Monday, November 29, 2010

The Helper - Fire Baptism (notes)

The Helper - Fire Baptism

Acts 2:1-4

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house.

A Breakthrough is a sudden, dramatic and important discovery or development. A significant and dramatic overcoming of a perceived obstacle, allowing the completion of a process.

In Acts we find the birth of the church. 50 days after Jesus died He sent the Holy Spirit.

  1. A sound from heaven.
  2. Heaven filled the whole house.
  3. They saw tongues like fire.
  4. All them are filled with the Spirit.
  5. Began to speak with tongues.

There Are obstacles in the spiritual realm over geographical areas that need a breakthrough so God can come and move with great power and see heaven invade earth.

When God Shows Up:

  • Nothing can stop Him.
  • Everything changes.
  • People are transformed.
  • Heaven invades earth.
  • The battle is over.
  • Miracles become common for the people of God.

On The Day of Pentecost Jesus Birthed His Church

  1. The gates of hell can not stop it.
  2. The church is sent into the whole world to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom.
  3. The church is empowered with the Holy fire so it can burn until the return of Jesus Christ for His church.

In The Book of Acts

  • We find a sudden, dramatic and important discovery of God’s power.
  • We find God invading the planet with His presence to change the world.


  • Gave a prophecy about Jesus Christ. He said, I baptize you water, but one is coming after me, Whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
  • Was the spokesman chosen by heaven who would prepare the way of the Lord Jesus Christ.

John Said:

  • Jesus is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
  • A man who comes after me has surpassed me because He was before me.
  • I came baptizing with water that He might be revealed to Israel.
  • He saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on Him.
  • The Man on whom you see the Spirit come down & remain is the One who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.

The Birth of the Church is the model for every move of God in history. In every revival we see manifestations of the Holy Spirit. The greatest manifestation of God is the baptism in the Holy Spirit accompanied by speaking in tongues. In the last revival tongues is going to take on a whole new role in the church.

Joel Talked

  • About a great world wide outpouring in which visions, dreams, prophecy and manifestations in nature would be the norm.
  • I believe we have entered that time. The greatest outpouring of the Spirit is happening right now, let’s not miss it, let’s embrace it.
  • We are blessed to be alive during this time, let’s move with God.

In Every Revival

  • Manifestations have caused controversy.
  • In Toronto, people came from all over the world and much was said about the manifestations.
  • The Quakers got their name because they would quake under the power of God.
  • Jonathan Edwards preached and people would scream.

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