Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Kingdom: Mercy Over Judgment (notes)

The Kingdom: Mercy Over Judgment


o Is something we are good at. We judge people’s motives and actions.

o Is Something Jesus discouraged.

There Is Coming

A day when God will judge those who rejected Jesus Christ.

A day when Jesus will judge us at the judgment seat of Christ.

What A Critical Spirit does:

It contaminates others

It puts question marks in people’s minds

It allows the accuser of the saints to enter the church

Rev. 12

§ Talks about what the serpent does.

§ He accuses the saints.

§ Says we overcome by the blood of Jesus.

The Original Greek is “krino”

It means to discriminate between good and evil. To condemn. To criticize.

Matthew 7

Do not judge and criticize and condemn others, so that you may not be judged and criticized and condemn yourselves.

We Will

Be judged as we judge others. We will be treated like we treat those who fail.

There Is A Way To restore those who fall

Gal. 6:1 gives the plan:

You who are spiritual…

Restore those who fall…

In a gentle manner!

Believers Fall

All the time!

JESUS needs believers who will not judge the fallen but are willing to restore them back into fellowship.

If We Treat

Fallen believers in a gentle manner, we will be recipients of the same type of treatment if we ever need it.

We Are Not To

Look for the tooth pick in our brother’s eye because there is a two by four in our eye.

Look at other’s faults before we see our faults.

Judge and criticize others or else we will be judged and criticized also.

Principle #1

Don’t criticize and judge others.

Principle #2

Look inward before we look outward

Principle #3

We will be treated in the same manner that we treat others.

Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment

James 2:13 But even in judgment, God is merciful: Or “So be merciful, and you will be shown mercy on the day of judgment.”

2 Cor. 5:10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good of bad.

The Kingdom: Mercy Over Judgment

The Kingdom: Mercy Over Judgment this message was given on 2-24-08

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Kingdom: Hidden Treasure (notes)

The Kingdom: Hidden Treasure

The Secrets

Of the Kingdom of Heaven are to be unlocked for the church in this hour.


Has hidden treasure for the church. There are keys to unlocking the treasure of revelation the Lord has for His people in this hour!


Spend their lifetime trying to accumulate wealth and die with nothing (in Heaven) and leave everything.

There Is

A place where we can store up treasures where moth and rust can not destroy nor where thieves can break in and steal.

That Place Is The Kingdom of Heaven

Where moth and rust can not destroy nor where thieves can break in and steal.

How Can We find that place?

It is a spiritual realm that controls the physical realm. That realm starts in my heart. Where my heart is there will my treasure be. It is my passion. If loving and helping others become better that is where I will put my treasure.


Praying and learning about God should be our passion. That is where we should be our treasure. Then the power of Almighty God will flow into our lives and we will touch others where they have need.

How We Can Store up real treasure?

Giving to the needy.

Tithing to our church.

Investing in Kingdom enterprises.


Talks about our eyes. They are the windows to the soul. If the inside (soul) is pure what we value will be pure. Our words will show what is in our heart and you will see it in how we look at things.

When We Fill

  • Our soul with His Word faith will result. How I talk is a reflection of what I fill my heart with. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Kingdom of Heaven).

Miracles Will Happen

  • In the life of a person who treasures the revelation of God’s plan found in the Word of God.


  • Is not just loving money but loving power, visibility, anything that does not belong to us. People with greed in their heart can not see straight. Greed blinds us from the revelation God wants to give.

Miracles & Faith

  • There are examples of people who believed and saw great signs & wonders.
  • The centurion. (Matt. 8:10)
  • The woman with issue of blood. (Matt. 9:22)
  • The two blind men. (Matt. 9:28-30)

Miracles Are

  • The treasures Jesus desires us to see in this hour.

What Do We Need:

  • Believe
  • Believe
  • Believe

The Kingdom: Hidden Treasure

The Kingdom: Hidden Treasure this message was given on 2-17-08

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Kingdom Prayer (notes)

The Kingdom - Prayer

The Greatest Weapon of the church is prayer


Invades the kingdom of darkness

Is what the church must be do to be a victorious church

Is the greatest gift you can give someone

Was crucial to Jesus

Was the most important aspect of the life of Jesus

Should be the most important part of our life

Jesus First

Addressed our ministry to needy people

Talks about being pure in our motives when we help the needy

When we help the needy, pray or fast we are to do it in private, not to be seen by man but to be seen by God


  • The needy, prayer and fasting are so personal, intimate and special in the Kingdom that God does not want us to be contaminated by selfish ambition.


Prayer is very intimate and personal to God.

A praying Christian is a powerful example of what God will do through people who love God.

A praying Church is a powerful church.

Demons Love

  • when the believer does not value prayer.
  • when the church does not pray.

Prayer Should

  • Not be repetitious and ritualistic
  • Don’t think that you or I will be heard if I repeat the Lord’s Prayer over and over or some other memorized prayer.


Wants us to pray from our hearts.

With the understanding of His will found in His Word.

Revelation of Prayer

Acknowledge our Father

Worship Him in Spirit & Truth

Welcome His Kingdom into our daily lives

Ask for His will to be done in our lives & in the world

Thank Him for His daily provision

Ask for help in overcoming temptation

Ask for forgiveness & practice forgiveness


One of the greatest signs of being a follower of the Lord Jesus is the ability to forgive those who hurt us.

In prayer I must forgive those who have hurt me if I am going to be effective in my prayer life.

The Power of Fasting

It helps us overpower our flesh

It gives us power over demons

It helps to cleanse our spirit and our body from the toxicity of evil

It helps us promote the Kingdom by giving power to our prayers

A Great Prayer Movement always precedes a great move of God in any person or church or nation.

What Do We Need




Kingdom Prayer

Kingdom Prayer this message was given on 2-10-08

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Kingdom Wheat & Weeds (notes)

The Kingdom

Wheat & Weeds

The Secrets of the Kingdom of heaven are to be unlocked for the church in this hour.

The Lord desires the church to unlock the door to the Kingdom of Heaven in this hour. I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven declares the Lord.

Jesus gave a parable of the wheat & weeds in Matthew 13:24-30.

Weeds choke a garden and robs it of important nutrients needed for fruitfulness.

The enemy knows how to steal from the church. He plants false brethren in the church that cause discord, distrust and disloyalty to the leadership of the church and these weeds steal from the church. ( 2 Cor. 11:26, Gal. 2:4)

The Explanation

Jesus Christ is the sower.

The field is the world.

The good seeds are the children of the Kingdom.

The weeds are those planted by the Devil (false brethren).

The harvest is the end of the age.

The harvesters are the angels.

Jesus is planting good seeds in His Kingdom every day in the field-the world while simultaneously the enemy is planting weeds to try to choke out the wheat in the church.

The job of spiritual leadership is to know which people in the church to dedicate time, effort, energy and prayer.

We Are Not to uproot the weeds but let them grow together and at the end of the age the harvesters (angels) will take the weeds and bind them in bundles and throw them into the fire and take the good wheat and put them in His barn.

There Are

People who only use the church for their own selfish gain.

These are like weeds in the Kingdom of Heaven.


Will only be given to those who are hungry for it. Only those who really desire to know God intimately will be given the secrets of the Kingdom.

Will not be given to those who do not cherish it. If you are not really hungry for God you will loose what you have.

The Holy Spirit

Convicts people of sin.

Causes true believers to grow in the Word.

Is at work all over the world today, birthing new babies into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Giving God’s people discernment about false brethren.

Paul Warned

To stay away from those who cause division in the church.

Romans 16:17-20

Teaching On The Kingdom

Always precedes the demonstration of the Kingdom through signs and wonders. This is why we need revelation of the secrets of the Kingdom.

We first see it then we can understand it and then apply it.

What Do We Need to grasp the secrets of the Kingdom?

1. Love

2. Wisdom

3. Behave as people of the light

Romans 13:8-10, Romans 13:11-14, Ephesians 1:17-23.

Jesus Addressed

Sins of the heart in the Sermon on the Mount such as anger, lust, adultery, divorce, oaths, vengeance, and dealing with enemies.

The Kingdom Wheat & Weeds

The Kingdom Wheat & Weeds this message was given on 2-3-08