Sunday, July 29, 2012

Acts 8 - Expansion (notes)

Acts 8 - Expansion

In Acts 1:8

The Lord said that they would get the power and then go into Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.

In Acts 8:1

Persecution caused the church to go into Judea and Samaria.


  • Was a witness and in complete agreement with the murder of Stephen.
  • Went everywhere to destroy the church.
  • Went from house to house, dragging out both men and women and threw them into prison.
  • Was a fierce opponent of the church and did whatever he could do to stop the expansion of the church.


Sent the believers into the regions of Judea & Samaria and I’m sure they preached Jesus in those places. Here in this chapter we see one of them, Philip is used in a mighty way of the Holy Spirit. He went to a city of Samaria & preached Jesus. They were eager for the Gospel and thus miracles and signs and wonders were performed by Philip.

The Ministry

  • Of Philip was also characterized by the casting out of demons. Many paralyzed and lame people were healed also and this brought great joy in that Samaritan City.
  • Of Philip also got the attention of a man named Simon.


  • The Baptism & Manifestations of the Holy Spirit
  • Can not be bought.
  • Must be sought after by humble, servant minded believers.
  • Can function in the life of every believer.

Peter & John

  • Heard of the revival of the Samaritans and came and checked it out for themselves. They prayed for some believers and they were baptized in the Spirit.
  • Simon the sorcerer amazed the people of Samaria for years.
  • Simon saw how people were baptized in the Spirit and wanted to buy that power. Peter rebukes him.


  • Asked Peter to intercede for him.
  • We don’t know what happened to Simon, it is possible that he was born again but we just don’t know.

Peter & John

Preached the Word in Samaria then decided to return to Jerusalem. On the way home they stopped in many Samaritan villages and preached the Gospel to them.


  • Is visited by an angel of the Lord.
  • And told him to go south down the desert road that runs from Jerusalem to Gaza.
  • There he meets the treasurer of Ethiopia, a man of great authority under the queen of Ethiopia. He must have been hungry for God for he had just visited Jerusalem to worship God. In his chariot he was reading from Isaiah 53.
  • Through obedience to the Holy Spirit leaves a great revival and goes to meet with this key person. Philip shares the Gospel with him and the man is saved.

The Name

The Key to the father sending the Holy Spirit is the name of Jesus. John 14:26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

What can we learn from the events mentioned?

  1. People like Saul (Paul) is an example of people in the world today that are fighting the church but are key figures for the next move of God.
  2. God will send out people from places where persecution is happening.
  3. Revivals always break out in the places that are least expected.
  4. Let’s expect nothing less from the Holy Spirit for our lives today.

Acts 8 - Expansion

Acts 8 - Expansion this message was given on 7-29-12

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Acts 7 - Full of The Spirit (notes)

Acts 7 - Full of The Spirit

In Chapter 7 We find the growth of individuals.

  1. The ministry of Stephen.
  2. The seeds planted in the life of Saul (Paul the apostle).

Being Full of The Spirit

  • Means being full of God. Dunamis or the power to reproduce.
  • Is to walk in the fullness of God.
  • Is to live under the anointing of the Spirit.
  • Is to walk with Jesus in intimate fellowship.

What can we learn from a person who is full of the Spirit?

  1. They have a deep knowledge of the Word.
  2. They have revelation from the Word.
  3. They know the heart of God.
  4. They have been set free from the fear of man.
  5. They are not intimidated by religious leaders.

What We Find Here:

  • The religious leaders ask Stephen what he had to say.
  • Saul (Paul the apostle) is there before being saved consenting or in agreement to the execution of Stephen.
  • Stephen mentions Abraham and the history of Israel.
  • Stephen says Abraham was a man of faith and obeyed God even though he didn’t know where he would end up.

The History of The Nation of Israel

  • God told Abraham about the future of his offspring. Even the 400 plus years of slavery that the Jews would suffer in Egypt and who would set them free to worship God in the promised land.
  • Stephen mentions the covenant God made with Abraham. (circumcision).
  • God then speaks bless Isaac, Jacob and his twelve sons and how they passed on the covenant to their children.

What Is Said of Stephen

8 Now Stephen, full of grace (divine blessing and favor) and power (strength and ability)

Amplified Bible

8-10 Stephen, brimming with God's grace and energy, was doing wonderful things among the people, unmistakable signs that God was among them.

Message Bible


  • Mentions Joseph, what he went through and how he is given favor with Pharaoh and is made the second in command in Egypt.
  • Mentions what Joseph did when his brothers came to get food from Egypt.
  • Mentions Moses being born and the murder of the infants, how Pharaoh’s daughter takes Moses to be her son. How Moses is raised in the best schools and that Moses was impressive as a thinker and an athlete.


  • Knew about his Hebrew roots and one day when he was 40 he saw an Egyptian beating one of the Hebrews Moses intervened and killed the Egyptian.
  • Sees two Jews fighting and tried to break it up but the one who started the fight tells Moses, “who put you in charge of us? Are you going to kill me like you killed the Egyptian yesterday?
  • Runs for His life and lived in exile where he had two sons. Forty years in the wilderness of Sinai an angel of the Lord appeared to him in the guise of flames in a burning bush.
  • Went up to take a closer look and God speaks to him. I have seen the suffering of my people.
  • Is sent back to Egypt as ruler and redeemer. He leads them out of slavery through signs and wonders. Moses said, God will raise up a prophet just like me from your descendants.
  • Stood between the angel speaking at Sinai and your fathers assembled in the wilderness and took the life giving words given to him and handed them over to us, words our fathers would have nothing to do with.

In The Wilderness

  • While Moses was on mount Sinai the people started to murmur to Aaron because Moses took so long that they made a golden calf and started to worship it.
  • God was not pleased and said ‘let them do it their way and suffer the consequences for their sin.’ Stephen mentions what Amos said. “Did you bring me offerings of animals and grains those forty years, O Israel? Hardly. You were too busy building shrines to war gods, to sex goddesses, worshiping them with all you might.” That’s why I put them in exile in Babylon.


  • Talks about the tabernacle the Jews build in the wilderness and how God cleared the land of pagans all the way until David came on the scene. David wanted to build a temple but Solomon built it.
  • Knew that God does not live in buildings made by men’s hands. He quotes Isaiah.
  • “Heaven is my throne room; I rest my feet on earth. So what kind of house will you build Me?” Says God. “ Where I can get away & relax? It’s already built, and I built it.”

Stephen Lays Into Them

You continue, so bullheaded, calluses on your hearts, flaps on you ears. Deliberately ignoring the Holy Spirit. You’re just like your ancestors. Was there ever a prophet who didn't get the same treatment? Your ancestors killed anyone who dared talk about the coming of the Just One. And you kept up the family tradition--traitors & murderers, all of you. You had God’s Law handed to you by angels--gift wrapped! --and you squandered it!

Stephen Stands Up To The Mob

  • Full of the Holy Spirit, hardly noticed - he only had eyes for God, who he saw in all His glory with Jesus standing at His side. He said, I see Heaven wide open and the Son of Man standing at God’s Side!
  • The mob dragged him out of town and stoned him.
  • Paul was there watching over their coats.
  • Prayed, Master Jesus, take my life, then he knelt down, praying that God would not hold this against those who killed him.

Acts 7 - Full of The Spirit

Acts 7 - Full of The Spirit this message was given on 7-22-12

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Acts 6 - Full of Grace (notes)

Acts 6 - Full of Grace

In Chapter 6 We find the growth of the church and the problems that growth causes.

  1. The feeding program.
  2. The solution (picked 7 deacons).
  3. The ministry of Stephen.


  • Means elegance or refinement of movement.
  • In Christian talk it means unmerited favor of God manifested in salvation. A divinely given talent of blessing or of the Holy Spirit.
  • The original meaning was pleasing, thankful.

On Wednesday

  • We are studying the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
  • In our study of gifts the word gift is “charis” or grace. So the gift means grace. We did not earn it but it is given by grace to move in the Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom, Discernment, Miracles, Healing, Faith, Tongues, interpretation of tongues and prophecy.


  • Is the giver of life and of grace. We will see how Stephen was full of grace.
  • Loves to give gifts to us. The gifts of God are never taken away when we walk in obedience to the Holy Spirit.
  • Knows that people need grace. When we give grace we walk as Jesus walked. When we are graceful we know how to deal with adversity or challenges.

A Woman of Grace
I Samuel 25:3

  • Abigail was married to a man who did not walk in grace but that did not stop her from living a life style of grace.
  • Abigail was empowered by the Holy Spirit and even prophesied over David that he would be king of Israel. (I Sam. 25:28-30)
  • Abigail was full of grace & wisdom. When she spoke, wisdom and grace flows out of her mouth.

Key Verse - Acts 6:8

8 Now Stephen, full of grace (divine blessing and favor) and power (strength and ability) worked great wonders and signs (miracles) among the people.


8-10 Stephen, brimming with God's grace and energy, was doing wonderful things among the people, unmistakable signs that God was among them.

(Message Bible)

When A Believer lives a lifestyle of grace miracles will be normal events in the life of that believer.

The Root of Grace is found in the cross when Jesus died grace is made available to anyone who would believe in Jesus and what He did by dying for us and when He rose from the dead.

Acts 6 - Full of Grace

Acts 6 - Full of Grace this message was given on 7-15-12

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Acts 6 - The Word of God & Prayer (notes)

Acts 6 - The Word of God & Prayer

What caused the early church to grow so rapidly?

There were two keys in chapter 6:

  1. The Word of God.
  2. Prayer.

Today We Will Look At

  • The priorities of the early church. As the disciples were increasing they had a problem with a feeding program for widows. The 12 disciples said that neglecting the Word of God to wait on tables was not their priority. So they picked seven men full of the Spirit & wisdom and gave them the responsibility.
  • Prayer & the Word were the priorities that they had.

The Meaning of "The Word of God" in V.4

"The Word of God": The New Century Version says teach the Word. The Message says Speaking the Word of God. The Common English Bible says… The service of proclaiming the Word. Many other translations say… Teaching the Word of God.

If There Is Something that the adversary wants to take away from the leadership of the church is the teaching ministry of the Word of God and prayer. The liar lies about these two powerful tools that cause multiplication of disciples.


  1. The church grows through multiplication.
  2. Multiplication happens when the leadership is free to teach the Word of God.
  3. The Word is full of God’s life and power.
  4. The Word keeps revival fires burning.
  5. The church grows through prayer. When we pray hell trembles. Prayer is the key to maintaining a move of God.
  6. Without prayer we become full of ourselves.
  7. With prayer we get full of God.
  8. The more I pray the easier it is to hear His Voice.
  9. As a church we need to look at prayer as the life line of our fellowship.


  • Releases something in the spirit realm that nothing else can.
  • Is our connection with the supernatural power of God.
  • When we pray, Heaven invades earth.
  • Is the most powerful weapon the church has to destroy the forces of evil.

The Lord Gives

  • Some powerful keys to revival in the Book of Acts. The most powerful keys are the most simple ones. The most powerful keys are so simple that many times the church misses them. We look for deep revelations when what we are looking for are simple truths that are thousands of years old yet relevant for life today.
  • God is all powerful and His truths don’t wear out or become outdated.
  • The way we communicate might change but the truths of the Kingdom don’t change.

Throughout History man has tried to understand the great truths but they have been in the Word of God since they were written. The truths of the Kingdom are not just written to anyone but to those who hunger and thirst for it.

If I am hungry for truth I will be given revelation by the Holy Spirit. If I thirst for God as David did I will be given living water. Ps. 42:1-3

The Name

  • The Key to the father sending the Holy Spirit is the name of Jesus.
  • John 14:26But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

The Seven

  • Men that are chosen take over the job of feeding the needy and then God pours out His Spirit upon them.
  • Stephen and Philip are two powerful men that God used in a mighty way.

Let’s concentrate

  • On the priorities that God has and let’s watch what God will do in this place.
  • We will see the glory of God.
  • We will see God bring increase.

Acts 6 - The Word of God & Prayer

Acts 6 - The Word of God & Prayer this message was given on 7-8-12

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Acts 5 - Signs & Wonders & Church Growth (notes)

Acts 5 - Signs & Wonders & Church Growth

In Chapter 5

  • We find signs and wonders become a major part of the growth of the early church.
  • The first sign that makes people wonder was the death of Ananias and his wife Sapphira.
  • In chapter 4 we see how revival has caused the believers to sell possessions and distribute the proceeds to the church so that there would be no lack in the church.

In Acts 5

  • A couple in the church had sold come property but conspired to deceive Peter by telling him that it sold for so much but in reality it sold for more and they were going to keep the rest.
  • Peter tells Ananias, “why has Satan filled your mind that you could cheat the Holy Spirit & keep for yourself part of the price of the land?” You could have sold it for whatever price you wanted.

Acts 5

  • Peter tells him you didn't lie to men but to God. As soon as he heard this he fell down dead. They buried him.
  • Then his wife, Sapphira comes in not knowing what had just happened and told Peter the same tail and she fell down dead.
  • A deep sense of awe swept over the whole church and the community. You can’t mess around with God, He means business.

This Caused The Church

  • To be in the front pages of the local paper and to grow in numbers.
  • To see many signs and wonders through the ministry of the apostles. To the point that people would bring out their sick into the streets and lay them down on stretchers so as Peter came by at least his shadow might fall upon some of them. A large crowd gathered from the surrounding communities with their sick and suffering from evil spirits and they were healed. That is revival!

Signs & Wonders

  • Were normal at this time in the early church and it caused the church to grow in numbers.
  • Should be normal for us today. I believe God desires to demonstrate His power today with great miracles. He is doing it in many third world nations like the middle east.
  • Muslims are seeing miracles and seeing visions and coming to Jesus as a result.

Where Ever People are hungry for God and for His manifestations you will find miracles and church growth. This is happening all over the world but my prayer is that we will become hungry for God here.

Acts 5 - Signs & Wonders & Church Growth

Acts 5 - Signs & Wonders & Church Growth this message was given on 7-1-12