Monday, May 24, 2010

Proverbs 25 - Reigning As Kings (notes)

Proverbs 25 - Reigning As Kings

Proverbs 25:2-8

  • It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the glory of kings is to search out a thing.
  • As the heavens for height and the earth for depth, so the hearts and minds of kings are unsearchable.
  • Take away the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth the material for a vessel for the silversmith to work up.
  • Take away the wicked from before the king, and his throne will be established in righteousness (moral and spiritual rectitude in every area and relation).
  • Be not self assertive & boastfully ambitious in the presence of the king, and stand not in the place of great men.
  • For better it is that it should be said of you, come up here, than that you should be put lower in the presence of the prince, whose eyes have seen you.
  • Rush not for soon to quarrel, before magistrates or elsewhere, lest you know not what to do in the end when your neighbor has put you to shame.

These Verses

  • Tell us how to behave before rulers and those in authority. It also tells us how we are to behave before our King because we are heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:17, Galatians 3:29, Titus 3:7)
  • God’s Word also calls us kings and priests or a kingdom of priests. (Rev. 1:6)

When God Created Man:

  • He created him in his image with God like qualities. The ability to be creative like God.
  • He gave him authority or dominion over the earth & everything in it.
  • He put him in the most perfect environment on earth - the Garden of Eden and told him to take care of it.


  • Lost it all by believing the lies of the snake.
  • Became mortal because of his disobedience.
  • Was promised a redeemer, the seed of the woman will crush the head of the serpent (He would regain what he lost).
  • When born again would have dominion again.


  • Came and did all this for us to have dominion, to reign as kings until He would come back.
  • Said to occupy (Luke 19:13) till I come. The church is the occupying force of God on the earth until Jesus returns to establish His Kingdom.
  • I will build My church and hell will not be able to stop it.

When I First Started In the ministry there was a teaching that hit the church. People went around saying I am a King’s kid but many who made that claim were not walking in obedience to the King and gave the Kingdom a bad name.

Now This Truth

  • Is coming to the church but with greater clarity.
  • The church is walking in greater authority today than it has in a long time in our culture.

Every Believer

  • Can walk like Jesus did.
  • Has been given dominion over the forces of darkness (demons).
  • Has authority over sickness.
  • Can experience supernatural power in all aspects of life in society.
  • Can reign in life as a joint heir with Jesus Christ.

To Reign In Life We Must Walk In:

  1. Humility.
  2. Sacrifice.
  3. Servanthood.
  4. Honor.
  5. Worship.
  6. Integrity.
  7. Compassion.


  • Jesus gave the church keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • We have a legal right to push back evil and bring in good in this world.

How Are We To Behave?

  1. With Dignity.
  2. With Grace.
  3. With Mercy.
  4. With Authority.
  5. With Love.

A King Has No Fear, Anguish, Or Shame.

(Ps. 34:1-10)

  1. Fear is the opposite of faith.
  2. Anguish is extreme anxiety or emotional torment.
  3. Shame is dishonor, unworthiness & embarrassment.

The King

  • Has glory.
  • God has glory.
  • Wants to pour out His glory upon His heirs before the end of this age.

Proverbs 25 - Reigning As Kings

Proverbs 25 - Reigning As Kings this message was given on 5-23-10

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Proverbs 23 - The Power of Self Control (notes)

Proverbs 23 - The Power of Self Control

Proverbs 23:4-5

  • Don’t wear yourself out to get rich have the wisdom to show restraint.
  • Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle.

Proverbs 23:19-21

  • Listen, my son and be wise, and keep your heart on the right path.
  • Do not join those who drink too much wine…
  • For gluttons and drunkards become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags.
  • Proverbs 23:28-35

Money & Wine

A trait of the spirit filled life is self control. Two of the main areas where we must understand cause much pain; misery and hurt are the love of money and alcohol.

Two of the most intoxicating issues the church must deal with is alcohol and the love of money. The Word of God talks about. Proverbs talks about both.

Facts About Alcohol:

  • Alcohol and caffeine are the most widely abused substances in the world.
  • Alcohol is divided into two broad categories-abuse and dependence.
  • Dependence is the most serious condition since the person needs higher quantities of alcohol to achieve intoxication, which leads to withdrawal symptoms when a person tries to stop.

There Are

  • About 12 million problem drinkers in America.
  • Many Christians who are problem drinkers.
  • Answers to addiction. The Holy Spirit can empower a person to overcome any addiction, especially alcohol.

God’s Counsel

  • Walk in the Spirit and we will not indulge in the lusts of the flesh (self).
  • There is a battle between the two.
  • Life by the Spirit – So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other… (Gal. 5:16-17)

Facts About Money

  • The net worth of U.S. households in 2007 was 58.6 trillion dollars.
  • The GDP of the nation is 14.2 trillion dollars.
  • Some of the wealthiest people in the world. Carlos Slim Helu 53.5 Billion of Mexico, Bill Gates 53 billion, Warren Buffett 47, Lawrence Ellison 28 billion.

A Proper View

Jesus called money mammon or the personality of money. Money has a spirit that guides it. Matt. 6:19-24

Don’t store up treasure on earth but in heaven. We can deposit into our account in the spirit realm and we can make withdrawals.

We deposit through stewardship, giving, 10% and offerings to the needs of people.


  • Is a means to an end.
  • Is for the purpose of bringing the Kingdom to someone.
  • Can be used for good or evil.
  • In the Kingdom must be used for good. Preaching the Good News and helping the needy.
  • Is for the church in the last days.

How To Defeat The spirit of poverty:

  1. Word hard in whatever field I am in.
  2. Become a wise steward.
  3. Ask God for wisdom in economics.
  4. Ask God for favor.
  5. Pray over the finances God has put in my hands.


The Lord is looking for men after God’s Heart to lead the church in the greatest revival in history.

Having God’s heart is the key to moving in God’s anointing.

Proverbs 23 - The Power of Self Control

Proverbs 23 - The Power of Self Control this message was given on 5-16-10

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Proverbs 22:6 - Raising Powerful Children (notes)

Proverbs 22:6 - Raising Powerful Children

Train Means:

  1. Point in the right direction.
  2. Direct your children onto the right path.
  3. Teach your children right from wrong.
  4. Train your children to live the right way.
  5. Instruct a youth about his way.

(The Message Bible, New Living Translation, Contemporary English Version, New Century Version, Young’s Literal Translation)

Wisdom Is Calling Mothers:

  1. Where major decisions are made.
  2. If you are simple, gain prudence, if you are foolish, gain understanding.
  3. Listen to Jesus, He is speaking.
  4. To the discerning all the words of Jesus are right.
  5. Choose Jesus instead of silver or gold, wisdom is more precious than rubies and nothing compares with wisdom. (Proverbs 8)

A Great Opportunity

  • A mother’s job is to prepare her children for their life. Family, career, ministry, finances, etc. How a mother lives her life at home she is training her child.
  • Some child experts say that 90% of a child’s personality if formed by three months.
  • The time a mother spends with her children is never lost time, it is investing in their future.

The Nature of Wisdom

  • Divine wisdom springs from integrity, and becomes manifest through creative expression with excellence as its standard.
  • This is how you can raise your children.

Jesus (& Wisdom)

  • Love those who love Him and those who seek Him will find Him.
  • With Jesus (wisdom) are riches, honor, enduring wealth and prosperity.
  • The fruit of wisdom (Jesus) is better than fine gold and its yield surpasses choice silver. (17-19)


  • Understood the amazing value of children when He rebukes His followers for not realizing the great worth of a child.
  • Understands when we spend time with those precious little ones, playing with them, praying for them, sharing, loving them, teaching them Godly wisdom.
  • Was in eternity past.
  • Was the Craftsman at the side of the Father filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in God’s presence. (22-30)

Mom every moment you spend with your children; nurturing them, feeding them, praying for the, reading to them, talking with them all contribute to them fulfilling their destiny in God.

Mothers Have

  • Have an awesome opportunity to change the world by how you raise, train and equip your children.
  • A greater capacity to nurture children when they’re young.
  • To continue to impact your children even after they grow into adulthood by prayer.

The Influence Of Mom does not stop after children grow up, she just does it in a less authoritative manner. In every season love them, pray for them. As they grow pray more, instruct less.

When They Are Grown They will not graduate from God or from fellowship with God’s people when moms (dads) do the job we are called to do.

There are Areas A mom has great influence in her child’s life.

  1. A life as a Christian.
  2. Career, job, life’s purpose, ministry.
  3. Having a standard of excellence not perfectionism.

Example of Mary

  • The child grew up healthy and strong, He was filled with wisdom, and God’s favor was on Him.
  • Mary contributed to all these great qualities in Jesus the anointed one of God.

Favor & Wisdom

  • Favor is the result of wisdom.
  • Wisdom produces favor.
  • Wise people demonstrate the favor of God by how they are treated by others.
  • People with favor have amazing wisdom in dealing with adversity & success.
  • Mary taught Jesus the Word and Jesus grew in wisdom and favor.

Proverbs 22:6 - Raising Powerful Children

Proverbs 22:6 - Raising Powerful Children this message was given on 5-9-10

Friday, May 7, 2010

Proverbs 21 - A Pure Heart (notes)

Proverbs 21 - A Pure Heart

Jesus Said:

Mixed motives twist life into tangles; pure motives takes you straight down the road.

Proverbs 21:8

A Pure Heart is what God looks for. David is called a man after God’s heart. The eyes of the Lord go throughout the earth looking for men or women who have a heart after Him.

Jesus Said:

  • Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.
  • A pure heart will be given a revelation of God that an impure heart will not get.
  • When it comes to the heart (the affections of our lives or what we hold dear to our hearts) God must be at the center of it if we will impact our generation.

Not Only Will

  • A pure hearted person impact his or her generation but future generations also if Jesus does not come soon (within my generation).
  • We can change the world by a pure heart.

There Was A Man who had a heart after God and He impacted others.

  • I Samuel 22:1-2 All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their leader.

When A Man Has

  • A heart after God it does not matter who follows him, even if they are in trouble, in debt, discontented they will become like their leader.
  • David took a bunch of losers and turned them into champions. We will look at a handful of these warriors.

David’s Men

  • David trained these men.
  • David was their mentor.
  • David was on the run because the anointing had lifted from king Saul and was upon him. Saul was after David and tried to kill him while David was serving in the king’s court.

Mighty Warriors

  • Josheb killed 800 men in one battle with his spear.
  • Eleazar and David challenged the Philistines and all the Israelite soldiers ran off but Eleazar stood and fought and killed so many that his hand stuck to his sword.

Mighty Warriors

  • Shamah protected a pea field when the Philistines attacked and he stood and fought them and killed many and saved the field.
  • The three snuck behind enemy lines to get David a drink of water from Bethlehem and put their lives on the line. David could not drink the water but offered it as an offering to the Lord.

These Men

  • Were all medal of Honor winners. David trained them and all of them had the heart of their mentor.
  • David had the heart of God and he gave his men something greater than battle training.
  • David gave them a new heart, God’s heart and they become champions for God.


  • The Lord is looking for men after God’s Heart to lead the church in the greatest revival in history.
  • Having God’s heart is the key to moving in God’s anointing.

People With God’s Heart are people with pure motives.

What can we learn from David?

  1. David was a warrior.
  2. David was a worshipper.
  3. David was a humble leader.

Jesus Said:

  • Blessed are the poor in spirit.
  • Blessed are those who mourn.
  • Blessed are those who are free of pride.
  • Pride is one of the areas every anointed leader must overcome.

David was anointed of God for a divine purpose and he accomplished great things because he had a right heart. Yes he sinned but because his heart was right, he repented when confronted by Nathan and was forgiven. Yes his family suffered for his sin but God still called him a man after My heart. This is what a pure heart looks like.

Proverbs 21- A Pure Heart

Proverbs 21 - A Pure Heart this message was given on 5-2-10

Proverbs 20 - Filled With The Spirit (notes)

Proverbs 20 - Filled With The Spirit

Proverbs 20:1

  • Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler; whoever is led astray by them is not wise.
  • Do not get drunk on wine, because that will ruin you life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Ephesians 5:19-20

  • Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Don’t Get Drunk

  • On wine which leads to reckless actions, but be filled with the Spirit. When people get drunk with alcohol they commit reckless acts. They don’t even remember what they did when drunk.
  • Drunk drivers kill innocent victims, girls get pregnant not even knowing who they were with, and men destroy their families.

Galatians 5:16

  • Admonishes us to “…live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.”
  • For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature.
  • Walk in the Spirit and you will see power over sin’s impulses. When we walk in the Spirit we will become conquerors. This is why God calls us more than conquerors.

God Says To Us

  • Live by the Spirit, stay in step with the Spirit, be filled with the Spirit.
  • What do we consume our minds with, what do we think about throughout the day.
  • When we pray in the Spirit throughout the day, when we stay tuned to God’s voice, we will prosper in everything we do. We will not fail to please God, we will not fail in anything we do.

On The Day

  • Of Pentecost the Holy Spirit was given to the church so the church could accomplish its purpose in the church age.
  • The purpose of the church is to bring heaven down to earth by proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom to every generation.
  • The greatest revival of all time is starting to break out in our day. A new Pentecost is happening all over the world right now!

Throughout History

  • There have been great revivals where the Holy Spirit was poured out and people spoke in tongues and the fire of God was seen in various places.
  • Miracles were common, people were healed supernaturally, millions saved and many signs and wonders were seen by those living during those revivals.
  • Example of the Indonesian Revival in 1965 where the dead were raised, the fire was seen on top of the church and millions saved.

The Baptism

  • In the Holy Spirit gives the believer power Acts 1:8During revival there is an intensity of the presence and glory of God upon people & places.
  • The power of God is available to everyone here right now.
  • If you are baptized in the Spirit I encourage you to pray in the Spirit and if you are not you can be filled today.

I Corinthians 14

  1. The Holy Spirit comes with power.
  2. There is a manifold purpose in being filled with the Spirit.
  3. Praying in the Spirit builds us up.
  4. Praying in the Spirit can be in a corporate meeting-with interpretation.
  5. Praying in the Spirit is direct communication with God.
  6. When I pray in the Spirit I utter mysteries.
  7. Praying in the Spirit is for personal edification.

God Wants

  • Us to be filled with the Spirit today and every day because this is where the power is.
  • It has been my source of strength, power and might for the past 44 years and it can be yours.
  • Us to walk in the Spirit every day.

There is a Process to walking in the Spirit

The Spirit has a language:

  1. Tongues.
  2. The Word-Rhema & Logos.
  3. Visions and dreams.
  4. A still small voice.
  5. Audible and inner voice of God.
  6. Prophecy.
  7. Words in proverbs.


  • Everyone has a divine potential. That potential is released by the Holy Spirit when He anoints us.
  • Jesus talked about the Holy Spirit coming upon us.
  • Jesus is the baptizer in the Spirit.

Proverbs 20 - Filled With The Spirit

Proverbs 20 - Filled With The Spirit this message was given on 4-25-10