Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Move of God - Our Heritage, Our Inheritance (notes)

The Move of God - Our Heritage, Our Inheritance

A Worldwide Revival

  • Will sweep the land until the end of the age!


  • Is the status, conditions or character acquired by being born into a particular family or social class. It also means a country’s history, historical buildings, and sites that are considered to be of interest and value to present generations. It also means something such as a way of life or traditional culture that passes from generation to the next in a social group.


  • Is money, property, or title that has been inherited or is to be inherited. It means hereditary ownership of wealth or a title.

What Is Our Heritage?

  • When we are born of the Spirit we become a part of the family of God, a part of a social group unlike another in history or alive today.

What Is Our Inheritance?

  • Jesus is the King of Kings, the ruler of the universe and as His children we inherit everything He owns.

John 1

  • Tells us that Jesus is God.
  • Jesus was with God in eternity pass.
  • Through Jesus all things were made.
  • In Him is the life and the life is the light (revelation, our heritage & inheritance) of men.


  • Was in the world, and though the world was made through Him, the world did not recognize Him. He came to that which was His own (the Jews) but His own did not receive Him. Yet to all who received Him, those who believe in His name, He gave the power to become children of God.

The Holy Spirit

  • Was part of the creation process in the beginning.
  • Came upon Mary as she conceived and gave birth to the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Came upon Jesus at His baptism.
  • Came upon the early Christians at Pentecost.
  • Will be poured out on all mankind in the last days.

The Last Generation

  • Will know their heritage and their inheritance and will go throughout the world and proclaim the message of the return of Jesus and the coming judgment that will hit the whole world.

Let us

  • Look at our inheritance today and apply it to our situation right now and see the great future we have as the people of God.

The death and resurrection of Jesus has provided for the church all the blessings in heaven.

We can tap into our inheritance because of our heritage!

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