Sunday, May 24, 2009

A Dedicated Life - Revelation Knowledge (notes)

A Dedicated Life - Revelation Knowledge

Dream Big Dreams For the glory of God just like Joseph did.

Joseph Was given revelation about the future through the dreams God gave him.

Genesis 47

  1. Joseph appears before Pharaoh & presents his brothers to the king.
  2. They tell Pharaoh their occupation.
  3. Pharaoh tells Joseph to settle his family in Goshen.
  4. Joseph presents his father to Pharaoh.
  5. Joseph settled his father & brothers in the best part of the land.
  6. The famine gets worse.
  7. The people run out of money.
  8. The people sell their land for grain.
  9. The people become servants.
  10. The people are taxed 20%.
  11. Joseph’s family settles in Goshen.
  12. Jacob lives 17 more years in Egypt.
  13. Joseph promised his father to bury him in his homeland.


What can we learn from Joseph?

  1. God in control of our lives.
  2. God rules in the affairs of men.
  3. We are highly favored of God.
  4. Miracles are for us today.
  5. Divine dreams and visions will be given to us and our children today.


What can we learn from the famine in the time of Joseph?

  1. God in control
  2. God is our source
  3. God is able
  4. God loves us
  5. God is good
  6. God is generous
  7. God restores

Follow These principles in your daily life as Joseph did and you will see the blessing of the Lord upon you. They will work in bad times or good, in hard times or when everything is great, in any part of the world or city.

Joseph Lived By

  • Revelation knowledge.
  • Paul learned to live like this.

I Corinthians 2

    1. The Promise of the Father:
    2. The baptism in the Holy Spirit.
    3. Will give us power to be witnesses to the world of the love of God.
    4. Is for every day living to deal with every day issues, challenges and situations.

Joseph Lived a life that made a difference because he learned to tap into the power of the Holy Spirit throughout his life. We can live lives that can impact the world if we learn to be filled with the Spirit, walk in the Spirit and live in the Spirit.

The Key To live by revelation is to ask the Holy Spirit to teach us how to apply the Word in our daily lives. As this happens we will be people who impact our world with the knowledge of God’s love.

Where Are You Today?

Follow the dream God has given you, walk in faith and live a life of love for God and for your family and you will see great blessings from the Lord upon your loved ones and they will impact the world because of you.

A Dedicated Life - Revelation Knowledge

A Dedicated Life - Revelation Knowledge this message was given on 5-24-09

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Dedicated Life - A Father’s Love (notes)

A Dedicated Life - A Father’s Love

Dream Big Dreams

  • For the glory of God just like Joseph did.

Psalm 37

  • Has some powerful revelations for us today.

Truths That Last/Truths That Joseph Lived By

  1. Don’t be upset because of evil people.
  2. Don’t be jealous of those who do wrong.
  3. Trust the Lord and do good.
  4. Live in the land and feed on truth.
  5. Enjoy serving the Lord and He will give you what you want.
  6. Depend on the Lord; trust Him, and He will take care of you.
  7. Wait and trust the Lord. Don’t be upset when others get rich or when someone else’s plans succeed.
  8. Don’t get angry, don’t be upset; it only leads to trouble.
  9. Evil people will be sent away, but those who trust the Lord will inherit the land.
  10. People who are not proud will inherit the land.
  11. The wicked make evil plans against good people. They grind their teeth at them in anger. But the Lord laughs at the wicked.
  12. The weapons of the wicked will be turned against them.
  13. It is better to have little and be right than to have much and be wrong.
  14. The power of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord supports those who right.
  15. The Lord watches over the lives of the innocent, and their reward will last forever.
  16. They will not be ashamed when trouble comes. They will be full in times of hunger.
  17. The wicked borrow and don’t pay back, but those who do right give freely to others.
  18. Those whom the Lord blesses will inherit the land, but those He curses will be sent away.

Follow These principles in your daily life as Joseph did and you will see the blessing of the Lord upon you. They will work in bad times or good, in hard times or when everything is great, in any part of the world or city.

Genesis 46

Here is where we see a fathers love. Look at what God says to Him:

  1. I am God, the God of your father.
  2. Don’t be afraid to go to Egypt.
  3. I will make your descendants a great nation there.
  4. I will to Egypt with you and bring you out again.
  5. Joseph will close your eyes when you die.

The Promise of a Son:

  1. Come down to Me quickly.
  2. Live in the Land of Goshen where you will be near Me.
  3. Your family, flocks and herds will also be near Me.
  4. For the next five years of hunger you and your family will not go hungry.

The Promise Of a son is fulfilled. Pharaoh and his officials heard about Joseph’s brothers and was happy and tells Joseph to have his family come to Egypt and he would give them property and they will eat the best food we have. They will be given the best of Egypt.

Jacob’s Love for Joseph never died and he was able to see the blessing of the Lord upon his family as a result.

Where Are You Today?

Follow the dream God has given you, walk in faith and live a life of love for God and for your family and you will see great blessings from the Lord upon your loved ones and they will impact the world because of you.

A Dedicated Life - A Father’s Love

A Dedicated Life - A Father’s Love this message was given on 5-17-09

Monday, May 11, 2009

Rachel’s Influence (notes)

Rachel’s Influence


Is one of the most important roles in the world!

Raising Little Ones

  • Is one of the most demanding jobs in society.
  • Is also the most impacting role that a mother has.

Example of the Four most important women in my life:

  1. Mom.
  2. My wife Marylou.
  3. My wife’s mom Isabel.
  4. My daughter Noni (future mom).

I know Moms Today have a difficult job.

Especially young moms who have to juggle a marriage, children, a job and all the other roles in life.

You Can Still raise prophets like Rachel did.

  • Joseph was a prophet and his word came to pass!

What Can We learn from mother who influence future generations?

  1. Prayer is the key to influence.
  2. Example is the next key.
  3. Character is another key.
  4. The Word-teaching it to your children.

Genesis 29:16-17

  • Jacob meets the mother of Joseph and Benjamin.
  • Rachel was lovely in form (good figure-Contemporary English Version).


Wanted children Gen. 30:1,22-24

  • God remembered Rachel;
  • She became pregnant and gave birth to a son and said, “God has taken away my shame.” she named him Joseph.

God Gives Children to moms for a purpose. Joseph brought honor to the Lord in his life.

How Do Children bring honor to the Lord?

  1. When mom raise them in the Word of God
  2. When mom model for them a virtuous life
  3. When mom prays for them


    • Rachel did not know but she was raising a prince.
    • Your time investment in your children is for a divine destiny.
    • Your example will protect your children from becoming bitter.
    • Rachel instilled some fine qualities in Joseph.


  • Was a shepherdess. This is hard work and she raised Joseph to be a hard worker. Everywhere Joseph went, he prospered because of this.
  • Jacob gave Joseph the favor of God and Rachel the tools for him to succeed in the midst of adversity.

Learn From Rachel’s influence mom and apply these principles as you influence your children for the glory of God!

Rachel’s Influence

Rachel’s Influence this message was given on 5-10-09

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Dedicated Life - Family Reunion (notes)

A Dedicated Life - Family Reunion

God Desires

Development of character in His people. It takes friction for character to grow into Christ likeness.

The Holy Spirit

  • Is being poured out in this hour and God is revealing some powerful truths to His people through His Word.
  • Joseph teaches us that we can make a difference in the lives of those close to us.


  • Teaches us principles about dreams and character.
  • To see a dream fulfilled it is important for us to have integrity.
  • Was a man of vision, a man of purpose and a man who was bigger than the hurt and injustice he suffered.
  • Teaches us that where there is no vision--there is no hope.
  • Teaches us that vision gives us purpose.
  • Teaches us the when we have purpose; we will forgive those who have mistreated us and those who have misunderstood us.
  • Went through the fire and came out shining like gold.
  • I Peter 1:6-7 “pure gold put in the fire comes out of it proved pure…” (Message Bible)
  • Is on the throne and his brothers come back to buy more grain.

Romans 5

    1. Because we know that suffering produces endurance.
    2. Endurance produces character.
    3. Character produces hope.
    4. Hope does not disappoint us.
    5. Through whom we have access by faith.

Have You Suffered Like Joseph?

God is preparing you for something greater than what you have ever experienced.

Genesis 41:39

“Since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you. You shall be in charge of my palace, and all my people are to submit to your orders. Only in respect to the throne will I be greater than you.”

Quote from Pharaoh

Un-confessed Sins

  • Produce a guilty conscience

His brothers feel guilty for what they did. They covered up their sin against their little brother and now before Joseph the guilt comes up again. For 13 years they carried the guilt for their sin against Joseph but now God is giving them a chance to get it right.


What A Family Reunion Did!

  • The guilt is removed.
  • Living under the shadow of their sin was cleared.
  • Their relationship with their brother is restored.
  • The heart of the father is healed when he sees Joseph.

What Forgiveness Does:

  • Joseph teaches those around him (including Pharaoh) the providence and the goodness of the Lord.
  • It releases those who have committed the transgression.
  • It restores relationships.
  • It heals broken hearts.

A Lesson In Restoration

Before the years of famine came God gave Joseph two sons--Manasseh and Ephraim.

  • God has made me forget my trouble
  • God has made me fruitful in the land of my suffering.

We Can Experience

  • A family reunion like Joseph did when we forgive our family members for hurting us and be willing to live in harmony with them.


  • Will fulfill the dreams He gives His children.
  • Be forgiving and you can experience the same type of restoration that the family of Joseph did.

A Dedicated Life - Family Reunion

A Dedicated Life - Family Reunion this message was given on 5-3-09