Saturday, April 24, 2010

Proverbs 18 - The Name of The Lord (notes)

Proverbs 18 - The Name of The Lord

Jesus Said

  • The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.
  • There is a safe place in this rebellious world we live in and it is the name of Jesus our high tower, our refuge in time of need, our defense, our shield and exceedingly great reward. Our rock and salvation, our strength and buckler.

Proverbs 18:10

  • God’s name is a place of protection good people can run there and be safe. (The Message)
  • The name of the Lord is a strong fortress; the godly run to Him and are safe. (New Living Translation)
  • The name of the Lord is a mighty tower were His people can run for safety. (Contemporary English Version)
  • The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. (NIV)

When Proverbs 18:10 Was written, the name of Jesus had not yet been given to believers. The power of the name of Jesus wasn’t yet revealed to man but when Jesus was on earth He told His followers, “Whatever you ask the Father in My name will be granted to you.”

  • We have a name that no other religion knows, the name of Jesus brings salvation, healing and deliverance to anyone who believes.

Jesus Said… These signs will accompany those who believe: in My NAME they will drive out demons; they will speak with new tongues. They will lay their hands on the sick and they will recover…in My name.

And I Will Do Whatever you ask in My name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.

John 14:13

The name of Jesus Is the greatest name ever uttered by anyone. When the angel of God appeared to Joseph he said, you will name Him Jesus, all hell was shaken. The name of Jesus is Joshua or God is salvation. Jesus came to save the Word. The name of Jesus is a tower of strength. Salvation is not just our sins being forgiven, it includes healing, deliverance, prosperity and protection.

Salvation Also Means:

Saved from an empty life, from sin, from meaningless, emptiness, misery, fear, evil, darkness, anxiety, torment, sorrow, anguish, pain, sadness and depression. This is what the name of Jesus provides us with.

The Name of Jesus

  • Is greater than cancer, heart disease.
  • Has all the power of heaven behind it, every angel listens when a believer uses the name.
  • Has power over evil, darkness, demons, the devil, over any curse and all the power of witchcraft. Sickness has to bow, sin’s power is broken and creative miracles happen when we use the name.

The Name of Jesus

  • Is our power of attorney. When we come into the presence of God declaring the name of Jesus that is the key that opens the door to all that heaven has.
  • Is our access code to the miraculous life God desires we all experience. Miracles are common to the person who understands and uses the name of Jesus.

There Is Divine Protection in the name of Jesus. When your family leaves for work, for school, on a trip, etc. We pray for their protection in the name of Jesus and angels hear that name and go into action on our behalf.

  • The name of Jesus protects believers from whatever the thief tries to steal, kill or destroy. That name is mighty in strength, unlimited in power and awesome in giving us the victory over all the evil in the world.


A tower in Bible days was a symbol of strength, protection, vigilance, and watchfulness.

The name of the Lord means much more to us today because of the death & resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The devil does not want God’s people to know the power of the name of Jesus so he has tried over the years to keep us in the dark as to the power that is available to us in that wonderful name.

Can One Move Out From God’s Protection?

Yes. By:

  • Rebellion
  • Unforgiveness
  • Stubborn sin
  • Disobedience

Stay Under God’s protection by staying under God’s authority, by being forgiving, by not sinning constantly, by obeying the voice and Word of God.

Proverbs 18 - The Name of The Lord

Proverbs 18 - The Name of The Lord this message was given on 4-18-10

Monday, April 12, 2010

Proverbs 17 - Tested Faith (notes)

Proverbs 17 - Tested Faith

Jesus Said

  • The Kingdom of God is here now!
  • We must change our way of thinking if we are going to embrace the Kingdom, if we are going to see as God sees, If our faith is going to become strong, it will be tested by fire.

Our Faith Will Go Through a process of purification. God wants our complete confidence in Him not in formulas or principles.

Proverbs 17:3 The crucible for silver and the furnace for gold, but the LORD tests the heart.

Everyone’s Faith

Will be tested. God wants our heart. God wants us totally devoted to Him.

God wants our faith to grow strong in His Word but He wants total devotion.

God will not allow anyone in His Kingdom to stay where they are, He wants us all to grow in faith and in that process our faith will be tested by fire.

Without Faith

We can not please God. We can not even begin our walk in God without first learning to completely trust in Him.

Faith grows like a mustard seed. The water of the word of God causes faith to grow.

Faith is a substance. God created everything out of it.

We Need

To constantly be hearing what God says to grow in faith. Romans 10:17 Faith is like a seed, it needs constant watering for it to grow and the WORD of God is that water that makes faith grow into a force that can see creative miracles every day.

There Are Examples

of people who were touched by their faith in God. The two blind men who called out to Jesus as He passed by were both healed because of their violent and desperate faith. Sometimes it is ok to become desperate in faith and cry out to God even if it disturbs others who are not as desperate as we might be at the time. Are you desperate enough to be militant in your cry of faith to Jesus to do something for you?

Romans 4:19 And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb.

Romans 4:20 He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God…

Faith Gives Us

Access into God’s presence so we can go into the throne room of heaven and present our case before Almighty God.

Romans 5:2 “By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.”

Romans 10:8

  • But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is the word of faith, which we preach.
  • We speak a word of faith and things happen in the atmosphere. Situations change, bodies change, sickness has to leave, bones are created, procedures are not needed because when we get God’s Word in our heart and it comes out of our mouth, everything changes.
  • Get a Word from the Lord into your heart and let it come out of your mouth with faith and watch God go to work for you.

There Is A Process

  • To changing our mind, to having a new outlook, a new mind set.
  • First it starts in my mouth. I speak what God says. I speak faith in what God has proclaimed.
  • Then it goes into my spirit. The spirit world controls the natural world. My spirit grabs what God has pronounced over my situation, sickness, etc.
  • We hear it preached. We hear God’s perspective on the matter and our faith is solidified.


Everyone has a measure of faith but there are degrees of faith. Elisha was given a double portion from Elijah and he did twice as many miracles as Elijah. Don’t stay where you are in your faith, grow in it.

The New Reality

How do we live as Jesus lived?

By living by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.

Deuteronomy 8:1-3

The children of Israel were tested so God could know what was in their hearts, if they would keep the Word. God humbled them so they would know that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.

The New Reality Is

That nothing can stop this Kingdom from advancing in the earth today. There is also supernatural provision for us. There is healing for any and all types of diseases. There is deliverance for those oppressed by the Devil and those possessed by demons.

This revelation is being unveiled to us and we are taking the Kingdom by force.

Why Our Faith Is Tested:

  1. So it can grow to be able to handle greater challenges.
  2. So we can learn how faith works.
  3. So our faith will become strong.
  4. So our trust will be in God and nothing else.

To Fear God Means:

I believe what He says.

I trust Him.

Faith is the mirror of the heart that reflects the realities of the unseen world-the actual substance of His Kingdom.

It Is a Violent Theme to bring the Kingdom of Heaven into this realm. There will be opposition to this message even from some in the church but we must press on, it is worth it.

The physical world is under the dominion of this new Kingdom reality. The physical world is under the authority of this new reality. We need faith to tap into this reality. Our faith will be tested in the process but that is because God does not want us to be stagnant.

There Is Another Reality

The spiritual world (God’s Kingdom) controls the physical world.

The Kingdom of God is here, God is here and we need to bring that reality into our existence. When we do, the blind will see, the lame will walk, the demons will be driven out of people and the dead raised.

All This Started When Jesus came and will not stop because some will not believe it. We must believe it, we must embrace this new reality and see what God wants us to see and do what He says we can do in the name of the King.

Matt. 21:15-22

This account finishes with Jesus talking about the power of faith when we pray. Prayer is not wishful thinking or empty hope, it is faith in the new reality that the Kingdom of Heaven is here and we can tap into it, see miracles in Jesus’ name and the greatest harvest we have ever seen in the history of the church.

Proverbs 17 - Tested Faith

Proverbs 17 - Tested Faith this message was given on 4-11-10

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Power of The King - He Lives! (notes)

The Power of The King - He Lives!

The Empty Tomb

John 20 talks about Mary Magdalene going to the tomb but saw that the stone had been removed and thought someone had stolen the body of Jesus when in fact He had risen from the dead.

Palm Sunday

  • We talked about seeing as God sees the new reality of the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • During Passion Week, Jesus had been through a period of intense suffering, pain, agony, anguish and sorrow. He went through all this so we could have abundant (eternal) life.
  • Sin had left its mark on man but Jesus came to remove sin, which brings death and gave us forgiveness of sin, which brings life.

Unseen Areas

  • The thief (Satan) comes to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus defeated him when He died and rose to give us a life that will never end.
  • When man sinned the thief took his birth right but Jesus came to restore to us what Adam lost.
  • The resurrection is the culmination of all this.

Paul Talks About

  • How sin entered the world.
  • Adam sinned and got us into this dilemma we’re in.
  • First sin, then death, no one exempt from either.
  • Sin disturbed relations with God in everything and everyone.

Romans 5:12-21

Sin Affected - The Whole Creation

Romans 5:15-25

Through What Jesus Did

  • Sin was judged.
  • Death destroyed.
  • Life restored to everyone.
  • All sin does is threaten us with death, Grace, because God is putting everything together again through the Messiah, invites us into life - a life that goes on and on, world without end. Romans 5:22

Because of What Jesus Did

  • We don’t have to live a life of just getting by.
  • We can experience a full life, full of love and power over evil, sickness, sadness and sorrow.
  • Jesus suffered so we could all have the kind of life that overcomes the world.
  • The life of a king is what God has for all His heirs.

Proverbs 16:15

  • In the light of the King’s countenance there is life, and His favor is as the cloud of latter rain.
  • Jesus is the King of Glory and because of His sacrifice we have access to His presence and in His presence (the Cloud-Glory) there is life (rain produces life), which gives us favor.
  • God revealed this through the life of Moses when He saw the glory of the Lord. Moses entered the throne room of the King of Glory. Jesus suffered so we could have the same access.

Revelation 21

  • Death is defeated by the one who created life. Life flows from the throne of God (the King) to His people.
  • Jesus said that rivers of living water would flow out of the church to the world.
  • There is resurrection power flowing from the throne of God through His church to the world.

Why We Live Below The Quality of Life God Has For Us

  • We don’t know God’s purpose.
  • We have a misconception of God’s Kingdom.
  • We do not know the authority that the death & resurrection of Jesus has provided.
  • We have been deceived by the adversary.
  • We are not diligently looking into the Word and what Jesus has provided for us.

Resurrection Power

  • Is flowing through the church right now with great signs and wonders for the great harvest of people who will know Jesus at this time.
  • Is reviving His people for a great manifestation of the glory of God to this generation.

The Power of The King - He Lives!

The Power of The King - He Lives! this message was given on 4-4-10