Revelation 16 - The Seven Bowl Judgments
Chapter 15
Deals with the preparation for the final bowl judgments in Revelation 16.
In chapter 16 seven angels appear to John with seven bowls of the final judgments.
God’s wrath has been building for centuries, in the tribulation, He unleashes His wrath.
In the bowl judgments, He concludes His judgments on those in the world who have taken the mark of the beast.
The Seven Bowl Judgments begin:
The 1st judgment: ugly festering sores broke out on the people who took the mark of the beast and who worshipped the beast.
The 2nd Judgment is similar to the plague on
This is God’s judgment on those who attacked and killed the tribulation saints.
The 3rd bowl is God judging those who shed the blood of believers in history.
The 4th bowl judgment is intense heat as the result of the bowl being poured out on the sun. (Is. 24:4-6) The people on the planet at this time respond, not by repentance but by cursing the name of God. They refused to repent and glorify God.
The 5th bowl judgment the angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and its kingdom was plunged into darkness. (Ex. 10:21-23) Will this be something in the environment or spiritual? It could be confusion or mental darkness.
Again people curse God because of their pains and their sores and would not repent.
The 6th bowl judgment the angel pours out his bowl on the Euphrates River and the river dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East. Three impure spirits like frogs came out of the dragon’s mouth, the beast and the false prophet. This is all a set up for the war of Armageddon.
The 7th angel pours out his bowl into the air and out of the temple in Heaven came a loud voice from the throne of God saying, “It is done.” The last judgment is pronounced by God. Flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. The greatest earthquake in history.
The Message
The great city,
- Will fall and the mountains will all fall. Huge hailstones weighing about 100 lbs. each will fall from the sky on people.
- The people left will curse God because of the hail.
There Is
- A period of judgment coming upon the planet that will be the result of the evil in the world. Evil will become viler and people will become more rebellious as we get closer to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
- A period of refreshing coming for the people of God as things become viler and people become more rebellious towards God.
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