Signs & Wonders - Hurt & Anger
Jesus Desires to heal the inner hurts in our lives that cause all the anger.
Jesus came to suffer and die for the hurts of humanity.
Healing of the wounded soul is one of the main areas the Holy Spirit does His work.
Isaiah 53
- Predicted the suffering savior for all the pain in humanity.
- Is a picture of the love of God manifested in His Son as He took all our sin and all our pain upon Himself.
- Was despised for us.
- Was rejected so we could be accepted.
- Took our sorrow.
- Too our suffering.
Isaiah 53:3-5
Have You?
Ever been treated in such a manner that you felt despised & rejected?
Jesus knows how you feel!
- Is one of the deepest hurts we could ever go through. Jesus was rejected by the very people He came to save.
- Can lead us to Jesus and understand what the perfect Son of God went through.
Maybe we’ve done something so bad that people will reject us but Jesus did something so good that there is no reason why He would be rejected yet He was for us.
Rejection causes deep emotional hurt which leads to deep anger.
What Anger Does:
- It hurts us inside our being.
- It cause deep emotional wounds.
- It causes various types of physical ailments.
What Jesus Did For Us:
- He took all our infirmities.
- He carried all our sorrows.
- He was pierced for our transgressions.
- He was crushed for our iniquities.
- The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him.
- By His wounds (stripes) we are healed.
Our Soul Needs:
- Restoration. (Psalm 23:1-3) God has always watched over you and He always will.
- Healing and Jesus suffered so we could walk in total wholeness.
Inner Hurts
- Cause all kinds of disorders and dysfunctions in our lives.
- Leave people empty and loss.
- Can be healed by simply applying what Jesus went through for us.
- Has already taken all our deep wounds and inner hurts that cause anger and destruction in our lives.
- Wants His people well and sound in mind, body and spirit.
- Can heal any hurt that leads to any type of dysfunction in our lives.
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