Colossians - Hidden Treasure
Paul addressed some very important issues that the church in any generation needs to look at.
Paul Addressed:
- False teaching in the church.
- Discord in the church.
- Sin in the church.
- Rebellion in the church.
- The purpose of the church.
- Hurts the church because it robs the church of current revelation.
When The Church
Does not have spiritual insight the church is in the dark (which means without revelation of the Word).
- Anyone can have a Bible but not everyone has revelation.
- Is part of the Christian life.
- Paul said we don’t fight against flesh and blood but against forces of darkness.
- Is with the flesh and is with the world.
The Purpose of Paul
- Was that the church be encouraged in heart and united in love so that the church might have the full riches of complete understanding in order that the church may know the Mystery of God.
We Need:
- The Spirit of wisdom and revelation to understand the mystery of God that is found in Christ--in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom & knowledge.
The Purpose
- Of the Spirit of Wisdom & revelation is so we might get to know God more intimately.
Jeremiah 33:3
- Great & unsearchable things in the O.T. is the same meaning as the Word Mystery in the N.T.
When We Seek God
- We will be given a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ.
- We will then be given insight into the mysteries of God.
The Treasures Are:
- Wisdom: Sophia (Greek) is skill in the affairs of life, wise management as shown in forming the best plans and selecting the best means including sound judgment.
- Knowledge: Ghosis (Greek) to know with the spirit of man. Intuition, conscience. This is why we must be born of the Spirit. (John 3) This is the part of man that connects with God.
- Enlarges the arena that our faith can function in.
- Deception shrinks our area of faith.
(Matthew 13:10-11)
Revelation Is
- Locked up in the realm the Bible calls mystery. A mystery cannot be hunted down and trapped like an animal. It must be revealed by the Holy Spirit.
- Given to those who hunger for Him and He will reveal the mystery.
Jesus Said:
- He concealed truth in parables so it remained a mystery to some, but not to others.
- He doesn’t take pearls of revelation and freely throw them out to anybody. We must hunger for it, dig for it, ask, seek, and knock.
God Is A God of Order
- In revival God sets things straight in the church. When we live by the Spirit we will not give in to the flesh. We will overcome the flesh, the devil and the world when we live by the Spirit.
The Spirit & The Bride
- Say, come. And let him that hears say, come. And let him that is thirsty come and take the water of life freely.
- Drink from the living water and ask Jesus to release the fountain from within you.
The Church Gets Stale
- And sometimes dies then the people of God cry out and God hears and sends the rain, rivers flow in the desert and things start to bloom and fruit comes forth and a great harvest of souls comes into the Kingdom and the church comes alive again.
The Wind of The Spirit
- Is blowing throughout the earth in this hour and God is looking for people who have a heart for Him and for revival.
- Let’s pray that we will not miss what God is doing right now.
- The glory of the Lord is being manifested and don’t want to miss it.
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