Monday, August 30, 2010

Signs of Revival - Latter Rain Outpouring (notes)

Signs of Revival - Latter Rain Outpouring

Elijah Tells King Ahab “Go eat and drink, for there is the sound of a heavy rain.” Rain is symbolic of an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The former and latter rains are types of God’s outpouring.

Joel 2 talks about an outpouring of the Spirit upon all mankind.

God Desires Us To experience everything He has in store for us today. I don’t want to get to heaven and discover that God had so much more for me than experienced in this life.

We Need To Be Like Elijah and not back down from any opportunity to display to the world the power of God.

Romans 1:16

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation of everyone who believe:

What Gospel Do You Believe?

  • Galatians 1:6-12
  • A Gospel of only salvation for the soul or a Gospel of salvation for the soul and healing for the total man. Spirit, soul and body.
  • Even if an angel from heaven preaches any other gospel than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.

What Was the Gospel That Paul preached and practiced?

  • Everywhere Paul went people were saved, healed and set free from the power of the devil.
  • He said the Gospel is the power of God. A powerless Gospel is a false Gospel. A gospel that denies the power of God over the works of darkness was not what Jesus preached!

The Thorn In The Flesh that Paul talked about was not sickness.

  • It was a demon who would bring torment and persecution to the ministry of Paul.
  • We must reject any message that says sickness is God’s will for his children. If we would do that to our children we would be arrested by a fallen system for child abuse.


  • Does not need to revert to a result of the fall to teach the redeemed a lesson.
  • Does not need to make us sick to teach us how much he loves us.
  • Loves to heal and restore his children and make us whole.
  • Loves to heal cancer, heart disease, diabetes, back injuries, allergies, depression and any addiction.


  • Walked with God and talked with God, and when there was an impossible situation Elijah believed God and God came through each time.
  • Was a man of prayer and a man of faith.
  • Saw God answer with fire.

God Is

  • Love
  • Holy
  • Compassionate
  • A miracle worker
  • Kind
  • Generous

The Scribes And Pharisees missed the greatest revelation of God’s love in Jesus Christ because they were satisfied with their training, their position, and their place in Jewish society.

  • God has truth that the church has lost that revival reveals. God is good, God loves to heal and set captives free.

Go And Check Seven times if you see anything.

  • What is the prophetic significance here?
  • Revival might tarry but when time and destiny meet (Kiros) things happen. Some are saying that we need a new reformation.
  • When it comes to praying for revival we must be diligent and not give up until we see the rain.
  • I smell the fragrance of rain. Revival is occurring in different parts of the world.

Verses On Rain

  • Deuteronomy 11:14 There is a season for revival.
  • Proverbs 16:15 Revival leads to intimate worship
  • Jeremiah 5:24 The last revival will combine all the blessings of previous revivals.
  • Hosea 6:3 God comes like the rain and as refreshing as spring rain which refreshes the ground.

Signs of Revival - Latter Rain Outpouring

Signs of Revival - Latter Rain Outpouring this message was given on 8-29-10

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Signs of Revival - A Power Encounter (notes)

Signs of Revival - A Power Encounter

Let’s Go From believing in the miracle of fire coming down from Heaven on mount Carmel to believing that God can do the impossible today in our lives.

God Desires Us to experience everything He has in store for us today. I don’t want to get to Heaven and discover that God had so much more for me than experienced in this life.

We Need To Be Like Elijah and not back down from any opportunity to display to the world the power of God.

Romans 1:16

I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation of everyone who believe.

Salvation Means:

  1. Deliverance from sin and entrance into relationship with God through Jesus Christ, which results in eternal life.
  2. Healing for our body if we get sick or have pain or something is wrong with our body.
  3. Peace in the midst of world wide turmoil.

When The Economy of a nation gets bad it is the direct result of that nation turning away from God and going after other gods.

  • A nation who turns away from God calamities wait for that nation.
  • The answer is if that nation turns away from evil and turns to God healing of that economy.

We Are Living at a strategic time in history.

Let’s learn from a man did not back down from any showdown between good and evil.

Elijah is a type of the anointing that can rest on anyone who is committed to God.


  • Took twelve stones, one for each of the tribes of Israel.
  • Made a trench around the altar.
  • Put wood and the bull on the wood.
  • Had water poured on the sacrifice three times.
  • Stepped forward and prayed… answer me, O Lord, so these people will know that You, O Lord, are God, and that You are turning their hearts back again.


  • Walked with God and talked with God, and when there was an impossible situation Elijah believed God and God came through each time.
  • Was a man of prayer and a man of faith.
  • Saw God answer with fire.

Can miracles still happen?

  1. It all depends on our level of relationship with the Lord and if we believe His Word.
  2. Are we going to step out and believe what God has told us about miracles?

What Is God Saying?

  • God is greater than our enemies.
  • God is waiting to demonstrate His power to this generation.
  • God is looking for people with the faith like Elijah to demonstrate this power.
  • We will make up our minds to press into God and see what He can do.

John 15

  • Jesus is the vine, we are the branches, if we remain in Jesus and He in us we will bear much fruit.
  • Apart from Jesus we can do nothing.
  • If we do not stay connected to Jesus we will be cut off.
  • If we remain in Jesus & His Words remain in us, whatever we ask will be given to us.
  • This brings glory to the Father, that we bear much fruit showing we are followers of Jesus.

What Elijah Teaches Today:

  • We can walk in the realm of God (miraculous) by staying connected to Jesus.
  • We can see the greater works Jesus said we would see.
  • We can be modern day Elijahs.

Signs of Revival - A Power Encounter

Signs of Revival - A Power Encounter this message was given on 8-22-10

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Signs of Revival - Dedicated for Miracles (notes)

Signs of Revival - Dedicated for Miracles

There Are Various Points of Views When It Comes To Miracles in The Church.

  1. Some believe in the miracles of the Bible but don’t believe miracles are for today.
  2. Some believe miracles are for today but never see them for lack of faith.
  3. Some see miracles occasionally.
  4. Some live in the realm of the miraculous on a regular basis.

Where are you? Where am I?

Elijah’s Ultimate Miracle

I Kings 17:7-13

Is when he is taken to heaven on a chariot of fire.

There are only two men in the Word of God who did not see death. Enoch and Elijah.

Jesus conquered death but He first died on the cross.

I call the last church generation the Elijah generation because it is a part of the church who will not see death.

Elijah lived in the realm of the miraculous because he was a man who was in constant communion with God.

The last generation of believers will have a deep passion for intimacy with God.

I Thessalonians 4:16-18

For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we be with the Lord.

James 5:16-18

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. 17. Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed and it did not rain on the land for three and half years. 18. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops.

Miracles Are Still Happening Today

  • In the lives of people who have the spirit of Elijah.
  • Elijah was a man of prayer and a man of faith.
  • These two ingredients are mentioned in the book of James.
  • In every revival miracles become common.


  • Prophecy fulfilled, signs and wonders and visions and dreams are being accomplished by God’s people in many places on the planet today.
  • Are for us today just like they were for Elijah almost 3,000 years ago.
  • Can happen on a regular basis if we will have a relationship like Elijah had with God.


  • Walked with God and talked with God, and when there was an impossible situation Elijah believed God and God came through each time.
  • Was a man of prayer and a man of faith.
  • Is still considered one of the greatest prophets of all time.

Can miracles still happen?

  1. It all depends on our level of relationship with the Lord and if we believe His Word.
  2. Are we going to step out and believe what God has told us about miracles.

What Is God Saying To Us Today?

  • Faith and fear work in the way but in opposite directions. Fear goes away from God while faith brings us closer to Him.
  • How many times did Jesus say, “Oh ye of little faith,” or “Fear not.”

How Fear & Faith Work:

  • Fear eats away at faith.
  • Fear attacks faith.
  • Faith rips fear from our hearts.
  • Faith attacks fear.
  • This is why Jesus said, “Fear not”.


  1. Jezebel was killing off the prophets of the Lord.
  2. Obadiah took a hundred of the prophets and hid them in two caves.
  3. He supplied food and water for them.
  4. Elijah met him and Obadiah bowed down to the ground before Elijah.
  5. People believed Elijah was transported by the Lord to different places.

2 Kings 2:16

  • Perhaps the Spirit of the Lord has left him on some mountain or in some valley.
  • Philip was transported by the Holy Spirit after leading the Ethiopian Treasurer to Jesus.
  • Throughout church history people have been transported by the Spirit from one place to another.
  • This is a miracle that can happen again.


  • Was the chief of staff to king Ahab yet he was a Godly man.
  • There are still Ahabs and Jezebels today and there are Obadiahs who are in key positions who are making a difference in their lives.

John 15

  • Jesus is the vine, we are the branches, if we remain in Jesus and He in us we will bear much fruit.
  • Apart from Jesus we can do nothing.
  • If we do not stay connected to Jesus we will be cut off.
  • If we remain in Jesus & His Words remain in us, whatever we ask will be given to us.
  • This brings glory to the Father, that we bear much fruit showing we are followers of Jesus.

The Name

  • Elijah means God is Jehovah.
  • We are called followers of Jehovah-Jesus.
  • As the Father loved Jesus, Jesus loves us. We are to remain in His love.
  • If we obey His commands (to love each other) we remain in His love just as Jesus obeyed the commands of His Father and remained in His love.
  • This causes the joy of the Lord to be in us.

What Elijah Teaches Today:

  • We can walk in the realm of God (miraculous) by staying connected to Jesus.
  • We can see the greater works Jesus said we would see.
  • We can be modern day Elijahs.

Signs of Revival - Dedicated for Miracles

Signs of Revival - Dedicated for Miracles this message was given on 8-15-10

Signs of Revival - A Life of Miracles (notes)

Signs of Revival - A Life of Miracles

There Are Various Points of Views When It Comes To Miracles in The Church

  1. Some believe in the miracles of the Bible but don’t believe miracles are for today.
  2. Some believe miracles are for today but never see them for lack of faith.
  3. Some see miracles occasionally.
  4. Some live in the realm of the miraculous on a regular basis.

Where are you? Where am I?

Elijah’s Preparation

I Kings 17:7-13

God tells Elijah to go to Zarephath. I have commanded a widow in that place to supply you with food. Elijah asked her for a drink of water. All she had was a small amount of flour and a little jug of of oil. She and her son were going to eat their last meal and die of starvation. But God sent Elijah.

He says, don’t be afraid. Go home and do as you have said, but first make me a small cake of bread for me from what you have and bring it to me, and then make something for yourself and your son.

James 5:13-18

Is anyone of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. 14. Is anyone of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord . 15. And the prayer of faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.

16. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. 17. Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed and it did not rain on the land for three and half years. 18. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops.

Miracles Are Still Happening Today

  • In the lives of people who have the spirit of Elijah.
  • Elijah was a man of prayer and a man of faith.
  • These two ingredients are mentioned in the book of James.
  • In every revival miracles become common.

Elijah Is Taken Care of By The Lord Through A Widow

I Kings 17:14

For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel says: ‘This jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil did not run dry…’

Some Time Later

  • The son of the woman who owned the house became ill. He grew worse and worse, and finally stopped breathing. She said to Elijah, “What do you have against me, man of God? Did you come to remind me of my sin and kill my son?”
  • Elijah takes the boy to his room and calls upon the Lord, let this boy’s life return to him! The Lord heard Elijah’s cry, and the boys life returned to him! Takes the boy to his mother.
  • She says, “Now I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the Lord from your mouth is the truth.” Because at his word her son was raised.


  • Walked with God and talked with God, and when there was an impossible situation Elijah believed God and God came through each time.
  • Was a man of prayer and a man of faith.
  • Is still considered one of the greatest prophets of all time.

Can miracles still happen?

  1. It all depends on our level of relationship with the Lord and if we believe His Word.
  2. Are we going to step out and believe what God has told us about miracles?

What Is God Saying To Us Today?

  • Faith and fear work but in opposite directions. Fear goes away from God while faith brings us closer to Him.
  • How many times did Jesus say, “Oh ye of little faith,” or “Fear not.”

How Fear & Faith Work:

  • Fear eats away at faith.
  • Fear attacks faith.
  • Faith rips fear from our hearts.
  • Faith attacks fear.
  • This is why Jesus said, “Fear not”.

Fear Not Verses:

  • Genesis 26:24, 46:3
  • Exodus 14:13
  • Deuteronomy 1:21
  • Isaiah 43:1, 44:2
  • Daniel 10:12
  • Luke 8:50, 12:32

Deuteronomy 29:29

  • “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.”
  • Lets stay connected to the Vine. Jn. 15

John 15

  • Jesus is the Vine, the Father is the Gardener.
  • The Father cuts off every branch in Jesus that bears no fruit.
  • Every branch that bears fruit He prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.
  • The Word cleanses us.
  • Remain in Jesus and He will remain in us.
  • We can not bear fruit by ourselves, we must remain in the Vine, we must stay in Jesus.
  • Jesus is the Vine, we are the branches, if we remain in Jesus and He in us we will bear much fruit.
  • Apart from Jesus we can do nothing.
  • If we do not stay connected to Jesus we will be cut off.
  • If we remain in Jesus & His Words remain in us, whatever we ask will be given to us.
  • This brings glory to the Father, that we bear much fruit showing we are followers of Jesus.

The Name Elijah

  • Means God is Jehovah.
  • We are called followers of Jehovah-Jesus.
  • As the Father loved Jesus, Jesus loves us. We are to remain in His love.
  • If we obey His commands (to love each other) we remain in His love just as Jesus obeyed the commands of His Father and remained in His love.
  • This causes the joy of the Lord to be in us.

What Elijah Teaches Today:

  • We can walk in the realm of God (miraculous) by staying connected to Jesus.
  • We can see the greater works Jesus said we would see.
  • We can be modern day Elijahs.

Signs of Revival - A Life of Miracles

Signs of Revival - A Life of Miracles this message was given on 8-8-10

Signs of Revival - The Spirit of Elijah 2 (notes)

Signs of Revival - The Spirit of Elijah 2

Isaiah 60

  1. Arise shine (be radiant with the glory of the Lord).
  2. Darkness will cover the earth & dense darkness the peoples but the Lord shall shine upon you.
  3. Nations will come to your light & kings to the brightness of your rising.
  4. Lift up your eyes and see, they gather, they come to you. Your sons will come from afar & your daughters will be carried.

This Is A Restoration

  • Prediction of Israel but it also is a prophecy where the Law of double reference applies. Example of Ezekiel 28 When God is talking about an earthly king but then God talks about Satan. Isaiah 60 is also talking about the church.
  • Prediction of the church at a time in world history. A period of gross darkness upon the world and the people. The church will shine bright in this period.

For 100 Years

The nation of Israel was ruled by three monarchs.

  1. Saul
  2. David
  3. Solomon

At the end of Solomon’s reign a civil war broke out in the kingdom that had been united under God’s anointed leadership.

The nation was divided into the Northern kingdom called Israel and the Southern kingdom called Judah.

When Ahab & Jezebel

  • Come on the scene with Baal worship and all the corruption of their reign God raises up a prophet named Elijah.
  • Elijah challenges Baal worship by saying that it will not rain for the next several years.
  • God then commands the prophet to leave the scene and go to a place called Kerith.

What It Means To Be A Part of The Elijah Generation:

  1. A people who will transform the culture.
  2. A people who will come against sickness with the power of the Kingdom.
  3. A people who will not limit God.
  4. A people who will touch nations.
  5. A people who will usher in the Kingdom.
  6. A people who will trust God to meet every need.
  7. A people who will walk in love with each other.

Elijah Is Taken Care of

  • By the Lord through ravens who bring him food every day. Twice a day meat & bread was brought.
  • By the brook by the ravine.
  • By the natural geography of place where he was protected by God.
  • Until the time for him to leave the ravine and go to Zarephath.

The Brook Dries Up

  • And Elijah has to leave the ravine of God’s protection.
  • As a result of the prophecy that Elijah gave when he said it would not rain for several years.
  • In our lives because God has a future Zarephath.


  1. Could it be that God still needed to work out some areas in Elijah’s life before he could complete his mission?
  2. Did God need to teach Elijah more humility, patience or faith by providing food by ravens.
  3. The drought that Elijah predicted caused the brook to dry up so he could go to Sidon, the center of Baal worship & take a stand for righteousness.
  4. God will provide for His people in days of great need to give.

What Is God Saying To Us Today?

  • A great move of the Spirit is sweeping through the earth right now.
  • We need to have the spirit of Elijah to get in on this move and experience the presence of the Lord.
  • The spirit of wisdom and revelation is increasing in the church.

Deuteronomy 29:29

  • Says… “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.”
  • Let’s get all the revelation Jesus is giving His church in the Kerith ravine.
  • Let’s stay connected to the vine. Jn. 15

John 15

  • Jesus is the vine, the Father is the gardener.
  • The Father cuts off (kerith) every branch in Jesus that bears no fruit.
  • Every branch that bears fruit He prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.
  • The Word cleanses us.
  • Remain in Jesus and He will remain in us.
  • We can not bear fruit by ourselves, we must remain in the vine, we must stay in Jesus.
  • Jesus is the vine, we are the branches, if we remain in Jesus and He in us we will bear much fruit.
  • Apart from Jesus we can do nothing.
  • If we do not stay connected to Jesus we will be cut off.
  • If we remain in Jesus & His Words remain in us, whatever we ask will be given to us.
  • This brings glory to the Father, that we bear much fruit showing we are followers of Jesus.

The Name

  • Elijah means: God is Jehovah.
  • We are called followers of Jehovah-Jesus.
  • As the Father loved Jesus, Jesus loves us. We are to remain in His love.
  • If we obey His commands (to love each other) we remain in His love just as Jesus obeyed the commands of His Father and remained in His love.
  • This causes the joy of the Lord to be in us.

What Elijah Teaches Today:

  • The command of the Lord is to love each other as Jesus loved us.
  • There is no greater love than this that we lay down our life for each other (the friends of Jesus).

Signs of Revival - The Spirit of Elijah 2

Signs of Revival - The Spirit of Elijah 2 this message was given on 8-1-10

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Signs of Revival - The Spirit of Elijah (notes)

Signs of Revival - The Spirit of Elijah

Haggai 2:4

I am with you, says the Lord of Hosts

My Spirit is in your midst,

Do not fear

Once more in a little while, I am going to shake the heavens and the earth.

I will shake all nations and they will come with the wealth of all nations and I will fill this house with Glory says the lord of Hosts.

The silver is mine and the gold is mine, declares the Lord of Hosts

The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former, says the Lord of Hosts. I will give peace.

For 300 Years

The nation of Israel was ruled by three monarchs.

  1. Saul
  2. David
  3. Solomon

At the end of Solomon’s reign a civil war broke out in the kingdom that had been united under God’s anointed leadership.

The nation was divided into the Northern kingdom called Israel and the Southern kingdom called Judah.

The Division

  • Lasted until both kingdoms fell to foreign invaders when the Jews were led away into captivity.
  • From the start of the division until Israel’s captivity a period of over two hundred years, the northern kingdom had 19 kings and all of them were wicked.
  • This environment of evil lasted in Israel until the Assyrians invaded them in 722 B.C.

The Southern Kingdom of Judah

  • On the other hand was under the leadership of seventeen rulers for well over 300 years and eight of those kings followed the Lord but nine were wicked rulers.
  • Of Judah ended with the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. and the 70 year captivity in Babylon.

The Southern Kingdom

  • Was later revived when men such as Nehemiah, Ezra, and Zerubbabel returned from exile. They moved back to Jerusalem, rebuilt the walls of the city and the temple and restored worship of the one true God.
  • It was during this period of the Northern and Southern kingdoms and the wickedness of many of the kings and the apostasy of the Hebrew people, God sent various prophets to call both rulers and the people to repentance.

A Look At The Kings

  • Jeroboam, the first king of the northern kingdom was the king who planted the seeds of idolatry among the people of Israel.
  • The term high places generally refers to pagan altars used for the worship of pagan gods.
  • For 22 years this king of deception & murder promoted idolatry & then his son Nadab became king. I Kings 13:33, 14:20


  • Becomes king of Israel (northern kingdom) while Asa was king of Judah (southern kingdom). He did evil in the sight of God. I Kings 15:25-30
  • Nadab was assassinated by his successor.
  • All the Northern kings were bad and some were worse than others Baasha was not the worst, but he was not a good king either.

What Kind of King Was Elah?

  • What a dynasty! One murderer giving way to another murderer. One assassin killing another assassin. One mass murderer killing the family of another mass murderer.
  • A line of Godless men coming to the throne and doing evil in the sight of the Lord. I Kings 16:21-26


All the bloodshed & idolatry & wickedness of these previous kings, the writer still says that Omri “acted more wickedly than all who were before him.” And then came his son Ahab who married Jezebel, which is like going from Frank & Jesse James to Bonnie & Clyde.

I Kings 16:31

Why is Jezebel mentioned?

  1. She was the dominant partner in the marriage.
  2. She is the one who initiated Baal worship.

Jezebel’s Father Ethbaal

Was from Sidon; he was in fact, king of the Sidonians. Baal worship which originated with the Canaanites, had long existed in that area of the world. But this pagan religion was not introduced to Israel until the marriage of Ahab & Jezebel. Baal was the god of rain & fertility. With it came all the heathen practices, barbaric sacrifices, which increased the evil in the land.

The Sudden Need of
The Presence of a Prophet

Nobody could have handled a couple like Ahab & Jezebel better than Elijah. The rugged gaunt prophet from Tishbeh became God’s instrument of confrontation. Jezebel was Satan’s woman of the hour.

I Kings 16:32-33

The Name

  • Elijah means God is Jehovah.
  • Elijah was from Tishbeh in Gilead. A place of Solitude and outdoor life.
  • Elijah dressed more like a farmer than a lawyer.
  • Prophets cannot be ignored & Elijah was a prophet of God.

What Elijah Teaches Today:

  1. God uses unique people when things are darkest.
  2. God’s methods are surprising.
  3. We stand before God.
  4. Let God use you.

Signs of Revival - The Spirit of Elijah

Signs of Revival - The Spirit of Elijah this message was given on 7-25-10