Sunday, March 30, 2008

Colossians (notes)




  • Was a small town situated on the south bank of the Lycus River in the interior of the Roman Province of Asia (an area included in modern turkey). Located about 100 miles east of Ephesus.
  • And Laodicea were probably evangelized during the time of Paul’s extended ministry in Ephesus. (Acts 19:10)


Was a city of considerable importance during the Persian and Greek Empires.

But the road system was later changed and a decline in social and commercial importance of Colosse set in. In Paul’s day it was only an insignificant market town.

The Colossian Church

  • Was the least important to which any letter of Paul is addressed.


The letter was written by Paul from prison in AD 62 during Paul’s first Roman imprisonment. Some think it was written before Ephesians or about the same time.

Purpose Of the letter:

Written to combat a false teaching that was circulating in the city of Colosse. It was a philosophy characterizing it as dabbling in the occult. It placed much emphasis on ritual circumcision, dietary laws and observing holy days.

The False Teaching

  • Affirmed the mediation of various supernatural powers in the creation of the world and the whole process of salvation.
  • Also insisted that these mysterious powers be worshiped. As a result Christ was relegated to a minor place in the Colossian system.

Some Taught

That the body was evil and must be treated as an enemy.

The False Teaching Consisted of 3 Separate Elements:

1. Legalism

2. Philosophical

3. Christian element

Paul’s Purpose Was Threefold:

1. To express his personal interest in the church.

2. To warn them against reverting to their old pagan vices.

3. To refute the false teaching that was threatening the church.


  • Colossians proclaims the absolute supremacy and sole sufficiency of Jesus Christ. (1:18, 2:9, 3:11)
  • Paul Stresses: 1) Jesus as God’s son. 2) The object of the Christian’s faith. 3) The redeemer. 4) The image of God. 5) Lord of creation. 6) Head of the church. 7) Reconciler of the universe. 8) The fullness of the Godhead lives in Him. 9) All power is under Him. 10) He is the essence of the mystery of God (2:3) 11) In Him all the treasures of wisdom & knowledge lie hidden. 12) Jesus is the standard by which all teaching is to be measured. 13) The reality of truth foreshadowed by the laws & rituals of the Old Covenant. 14) By His cross the cosmic powers of evil were conquered. 15) After rising from the dead Jesus is enthroned at God’s right hand. 16) Our life lies hidden with God in Christ but one day both he & we will be manifested in glory. (3:3-4)


Colossians this message was given on 3-30-08

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Kingdom -The Resurrection (notes)

The Kingdom -The Resurrection

Almost 2,000 Years Ago Jesus Christ conquered death for us and is alive today.

Why is the resurrection such a big deal?

1. It proves that Jesus is God.

2. It means that death has no power over God.

3. Jesus tasted death for us & destroyed death.

Fear of Death

  • Man has always feared death when he does not know what awaits him after death.
  • Fear of death produces bondage.
  • Jesus frees us from the fear of death.

Death Has No Power Over God

  • Hebrews 2:14-15 “…So that by His death He might destroy him who holds the power of death-that is the devil-and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.”

Jesus tasted death

  • Revelation 1:18 “I am the Living One: I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.

The Last Enemy To Be Destroyied is Death

I Corinthians 15:26

Matthew 28

  1. Talks about the events that took place after Jesus rose.
  2. The first day of the week-Sunday Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb.
  3. There was a violent earthquake, for an angle of the Lord came down from heaven.
  4. The angel roles back the stone and sat on it.
  5. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow.
  6. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.
  7. The angels said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.
  8. He is not here; He has risen just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay.
  9. Then go quickly and tell His disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see Him.’ Now I have told you.

Practical Application

  • The resurrection of Jesus is the culmination to the greatest event in history.
  • Gives us power to live a life of victory over evil.

The Kingdom -The Resurrection

The Kingdom -The Resurrection this message was given on 3-23-08 (Easter Sunday)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Kingdom - The End of The Age (notes)

The Kingdom - The End of The Age

Almost 2,000 Years Ago

Jesus entered the City of David on a donkey. The people rejoiced as they saw the Lord coming into Jerusalem.

The Next Time

Jesus enters Jerusalem He will be riding on a white horse and the armies of heaven will come with Him to establish His reign on the earth for ever.

Until That Day

It is our job to kick out the devil where ever he shows up.

The King of The Kingdom

Came to a fallen world and started the process of completely restoring the earth to its original state.

Is coming back to the earth and when He does He will completely subdue every kingdom that does not align itself with His Kingdom.

Jesus Established the church to be the enforcer of His Kingdom over the kingdom of darkness until He returns. We do this by…

1. Preaching the Good News

2. Casting out demons

3. Healing the sick

4. Prayer for leaders & nations

Luke 21

Talks about the events that will take place before His return.

  1. The first event was the coming of the Roman Army & destroying the temple in 70 AD under Titus the Roman General.
  2. The second series of events is False Messiahs.
  3. Talks about the unrest of nations.
  4. Ethnic strife-ethnic cleansing.
  5. Great earthquakes, famines, pestilences, fearful events & great signs from heaven.
  6. Persecution against Christians in the middle east.
  7. A general hatred in society against God’s people.
  8. Jerusalem surrounded by armies.

Jesus Says

When you see these things take place. Don’t be alarmed:

I predicted them

They are simply signs of my coming

I have things under control: this world, and Satan are my puppets,

Practical Application

The dispersion of the Jews has happened several times in history. History repeats itself.

For almost 30 years of being a pastor here I have seen this scenario play out in the lives of some people.

I see people come to the Lord, their lives are a mess but God starts to clean them up and to bless them.

Then they take their eyes of the Blesser and put them on the blessing and pride starts to set in.

They then suffer loss or they backslide and then God has to start the process all over.

We Are All Admonished

To examine our hearts and see that there is no rebellion or stubborn streak in us.

To walk humbly before our God and to show mercy.

The One Event

That set the clock in motion that signals we are living in the End Times is Israel becoming a nation again. This happened in 1948. We are that generation.

Be careful or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap.

Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.

What Can We Apply To Our Lives From This Teaching?

1. The best way to live is love the Lord with all our heart, mind and strength.

2. Never forget what God is doing in our lives and has done.

3. Don’t put our trust in the things of this world-they are temporary.

4. Look up for our hope is in the return of Jesus Christ.

The Kingdom - The End of The Age

The Kingdom - The End of The Age this message was given on 3-16-08

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Kingdom - Obedience (notes)

The Kingdom - Obedience

Matthew 7:24

  • Talks about two men who built their house.
  • Talks about building our lives on obedience.

One of the Great

  • Examples of obedience is found in I Samuel 15.


  • Is blind. Saul can not see that he disobeyed the Word of God.

Saul Thought His Idea

  • Was better than God’s. He did what was right in his eyes.

Saul’s Reasoning

  • I went on the mission the Lord assigned me.
  • I completely destroyed the Amalekites.
  • I brought back Agag their king.
  • The soldiers took the sheep and cattle from the plunder to sacrifice to the Lord.

Samuel’s Response:

  • Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord.
  • To obey is better than sacrifice.

Saul’s Disobedience

  • Is rooted in rebellion.
  • Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.

Why Is Rebellion So Serious to God?

  • Example of Lucifer.
  • Why Lucifer & fallen angels can not be redeemed?
  • They were not deceived, they knew what they were doing.

This Is Why Jesus Says:

  • Many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord. Didn’t we do all these great things in your name.
  • But He will say, “I never knew you, depart.”

A Rebellious Believer

  • Can not see his wrong because he lives a life of disobedience.
  • Saul was this type of person and was rejected by God as a result.

This Is The Only Time

  • God will reject people.
  • Rebellion and stubbornness are very serious sins to God.

We Are All Admonished

  • To examine our hearts and see that there is no rebellion or stubborn streak in us.
  • To walk humbly before our God and to show mercy.

The Kingdom - Obedience

The Kingdom - Obedience this message was given on 3-9-08

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Kingdom - Seek His Face (notes)

The Kingdom - Seek His Face

Jesus, said:

The Kingdom of Heaven was at hand

The Lord Jesus

Mentions the importance of seeking God and His Kingdom first.

Talks about priorities in the Sermon on the Mount.

The King of Kings

To show us the Father and to explain & expound His Kingdom on the earth.

In Eastern Cultures

Dogs and pigs were looked upon as scavengers. Dogs were not pets but ran around eating garbage and would attack you if you tried to take their food.

Jesus Mentions

Three principles in turning to God.

Ask of Him

Seek Him

Knock on Heavens door.


To make a request from someone involves humility & meekness. It means we are not self sufficient but depend on someone greater than us.

God loves it when I ask Him for help with anything. That is all He is waiting for.

If I Need

Peace, He is Jehovah Shalom - I am your peace.

Victory, He is Jehovah Nissi - I am your banner or your victory.

Help of any kind, as Abraham did when he was tested regarding his son, Isaac, then He is Jehovah Jireh - your provider.


Example of King Solomon. 2 Chron. 7:11-16

God knows how to get our attention when we turn our backs on Him. God said, I have chosen this place as my dwelling place. The church is the dwelling place of God on the earth.

When the church turns away from God and we suffer for it we must turn back to Him, seek His face, turn from sin and He will hear, forgive and heal us.


This means asking for revelation from God. Lord I can not open this door so I knock on your door, please open up for me the wealth of your wisdom and power.

This Is A Time

To seek His Face. To ask, seek and knock. It is not a time for self indulgence but to pray for His glory to be manifested in our lives.

The Kingdom - Seek His Face

The Kingdom - Seek His Face this message was given on 3-2-08