help the community become a better place to live.
  5. Education system improves.
  6. Transportation system improves.
  7. Alcoholism and drug addiction rates go down.
  8. Smut industry suffers.

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