Friday, May 7, 2010

Proverbs 21 - A Pure Heart (notes)

Proverbs 21 - A Pure Heart

Jesus Said:

Mixed motives twist life into tangles; pure motives takes you straight down the road.

Proverbs 21:8

A Pure Heart is what God looks for. David is called a man after God’s heart. The eyes of the Lord go throughout the earth looking for men or women who have a heart after Him.

Jesus Said:

  • Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.
  • A pure heart will be given a revelation of God that an impure heart will not get.
  • When it comes to the heart (the affections of our lives or what we hold dear to our hearts) God must be at the center of it if we will impact our generation.

Not Only Will

  • A pure hearted person impact his or her generation but future generations also if Jesus does not come soon (within my generation).
  • We can change the world by a pure heart.

There Was A Man who had a heart after God and He impacted others.

  • I Samuel 22:1-2 All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their leader.

When A Man Has

  • A heart after God it does not matter who follows him, even if they are in trouble, in debt, discontented they will become like their leader.
  • David took a bunch of losers and turned them into champions. We will look at a handful of these warriors.

David’s Men

  • David trained these men.
  • David was their mentor.
  • David was on the run because the anointing had lifted from king Saul and was upon him. Saul was after David and tried to kill him while David was serving in the king’s court.

Mighty Warriors

  • Josheb killed 800 men in one battle with his spear.
  • Eleazar and David challenged the Philistines and all the Israelite soldiers ran off but Eleazar stood and fought and killed so many that his hand stuck to his sword.

Mighty Warriors

  • Shamah protected a pea field when the Philistines attacked and he stood and fought them and killed many and saved the field.
  • The three snuck behind enemy lines to get David a drink of water from Bethlehem and put their lives on the line. David could not drink the water but offered it as an offering to the Lord.

These Men

  • Were all medal of Honor winners. David trained them and all of them had the heart of their mentor.
  • David had the heart of God and he gave his men something greater than battle training.
  • David gave them a new heart, God’s heart and they become champions for God.


  • The Lord is looking for men after God’s Heart to lead the church in the greatest revival in history.
  • Having God’s heart is the key to moving in God’s anointing.

People With God’s Heart are people with pure motives.

What can we learn from David?

  1. David was a warrior.
  2. David was a worshipper.
  3. David was a humble leader.

Jesus Said:

  • Blessed are the poor in spirit.
  • Blessed are those who mourn.
  • Blessed are those who are free of pride.
  • Pride is one of the areas every anointed leader must overcome.

David was anointed of God for a divine purpose and he accomplished great things because he had a right heart. Yes he sinned but because his heart was right, he repented when confronted by Nathan and was forgiven. Yes his family suffered for his sin but God still called him a man after My heart. This is what a pure heart looks like.

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