The Holy Spirit - The Helper
The Holy Spirit
- Is a person.
- Is God.
- Has been on the planet since creation.
- Is needed for anyone to be saved.
- Convicts of sin.
- Empowers the believer for ministry.
- Monitors all events on the planet.
- Is omniscient (all knowing).
- Is omnipresent (everywhere).
- Is omnipotent (all powerful).
- Is love.
- Jesus said that if He went away He would send the Holy Spirit.
- John 16:7 But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.
Jesus Said
- He would ask the Father.
- He would give the church another helper.
- He would be with them forever.
- The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of truth.
- The world cannot accept Him because it can’t see Him or know Him.
- But you know Him; He lives with you and will be in you. (Jn. 14:15-17)
- He would not leave us as orphans.
- That He would come to us by the person of the Holy Spirit.
Gen. 1:2
- Says after creation the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
- The Holy spirit of God has been on the earth since creation.
- The Holy Spirit anointed people in the O.T. to do their job.
- Came upon Mary to conceive Jesus.
The Holy Spirit
- Anointed Jesus for His ministry.
- Gave Jesus the ability to teach, preach, drive out demons, heal sickness, to know the thoughts of people.
- Came upon the 120 in the upper room.
- Helped the early Christians as they planted churches, wrote the N.T. heal the sick, raised the dead, preached the Gospel in the midst of persecution and demonic opposition.
- Has been helping believers since the early church until now to shine the light of Jesus by empowering us to be witnesses for Jesus Christ through transformation and signs and wonders.
- Gives the people of God gifts to minister to hurting people and to build up the church.
The Book of Acts
- Talks about how Jesus instructed His disciples through the Holy Spirit.
- Talks about how after Jesus rose from the dead He still spoke by the power of the Holy Spirit. If the risen Lord still relied on the Holy Spirit as He spoke, we must rely on the Holy Spirit to speak and to act today.
The Holy Spirit
- Will help us to see miracles every day.
- Will help us to live life in power over evil.
- Will transform us as He takes the Word of God and renews our minds.
- Is the one who gives us the power to represent Jesus on the planet.
- Was sent on the Day of Pentecost to empower the church for its ministry to the world.
- Is sent to the church when the church looses its power to restore the power back to the church to touch the world with God’s love.
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