The Kingdom – Secrets
The Sermon on the Mount is God taking the Law and expanding & applying it to our lives today
The Kingdom
•Operates by principles and laws.
•Can be grasped by people who desire to understand the principles and laws of the Kingdom.
Jesus taught on the secrets of the Kingdom of heaven.
Jesus Was
•The most powerful teacher that ever taught.
•The greatest philosopher of all time.
•The deepest thinker that ever thought.
The Commandments
Exodus 20:3-17
- Don’t have any gods before me
- Don’t make any idols, don’t bow down to them
- Don’t take my name in vain
- Keep the seventh day-unto me
- Honor your father & mother
- Don’t murder
- Don’t commit adultery
- Don’t steal
- Don’t give false testimony
- Don’t covet anyone or anything your neighbor has
The Commandments were fulfilled in Jesus Christ and Jesus expounded on them in the Sermon on the Mount and in other teachings, especially the teachings about the Kingdom.
When I look at the teachings of Jesus I am looking at the very heart and mind of God Almighty.
Kingdom Secrets: Matthew 13:10
The disciples came to him and asked, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?”
He replied, “The knowledge of the secrets of the Kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them.”
Jesus Said:
“Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.”
• Will only be given to those who are hungry for it. Only those who really desire to Know God intimately will be given the secrets of the Kingdom.
• Will not be given to those who do not cherish it. If you are not really hungry for God you will loose what you have.
A parable is short simple story intended to illustrate a moral or religious lesson.
Jesus had more than a religious lesson to convey.
Jesus had secrets of the Kingdom that would allow people to see His power and reign manifested in their daily lives.
Jesus & John
• Preached; “Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is near.” When the King came His Kingdom came with Him. Change must take place in us if we are going to embrace the Kingdom. If we are not willing to change our world view, we will miss the message and power of the Kingdom.
Teaching on the Kingdom
• Always precedes the demonstration of the Kingdom through signs and wonders. This is why we need revelation of the secrets of the Kingdom.
• We first see it then we can understand it and then apply it.
What do we need to grasp the secrets of the Kingdom?
1. Revelation
2. Wisdom
Ephesians 1:17-23
Jesus Addressed:
• Sins of the heart in the Sermon on the Mount such as anger, lust, adultery, divorce, oaths, vengeance, and dealing with enemies.
• The heart of the law.