Revival - A Renewed Love
Principles: (Acts 3:19-21)
- Repent (change your mind & purpose).
- That your sins may be erased.
- That times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.
- He may send the Christ (anointing).
- Whom heaven must retain until the time for the complete restoration of all that God spoke by his prophet.
Repentance means to have a new way of thinking, a new way at looking at our world. If we are going to see what God desires to do in these days we must have a new attitude, a new way of thinking; seeing things as God see.
What Is Revival
- It is when the church experiences times of refreshing, of recovering from the effects of heat, of reviving with fresh air.
- It is when the church recognizes that it is either dead or on life support and needs God to come and revive us.
- It is when the people of God recognize that we can not go any further as we are, we need divine intervention.
- In every move of God the anointing (the Christ) of Jesus comes upon the people of God so we can do the work that needs to be done in that period.
- The people of the last move of God usually fight the current move of God more than anyone else.
- In every move of God there is always misunderstanding by the church about manifestations, teachings, behavior etc.
Why We Need Revival In Our Nation?
- The American church is doing the same things the world is doing.
- Alcoholism, drug abuse, immorality, divorce, lying, porn, gossip, etc. etc.
What One Characteristic Is Needed In This Revival?
- Love. Loving God and loving each other.
I Corinthians 13
- The behavior of love is found in this chapter.
- The power of love over all other traits.
How Love Behaves
- Love is kind
- Love is patient
- Does not envy
- Does not boast
- Is not proud
- Is not rude
- Not self seeking
- Not easily angered
- It keeps no records of wrongs
- Does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth
- Always protects
- Always trusts
- Always hopes
- Always perseveres
- Love never fails
The Best Cure
- For a sick church is love. When we return to our first love, Jesus will visit & heal his church.
- A mature believer is known by the love demonstrated.
- For a lukewarm believer is to return to our first love.
- For a troubled mind is the love of God.
- Are threatening because people are not accustomed to change. We like things to be predictable. We get into ruts and we need God to get us out.
- Show us how big God is; so God will take us through the Word and reveal His love to us in many wonderful ways.
- Are demonstrations of God’s love and so we get a whole new picture of God. We see how much he loves people and how miracles are demonstration of His love.
What We Need To Look At In This Revival?
- Our relationship with Jesus. 1 Jn. 2:3-6
- Our relationship with each other. I Jn. 2:9-11
- Our relationship with the world. 1 Jn. 2:15-17
The World Includes
- The cravings of sinful man (craving for sensual gratification).
- The lust of the eyes (greedy longings of the mind).
- The boasting of what he has & does (Assurance in one’s own resources or stability of earthly things).
How A Believer Matures:
Eph. 3:13-20
- Through love.
- Through love growing in the inner man.
- Through faith working through love.
- By being rooted & grounded in love.
What The Spirit Is saying to the church right now:
- If we seek Him we will find Him.
- If we knock on heaven’s door it will open.
- If we ask for revival it will happen.
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