Revelation 9 - The Purpose of Judgment
Why Revelation Is Important To Look At:
- Jesus promised blessings on those who read it, listen to it and obey its commands.
- I desire the blessing of the Lord upon Me and upon my family and upon you.
Let us
- Put aside all the messages, teachings and studies and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to us what God is saying to the church in this hour.
- Be expectant of the greatest revival in history for right before the tribulation or the rapture of the church.
The Fifth Trumpet
- Locusts from the bottomless pit.
- A star is an angel in some scriptures and in this portion it must be an angel because he is given a key to the bottomless pit. Some believe that this is no one other than lucifer or satan, who is called morning star in Isaiah 14:12.
- Then a great volcano erupts which causes dark conditions just like when any great volcano erupts.
There Are Fallen Angels in Chains Until The Time of The End
- 2 Peter 2: 4 (NIV) For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment.
- Jude 1:6 (NIV) And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling these He has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day.
- Judgment means when God judges the world in the tribulation.
The Creatures John sees are demonic beings, they look like locusts but they had a sting like a scorpion. We know that one of the characteristics of a locust is that they devour plant life. But these beings are commanded not to harm the grass of any plant life but only people who are not sealed by God.
Look at These Creatures
- They had a shape like a horse prepared for battle. Their heads had crowns of something like gold and had faces like men. They had long hair like a woman and teeth like a lion. The Iron breastplates and wings like the sound a some type of air craft.
- They had tails like scorpions who would sting people for five months. They had a commander from the bottomless pit named Apollyon.
- The purpose of these beings afflicting people is that God is giving them a chance to repent.
A Biblical Principle
- Where civilization began is important to God. Where a nation which is supposed to fulfill God’s purpose begins and how it is founded is also very critical.
- Example of the Fertile Crescent, Israel and America.
The Heart of Israel is the temple mount or mount Moriah (in Abraham’s time), Salem, (Jerusalem) during the period of Melchizedek had a sanctuary on mount Moriah, the threshing floor of Araunah that King David bought are all the same places. Where Solomon built the Temple. This is where Jesus will set up His Kingdom when the New Jerusalem lands on the earth. This is also where the last judgment will take place in the tribulation.
- Began in Mesopotamia and will end in the same place when God judges the world. The garden of Eden was there and that is where God will show the world His power, His rule and His dominion.
- The place is Iraq.
- This is where we will see the judgment of Almighty God.
Rev. 9
- Sixth Trumpet: The Angels from the Euphrates 13 Then the sixth angel sounded: And I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God,
- There are four angels who will be unleashed upon the earth who will kill 1/3 of mankind in the tribulation.
It Is Possible That Prayer Is Mentioned Here:
In verse 13. The golden altar of incense is where the priest would put incense on the hot coals in the Holy Place. This is symbolic of prayer. Angels go into action as a result of God’s perfect justice. God takes the prayers of the saints and puts them in the temple in Heaven. At the perfect time those prayers will be answered.
Thoughts On Prayer
- Prayer is the most powerful weapon of the church.
- Prayer can defeat any enemy, any evil or obstacle that satan puts in front of the church.
- Prayer is where the action is. When we pray we engage the enemy and things happen in the spiritual realm. Prayer attacks evil. Prayer touches the heart of God for revival. Prayer can change the course of a nation.
John Sees An Army
- Of 200,000,000 on horses, fire and smoke and brimstone came out of their mouths. Power was in their mouths, and in their tails. Their tails were like serpents who harmed people.
- The reason for the harm, pain and suffering of man in this time was so people could repent and turn to God.
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