Sunday, February 28, 2010

Proverbs 9 - Pillars of Wisdom

Proverbs 9 - Pillars of Wisdom this message was given on 2-28-10

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Proverbs 8 - The Wisdom of Jesus (notes)

Proverbs 8 - The Wisdom of Jesus


  1. Jesus is wisdom in personified.
  2. The Gospel is the power of God.
  3. God makes foolish the world’s wisdom.
  4. Jesus is the power of God & the wisdom of God.
  5. The foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom.

(I Corinthians 1:18,19,24,27)

Wisdom Is Calling Us

  1. Where major decisions are made.
  2. If you are simple, gain prudence, if you are foolish, gain understanding.
  3. 3. Listen to Jesus, He is speaking.
  4. To the discerning all the words of Jesus are right.
  5. Choose Jesus instead of silver or gold, wisdom is more precious than rubies and nothing compares with wisdom.

Wisdom (Jesus)

Dwells with prudence, knowledge and discretion. V.12

If We Fear God

  • We will hate evil, arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.
  • Counsel and sound judgment are the Lord’s and can be ours as we walk with wisdom.
  • By wisdom, kings reign and rulers make laws that are just.
  • Princes govern and so do nobles who rule the earth.


The Nature of Wisdom

Divine wisdom springs from integrity, and becomes manifest through creative expression with excellence as its standard.

Jesus (& Wisdom)

  • Love those who love Him and those who seek Him will find Him.
  • With Jesus (wisdom) are riches, honor, enduring wealth and prosperity.
  • The fruit of wisdom (Jesus) is better than fine gold and its yield surpasses choice silver. (17-19)


  • Walked the way of righteousness along the paths of justice giving wealth to those who love Me (wisdom) and making their treasuries full. (20-21)
  • Was in eternity past.
  • Was the Craftsman at the side of the Father filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in God’s presence. (22-30)
  • Rejoices in God’s creation-the world and mankind.
  • Says to listen to Him, to His instruction and be wise.
  • Says, “Blessed is the man who listens to Me, who watching daily at the door of heaven, waiting at My door way.”

Whoever finds Jesus, finds life and will be given favor from the Lord, but whoever fails to find Me (Jesus-wisdom) harms himself and all who hate (Jesus-wisdom) love death.

Jesus Has Answers

  • For sickness, ailments and every kind of human problem.
  • If you have a child who is ill, a loved one who needs healing, Jesus is your healer.
  • The enemy has authority over us when we agree with him. Fear and anxiety both agree with our enemy.

Our Adversary

  • Is no match for Jesus Christ.
  • The authentic message of the Kingdom is superior to any other message in the world.
  • I can only please God when I am in faith; have faith in God not in what the Devil says.

There Are Two Types of Wisdom (Two Systems)

  1. The world’s: bitter envy, selfish ambition and unspiritual--motivated by Satan.
  2. The Kingdom of God’s: Leads to a good life, does good deeds in humility, pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

Proverbs 8 - The Wisdom of Jesus

Proverbs 8 - The Wisdom of Jesus this message was given on 2-21-10

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Proverbs 7 - True Love (notes)

Proverbs 7 - True Love


  1. Keep My Words.
  2. Guard My Word in your heart.
  3. Treasure My instructions.
  4. Do what I say and you’ll live well.

There Is Nothing

  • More important than our relationship with God. So the way I get to know the heart of God for my life and for the world is by knowing what God is like.
  • The second most important relationship is with my wife or your husband.

God Has A Simple Strategy For Success

  • Obedience.
  • Do what I say and you’ll live life well.

Living Life Well

  • Is living a significant life.
  • Is living a life that makes a difference in the lives of those around us.

The Nature of Wisdom

  • Divine wisdom springs from integrity, and becomes manifest through creative expression with excellence as its standard.

Love Has Many Definitions:

  1. Erotic
  2. Friendship
  3. Agape


  • Talks about the wisdom of staying pure in our relationships.
  • The first few verses of chapter 7 talks about the fact that we must keep the principles of purity as treasure in our hearts.

When We Keep God’s Word in our hearts it will keep us from the adulteress, from the wayward wife with her seductive words.

What God Says

  • Lack of judgment leads to bad decisions. V-7
  • Lack of wisdom I have fellowship offerings at home today I fulfilled my vows. V. 14
  • Be careful when someone talks the talk but doesn’t walk the walk.

Be Careful

  • With smooth talking people.
  • With people who appear to be the real deal but are not.


  • Is a dead end street.
  • Leads to nowhere.
  • Leads to an empty life.
  • Leads to bondage.
  • Leads to death.

Proverbs 7 - True Love

Proverbs 7 - True Love this message was given on 2-14-10

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Proverbs 7 - Keep God’s Word (notes)

Proverbs 7 - Keep God’s Word


  1. Keep my Words.
  2. Guard my Word in your heart.
  3. Treasure my instructions.
  4. Do what I say and you’ll live well.

There Is Nothing More important than our relationship with God. So the way I get to know the heart of God for my life and for the world is by knowing what God is like.

I get to know this by the revelation He has given. The Holy Spirit will reveal what is already in His Word to me.

God Has A Simple Strategy For Success: Obedience.

  • Do what I say and you’ll live life well.

Living Life Well

  • Is living a significant life.
  • Is living a life that makes a difference in the lives of those around us.


  • Is taken for granted until it is lost, impaired or threatened by disease.
  • The writer compares eyesight to the teaching of the Lord.
  • What God reveals is so precious that Jesus called it the secrets of the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven. (Matt. 13:11-12)

Isn’t It Interesting

  • That people who have been given revelation from God seem to have it in abundance?
  • Once we have it, more will be given. It is like a floodgate that has been opened to us.

If We Want Divine insight, we must search for it as one looks for hidden treasure.

For Example

  • The reason there is sickness, illness and physical problems is because of the fall.
  • The Devil comes to steal, kill and destroy--but Jesus came to give us a full life.

What God Says

  • I have been given you My authority of Heaven to rebuke, to devour, and destroy the works of the Devil.
  • Faith actualizes what it realizes.
  • Faith takes what you see in the unseen realm and forces it into the seen realm.

Our Concept

  • Of God is based on disappointment not revelation.
  • Example of the man with a son who has an evil spirit.
  • God did not withhold a miracle as a means of punishment when the man came to Jesus who had a son tormented by a demon.

My Son

  • Keep my words and store up my commands within you.
  • Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.
  • Bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart.

Proverbs 7 - Keep God’s Word

Proverbs 7 - Keep God’s Word this message was given on 2-7-10