Monday, August 29, 2011

Daniel 10 - Battle in the Heavens (notes)

Daniel 10 - Battle in the Heavens

Daniel’s Vision

The description of the angel:

1. His attire, linen clothes.

2. Belt of fine gold wrapped around his waist.

3. His body was like shiny yellow quartz.

4. His face was bright like lightning.

5. His eyes were like fire.

6. His arms and legs were shiny like polished bronze.

7. His voice sounded like the roar of a crowd.

Daniel 10

1. The vision was not seen by the men with Daniel but they felt the presence of the vision and ran off in fear.

2. Daniel lost his strength.

3. Daniel turned pale.

4. Daniel felt helpless.

5. Daniel fell down.


Was overcome by the presence of God and falls down or is slain in the spirit. God is too awesome, too powerful, too overwhelming for people to stand in His presence. In every revival men and women are overcome by the presence and power of God and fall down, not as a ritual but as a spontaneous encounter with the Almighty.

What We Can Learn From History:

When people have had encounters with the presence of God they have literally been out of it for hours and sometimes days. Like on the Day of Pentecost, they thought they were drunk at 9:00 AM.

The Impact of Angels

Even in the presence of angles like Gabriel and Michael people have felt weak because they are the two most powerful angels of God. They are arch angels that are in charge of all the angels of God.

What Daniel Experienced:

· A hand touched him and set him on his hands and knees. Daniel was afraid and shaking.

· He is told that sometime ago Daniel decided to get understanding and to humble himself before God, God heard him and the angel was sent to Daniel because of his prayers.

What The Angel Told Daniel:

· You are loved very much. Stand up because I have been sent to you; Daniel stands up but still shaking. V. 11

· The angle says, don’t be afraid, when you decided to get understanding and to humble yourself before you God. V.12

· God heard and I have come because of your prayers. Angels come to us as a result of our prayers.


· Is given one of the most powerful insights when it comes to spiritual warfare.

· The prince of Persia has been fighting against me for twenty one days. Then Michael, one of the most important angels, came to help me, for I remained there with the kings of Persia.

· Now I have come to make you understand what is to befall your people in the latter days. The vision is for the future.

The Words

· Of the angel are so full of power that Daniel turns his face toward the ground and was dumb. Then Daniel is touched on his lips and he is able to speak.

· The vision caused Daniel great anguish of soul and he had little strength.

· The powerful messenger of heaven touched Daniel and he strengthens the prophet.

· The angel tells Daniel why he came. Now he was going to return to fight with the hostile prince of Persia. Then the prince of Greece will come.

The Revelation

· Is that when there is a war on earth there is a war in the heavens or in the spirit realm.

· Go back to what Paul says in II Corinthians 10:3-4 Our warfare is not carried out with human weapons but with spiritual ones.

· We defeat evil with good. We overcome the enemy with the Word of God, the blood of Jesus, the power of the prophetic words we speak.

Daniel 10

· Michael is the general of the warfare angels of the angels of God.

· In this war that Daniel was seeing unfold right before him the angels reveal that spiritual war is really what controls the physical war.

· We get to participate in this war through prayer and fasting like Daniel did.

The Message

· The Gospel is the power of God according to what Paul said.

· The Word of God increased and the disciples multiplied.

· What changes the world is the Gospel for when people, nations, etc. receive the message of Jesus they are changed and society is impacted.

· This is our job. We change the world with spiritual weapons.

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