Friday, April 6, 2012

Events That Changed History (notes)

Events - That Changed History

Passion Week

The day of the month of the Crucifixion: Passover occurred during the month of Abid, the first Jewish month of the year. After the exile this month was called Nisan. This corresponds to March or April in our calendar. Passover lambs were slain on Nisan 14 between 3 and 5 PM and then eaten after sundown. (Ex. 12) Jesus died about 3 PM or the 9th hour.

The Sadducees

  • Who had authority over the temple, reckoned days from sunset.
  • Jesus and His disciples began their trip to Jerusalem from Galilee. They traveled south on the eastern side of the Jordan River. They traveled through the city of Jericho where Zaccheus met Jesus. On Friday they then arrived at Bethany, a little village just east of Jerusalem.
  • Friday evening - Six days before the Passover, Mary anoints Jesus feet with costly perfume. (Jn. 12:2-11)

Saturday Jesus keeps the Sabbath in the traditional fashion with His friends.

Sunday The triumphal entry.

Monday Cleansing of the Temple.

Tuesday The Day of Controversy & teaching Parables.

Wednesday The Silent day. A day of rest with friends.

Thursday Preparation & Passover in the Evening.

On Thursday

  • Preparation is made for the Passover. Judas may have also utilized this time for his betrayal.
  • The Passover is celebrated on Thursday evening. At the end of the Jewish feast, Jesus institutes the Last Supper.
  • The Last Supper is followed by the Upper Room Discourse.
  • Sometime in the evening, after the Passover, Jesus and His disciples leave the Upper Room and go to Gethsemane, a place near the Mt. of Olives where it was a custom for Jesus to Pray.

While In The Garden

  • Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested by the temple guards.
  • The trials begin. Before dawn Jesus is tried twice before Annas and then Caiaphas. Everything about these trials is illegal.
  • Friday. Trials, Crucifixion, Death and Burial.
  • Jesus' third trial is held early before the Sanhedrin.
  • Jesus is taken before Pilate (the 4th trial) where He is found innocent. He is taken to Herod who finds Him innocent then back to Pilate who again finds Him innocent, but relents after pressure.

About 9:00 AM

  • Jesus is crucified on a hill called The Skull outside the city. This is likely the site where God commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac.
  • At noon, the sky becomes dark. During that time Jesus experienced hell for us. Hell is to be utterly forsaken by God.
  • At 3 PM Jesus utters the most important words to believers when He cries with a loud voice: “It is finished”. The phrase literally means Paid in full. The sinless Son of God became sin for us.
  • Jesus gives up His life and fulfills the typology of the Passover Lamb at exactly the same time lambs were killed in the Temple. The veil is rent in the Temple. Jesus is on the cross for six hours.


  • Jesus keeps the Sabbath in the traditional fashion.
  • There are different views on when Jesus was crucified. The Wednesday view, Thursday and the traditional view on Friday, which is held by most Biblical scholars.


  • Was in the tomb part of Friday, all day Saturday, and a part of Sunday.
  • Died somewhere between 26 & 36 A.D. If we settle that He died on Friday, then by astronomical calculation we know that in the years 30 and 33 A.D. Friday occurred on Nisan 14. Of late the 30 A.D. date would make Jesus about 30 when He began His ministry and 33 at His death.
  • Is laid in Joseph’s tomb before the Sabbath began at sunset, or around 6:00 PM.
  • Saturday. Jesus’ body lies in the tomb. After 6:00 PM the Sabbath is over and His body is treated with spices.

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