Truths of Revival
Throughout Church History God reveals truth to the church in order to fulfill the purpose of God in that period of time.
The Church Also looses truths and God has to remind us of what we have lost and has to restore revelation to the church.
Past Revivals have given the church the following revelations:
- Justification by faith.
- Holiness.
- Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
- Healing & Evangelism.
- Importance of the teaching of the Word.
- Spiritual gifts to the church.
- Spiritual renewal to the church.
1. Martin Luther 1438-1546
2. John Wesley 1740s
3. William Seymour 1906-09
4. Aimee Semple McPherson 1920-40
5. Chuck Smith-John Wimber 1965-80
6. Dennis Bennett 1970-80
7. John Arnott John Kilpatrick 1994-96
What We Are To Do
- We can not duplicate what God did at another time & place in a time of visitation.
- We must wait on the Lord and expect God to visit us in His unique manner.
What Are Signs of True Revival
1. A renewed love for God in the church.
2. A repentant attitude in the people of God.
3. A great harvest of souls.
4. Miracles, signs and wonders.
5. Communities changed.
6. Churches are planted all over the world.
7. The needs of the poor and needy are met by the church in compassionate and practical strategies.
The Power of Revelation
1. Did the church get the revelation.
2. Did the church apply the revealed truths.
3. Did the church learn from the past move of God that they did not learn.
What Jesus Said About Truth
John 14 &16
1. Obedience is the key to receiving Truth.
2. The Holy Spirit is the author of Truth.
3. The world does not recognize the author of Truth.
4. We know the Author of Truth.
5. The Holy Spirit will teach us.
7. When the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you into all Truth.
8. He will tell you what is yet to come. We will not be in the dark about the next move of the Holy Spirit.
9. He will bring glory to Jesus by taking the revelations of Jesus and revealing it to us.
10. All that belongs to the Father is mine and will be revealed to us.
Application the key to keeping the truths Jesus gives us:
- Stay teachable.
- Stay flexible.
- Stay at the feet of Jesus.
God Is Pouring Out Revelation By the Holy Spirit in this hour.
Let’s walk in the truth God is giving the church and learn from past revivals what God wants us to apply right now.