Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Dedicated Life - Character Development (notes)

A Dedicated Life - Character Development

God Desires development of character in His people. It takes friction for character to grow into Christ likeness.

Romans 5

  • Principles:
    1. We have been justified by faith.
    2. We have peace with God through our Lord.
    3. Through whom we gained access by faith into this grace.
    4. We will be clothed with God’s Glory.
    5. We rejoice in our sufferings through faith.
    6. Because we know that suffering produces endurance.
    7. Endurance produces character.
    8. Character produces hope.
    9. Hope does not disappoints us.
    10. Through whom we have access by faith.

God’s Glory

Is transforming. 2 Cor. 3:18

Is absolute light and empowering.

Exodus 19

Before God showed the people His Glory they had to dedicate themselves.

Truths Found in Exodus

  1. We are a kingdom of priests.
  2. The power of sanctification.
  3. When God manifests His glory we can hear His voice.
  4. God uses leadership to reveal His vision.
  5. The Glory of God is manifested.
  6. The law and blue prints for the Tabernacle are given to Moses.

Example Of A Life Of Character:

  • Joseph developed in character under some very difficult circumstances.
  • Joseph was given dreams by God.
  • Joseph shared his dreams with his family.
  • Joseph is hated by his brothers.
  • Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers.

When The Lord Is With Someone…

  1. That person will prosper.
  2. Others will see God’s hand upon us.
  3. We sill succeed.
  4. We will have favor.
  5. We will be given authority.
  6. God will bless those we work for.
  7. We will be entrusted by others.

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